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The Albany Plan of 1754

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The 1754 Albany Plan of Union It is proposed that humble application be made for an act of Parliament of Great Britain, by virtue of which one general government may be formed in America, including all the said colonies, within and under which government each colony may retain its present constitution, except in the particulars wherein a change may be directed by the said act, as hereafter follows. That the said general government be administered by a President-General, to be appointed and supported by the crown; and a Grand Council, to be chosen by the representatives of the people of the several Colonies met in their respective assemblies.

Helpful definitions of "The Sasanid Empire and the Rise of Islam"

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The Sassanid empire ant the rise of Islam helpful definitions Shi'ites Muslims belonging to the branch of Islam believing that God vests leadership of the community in a descendant of Muhammad's son-in-law Ali. Shi'ism is the state religion of Iran. (See also Sunnis.) (pp. 225, 531) Sunnis Muslims belonging to branch of Islam believing that the community should select its own leadership. The majority religion in most Islamic countries. (See also Shi'ites.) (p. 225) Sasanid Empire Iranian empire, established ca. 226, with a capital in Ctesiphon, Mesopotamia. The Sasanid emperors established Zoroastrianism as the state religion. Islamic Arab armies overthrew the empire ca. 640. (p. 225) Mecca


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The Horribly Haunted School Margaret Mahy Paolo Geraldez Monty is the main character in this story. Whenever there is a ghost near him he sneezes. Eventually, the ghost shows up because they get annoyed by his sneezing. Lulu (Jessica) is Monty?s ghost friend. She haunts this really old and rusty car. Mr.Sogbucket is a mean, strict, and old-fashioned teacher. He?s a killjoy even for other teachers! Scrunley Flicher is a liar, but not in a bad way. But as he grew, he became more honest. Avery Crispins was a money greedy kid. But as he got older, he wasn?t greedy. He sells food and once gave away almost all of his food free! The setting is The Brinsley Codd School for the sensible thought.


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8/11/10 INTRODUCING ART HISTORY WHAT IS ART??? The word ?Art? comes from the Latin word ? ars? which means skill. Does all art need Skill and Technique? The Greek word for art is ?tekne? which is the English source for ?technique? 8/11/10 WHAT IS ART??? Ancient Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato studied and considered art and beauty in intellectual terms and expected to the study of beauty and truth to lead to universal good. - today 'aesthetics' is a branch of philosophy. Aristotle evaluated works based on imitation (mimesis), how faithfully artists recorded what they saw and the ideas led to development of ?realistic or naturalistic? styles

Early China - Ch.3 AP World History

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Early China Ch.3 AP Worlds Agriculture ? Erratic and restricted moisture South was political and intellectual Potential productive land Demanded intense human labor Shang Empire ? Originated in part of yellow river valley Various cities as capitals > *Anyang King often on road, king looked at as link between people and gods People worshiped male ancestors Divination ? Used to ascertain will of gods before taking actions Sacrifices made to gods and ancestors Sacrifices included, but were not limited to: Burial of kings, killing of animals and humans, killing of women and children Technology Advances- Copper and tin used to make weapons, instruments, and ritual vessels Horse-drawn chariots Pictograms and phonetic symbols Zhou Empire-

Chapter 9 Outline

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Chapter 9 The Confederation and the Constitution 1776-1790 ? The Pursuit of Equality The Continental Army officers formed an exclusive hereditary order called the Society of the Cincinnati. Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom- created in 1786 by Thomas Jefferson and his co-reformers; stated that religion should not be imposed on anybody and that each person decided his/her own faith. The Philadelphia Quakers in 1775 founded the first anti-slavery society. The 1st Continental Congress called for the complete abolition of the slave trade in 1774.? Several northern states went further and either abolished slavery altogether or provided the gradual emancipation of slaves.? No states south of Pennsylvania abolished slavery. ? Constitution Making in the States

Chpt 1 Study Questions

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1) The statement is relatively accurate for the number don't fluctuate intensely within those years. However, after continuous following it is clear that the carrying capacity has been reached.

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