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Algbra 2

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Para prepare para la escuela. Yo me despierto a la seis y media. Primero yo saco la basura. Yo me ducho y como, y despues de yo preparo, mi hermana y yo vamos a la escuela a ocho y media. Durante el dia yo voy a mis clases y yo estudio para las pruebas. Despues de las clases yo jugo tenis Para cena, mi madre cocina o mi familia comen a una restaraunte. Despues de cena, yo termino mi tarea y yo me ducho antes de yo me acosto. Para preparo para acostarse yo pongo mi ropa a cabo para manana.
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Psychology Disorder Part 1

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Outline 589-606 Anxiety Disorders A Condition in which intense feelings of apprehension are long standing and disruptive Phobia An intense irrational fear of an object or situation that is not likely to be dangerous Most prevalent of the anxiety disorders, affecting 7 to 11 perccent f adults of children Social Phobia ? an anxiety disorder involving strong irrational fears relating to social situations Agoraphobia ? an anxiety disorder involving strong fear of being alone or away from the security of home Generalized Anxiety Disorder A condition that involves relatively mild but long lasting anxiety that is not focused on any particular object or situation Become anxious and worried, jumpy and irritable Often accompanying other problems like depression and substance abuse

Cornell Notes Guide

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CORNELL NOTES- Reading notes TEMPLATE NAME OF CHAPTER ( EX- CHAPTER 5, Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution, 1700-1775) NAME OF SECTION BEING NOTED (The Great Game of Politics) QUESTIONS/CUES Questions you have while completing the reading. Ways to remember what you have read. Questions do not always have to directly correspond to the notes in the right column. TEXTUAL NOTES Important dates, people, ideas, concepts, etc discussed within the section. Notes can be in any format (outline, bulleted, sentences, etc) SECTION SUMMARY- Summarize the important concepts at the end of each section. ?What I should know after reading this section?? Tips: Summaries may not always fall at the bottom of the page.

Qin and Han Empire

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Qin And Hun Empire The long reining empires of the Han and the Qin were both great forms of rule that controlled large amounts of people technology and trade such as the advancement from bronze to iron and long distance commerce routes. However, the Qin Empire became successful by establishing state monopolies, to the outside world through extensive trade routes. Both empires fell because of their lack of security and defense from outside nomadic groups such as the Xiongu and Huns.

Women's Rights Outline

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Women?s Rights POLITICAL Women followed England?s example Running in front of horses 1848 ? Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments Organizations: 1869 ? NWSA fighting in Congress b. 1869 - AWSA a. fighting in states c. 1966 ? NOW a. equality in workplace 3. Federal Acts a. 1893 ? CO lets women vote b. 1920 ? 19th Amendment c. 1960 ? FDA approves birth control pills d. 1963 ? Equal Pay Act e. 1973 ? Roe vs. Wade a. safe and legal abortion f. 1978 ? Pregnancy Discrimination Act g. 1994 ? Violence Against Women Act SOCIAL Women?s Role no vote, husband has control, no property unless widowed women are few in the west / have more power 1920?s flappers, new ideas of women seen as deteriorating society


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