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united states


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European monarchies form the Quadruple Alliance to suppress democratic revolutions Newly independent nations of Latin America gain the sympathy of the American people Britain and U.S. are alarmed at Russian expansionist aims Britain proposes to issue a joint statement with the U.S. against intervention in Latin America U.S. issues the Monroe Doctrine European monarchies defeat Napoleon in 1815 Simon Bolivar and Jose San Martin lead the independence movement in the Latin American colonies and overthrow Spain Russian tsar announces in 1821 that his empire extends south into Oregon British fear that the Quadruple Alliance may try to suppress Latin American democracies


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Key Events & Causes: War of 1812 Event Date Location Significance Napolean excludes British goods from "fortress Europe" 1806 Europe American ships caught in middle as British respond with blockade. British seize 1000 U.S. ships, French ca. 500. British impress American sailors 1803-1812 High seas British captains took over 10,000 American citizens to man ships. Chesapeake -Leopard fight June 1807 3 miles off Norfolk, Virginia Chesapeake fired on by Leopard after refusing to be boarded. 3 Americans killed, 18 wounded. Embargo Act December 1807 Washington, D.C. Jefferson's attempt at "peaceful coercion" resulted in economic disaster for merchants. War Hawks elected to Congress 1810 U.S.


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Instructions: We will be having a Cabinet meeting with President Washington??You need to know the policies of both Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. You have the handouts with charts that you need to fill out??Be prepared for this discussion Tuesday in class. Federalist Beliefs (former Anti-Federalists) Democratic-Republicans Leader Appealed to Alexander Hamilton John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison Manufacturers, merchants, wealthy and educated?. Favored seaboard cities Farmers and Planters common man Favored the South and West Ideas of Government Strong government over states Loose Construction of Constitution Implied powers Wealthy and educated involved Limit freedoms of speech & press Preferred govt. similar to a king


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Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution ???? The following chart compares some of the provisions of the Articles of Confederation with those in the Constitution. It's important to note that most commentators see the Articles period (1781-1789) as a weak one in terms of governmental power. Whether that is a positive or negative for the United States depends on one's point of view regarding the size and influence of a national government. Some would view the Articles period as the pinnacle of American freedom, while those favoring a strong central government would see it as a failure. ?? ?? Articles of Confederation Constitution Levying taxes Congress could request states to pay taxes Congress has right to levy taxes on individuals Federal courts


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Mining: From Dishpan to Ore Breaker Mining took off in California and soon spread throughout the entire United States, showing a prosperous future for America. The Fourty-Niners flocked out to California and Colorado when gold was discovered and started mining instantly. However, in both situations, the gold ran out very quickly. The Comstock Lode was discovered in Nevada and a fantastic amount of gold and silver was mined, at an estimated $340 million. After surface gold was found, ore-breaking machinery was brought in to make the job easier for everyone. Mining added to American literature with the writings of Bret Harte and Mark Twain. Beef Bonanzas and the Long Drive

critical period vocabulary

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Post-Independence and Critical Period (1789-1800) 73. Judiciary Act of 1789: established federal district courts that followed local procedures, Supreme Court had final jurisdiction; compromise between nationalists and advocates for states? rights 74. Bill of Rights: protected rights of individual from the power of?the central government 75. Bank of the United States: Hamilton?s plan to solve Revolutionary debt, Assumption highly controversial, pushed his?plan through Congress, based on loose interpretation of Constitution 76. Report on Public Credit: proposed by Hamilton to repair war?debts; selling of securities and federal lands, assumption of state debts, set up the first National Bank?

slavery and sectionalism vocabulary

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Slavery and Sectionalism (1845-1860) 136. Nat Turner?s Rebellion: Nat Turner led a slave rebellion in Virginia, attacked many whites, prompted non-slaveholding Virginians to consider emancipation 137. Yeoman Farmers: family farmers who hired out slaves for the harvest season, self-sufficient, participated in local markets alongside slave owners 138. Underground Railroad: network of safe houses of white abolitionists used to bring slaves to freedom Harriet Tubman ? worked alongside Josiah Henson to make repeated trips to get slaves out of the South into freedom 139. ?Wage slaves?: northern factory workers who were discarded when too old to work (unlike the slaves who were still kept fed and clothed in their old age) 140. Nativism: anti-immigrant, especially against Irish Catholics

the civil war vocabulary

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The Civil War (1850-1880) 147. William Seward: Secretary of State under Lincoln and Johnson;?purchase of Alaska ?Seward?s Folly? 148. Compromise of 1850: (1) California admitted as free state, (2) territorial status and popular sovereignty of Utah and New Mexico,(3) resolution of Texas-New Mexico boundaries, (4) federal assumption of Texas debt, (5) slave trade abolished in DC, and (6)new fugitive slave law; advocated by Henry Clay and Stephen A .Douglas ? Fugitive Slave Act ? runaway slaves could be caught in the?North and be brought back to their masters (they were treated as?property ? running away was as good as stealing)

business and labor vocabulary

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Business and Labor: The Gilded Age (1865-1900) & Progressivism and Populism (1900-1920) 168. Andrew Carnegie: achieved an abnormal rise in class system(steel industry), pioneered vertical integration (controlled Mesabie Range to ship ore to Pittsburgh), opposed monopolies, used?partnership of steel tycoons (Henry Clay Frick?as a manager/partner), Bessemer steel process 169. Standard Oil Trust: small oil companies sold stock and authority to Rockefeller?s Standard Oil Company (consolidation), cornered world petroleum market 170. John D. Rockefeller: Standard Oil Company, ruthless business tactics (survival of the fittest)

imperialism vocabulary

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Imperialism (1885-1920) 240. Pan-Americanism: James G. Blaine sought to open up Latin American markets to the U.S.; rejected by Latin America due to fear of U.S. dominance and satisfaction with European market 241. Yellow journalism (Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst)?? aimed to excite American imperialist interests; media bias, subjective representation of events 242. Jingoism: belligerent nationalism against other threatening nations 243. Secretary of State John Hay: ex-Lincoln secretary; worked to gain Open Door Notes? acceptance from the major powers 244. Open Door Policy: sought to eliminate spheres of influence and avoid European monopolies in China; unaccepted by the powers in mind


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