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roger williams

ch3 notes

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Settling the Northern Colonies North and south colonies were very different Different political views Patterns of settlement Economies Moral values Tobacco shaped the southern colonies, religious devotion shaped the northern colonies The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism Martin Luther unknowingly started the Protestant Reformation when he nailed his protests against catholic doctrines to the door of Wittenberg?s cathedral He believed that the Bible was God?s word alone

Understanding of Puritans

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Background of Puritanism 1620 - William Bradford came with a group of individuals from Europe and formed Plymouth Plantation. In the Fall of 1620 there were 101 men, women, and children present. By the Spring of 1621 there were only 50 survivors. 1628 - John Winthrop and followers came over from Europe in order to establish a ?pure? religious movement. The Puritans believed in the innate depravity of man. They also believed that some people were ?predestined? to experience an afterlife with God. Only the ?elect? or ?chosen? were in a good relationship with God. The Puritans believed that God was working in their daily lives. The Puritans would ?search? their daily lives in order to find any symbols from God.

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 IDs and PQs Martin Luther A monk who initiated the Protestant Reformation, leading to Calvinism. John Calvin A Christian reformer whose ideas became dominant in colonial America. visible saints Visible saints were the elect, who would be saved. Their existence was Calvinist. Separatists Separatists were zealous Puritans who vowed to break from Anglicanism. Mayflower Compact An agreement among Pilgrims to form a crude government and abide by majority rule. William Bradford A Puritan governor who upheld the strict Puritan moral code. Plymouth The Pilgrims? colony, which eventually merged with the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Massachusetts Bay Colony Formed by non-Separatist pilgrims, it had the largest number of starting members. Great Puritan migration

puritans in america

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American Puritans strove for over 100 years. James threatened to kill all those who refused to conform to the Church of England. Some members of the Church of England wanted to make the Protestant Reformation a part of people?s everyday life and get rid of all evidence of the Catholic Church. These people were called Puritans. In 190__ the Puritans fled to Holland. They didn?t stay very long, only a few years, because they found their kids were growing up Dutch, not English. So, they got a land grant from the Virginia Company of London to come to America. About 100 Puritans (Pilgrims) sailed from Plymouth England on the Mayflower, and dropped anchor in Massachusetts. This was a little off course, they were supposed to land in Virginia.

US Colonies

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10/29/09 10:14 AM Jessica The New England Conies Who Settled English Pilgrims (Separest) Puritans John Winthrop Reasons for Settlement Religious freedom (broke away from church) Economic reasons Many came for land Proper laws/less power Ways of Making a Living Farming Fishing Trading Industry Ship building Other Facts Self government Document Mayflower compact Triangular trade Traded malestis, rum? Puritans went to war with Native Americans over land Native Americans were sold into slavery by English Roger Williams fled to Rode Island because he thought the government had too much power All religions could live there John Winthrop was the governor of Massachusetts Middle Colonies Who Settled Europeans All religions Dutch English Swedish Quakers Germans Puritans Artisans

American Pageant 14ed Chapter 3 Power point

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Chapter 3 Settling the Northern Colonies 1 ?I. The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism 1517,?Martin Luther?nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral. Luther had several explosive ideas including? The Bible alone was the source of God?s word (not the Bible and the church or pope). People are saved simply by faith in Christ alone (not by faith and good works). His actions ignited the Protestant Reformation. ?I. The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism Cont. John Calvin?preached Calvinism which stressed ?predestination? (those going to Heaven or hell has already been determined by God). Well If already determined then LETS PARTY!!!! Basic doctrines were stated in the 1536 document entitled Institutes of the Christian Religion.

APUSH American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 3 Outline (DETAILED)

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Name Teacher August 14, 2013 AP US History Chapter 3 Settling the Northern Colonies The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism Martin Luther Against Catholicism Denounced authority of priests and popes Declared Bible is only source of God?s word Started the Protestant Reformation John Calvin Calvinism Institutes of the Christian Religion Predestination Cannot be saved from predetermined fate except by conversion Puritans Became unhappy with slow progress of Reformation in England Separatists Wanted to break away from Church of England The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth Separatists Fled England for Holland 1608 Wanted to find a place where they can be English and Purified Protestants Targeted America Mayflower Missed destination, landed at Plymouth Bay

U.S. History from 5,500 B.C. To Before the American Revolution, vocabulary

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U.S. History from 5,500 B.C. to Before the American Revolution History 1302 at Tarrant County College Agricultural revolution 5,500 BCE in Mesoamerica, the southern half of Mexico and Latin America, People became more sedentary and grew crops like maize Tenochtitlan Capital of Aztecs, site of present-day Mexico City, 100,000 people in 1500 Leif Eriksson 11th century, Norse seaman, First European to come to the Americas, around Canada Ponce de Leon 1513 in Florida for the Fountain of Youth Vasco de Gama 1497-1499 Water route to India Marco Polo Returned from Asia with exotic spices, cloths, dyes, exotic tales, Europeans craved trade, but limited by long land trip Ferdinand and Isabela
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