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Devil's Lake National Park Map

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Ski Hi Rd De vil s D el ig ht Rd M ar sh R d G oe tte R d Gall Rd Steinke Rd Solum Ln Kentview Rd O ld L ak e Rd Halwe g Rd Bu rm a Rd South Lake Drive So ut h Sh or e Rd Neuman Rd Tower Rd Tower Rd Park Rd. 12 12 159 113 DL 123 DL 113 113 Tu m ble d Ro ck s Tr ai l ? 1 .0 m i Upland Trail Loop 3.8 mi Steinke Basin Loop 2.4 miEast Bluff Woods Trail and Loop 3.4 mi W es t B lu ff Tr ai l ? 1 .4 m i Group Camp Trail ? .5 mi Sauk Point Trail ? 4.5 mi East Bluff W oods Trail ? 1.3 mi Grottos Trail ? .7 mi Potholes Trail ? .3 mi Devil?s Doorway Trail .1 mi Balanced RockTrail .4 mi CCCTrail .3 mi East Bluff Trail ? 1.7 mi Parfrey?s Glen .7 mi Johnson Moraine Loop 2.8 mi

Was being a wallflower an advantage or a disadvantage for Charlie?

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The Wallflower What is a wallflower? It is what grows only on the outside of the house. Inside the house is life and society. Charlie is a wallflower, but he is not dead. Throughout the book, he is portrayed as a sidekick. He is not the main character, as one would expect him to be; his life revolves around his best friends, Patrick and Sam. The advantages of being a wallflower can be easily analyzed by viewing the relationships they build with family, friends, and drugs. Living on the sidelines as a wallflower is not simply equivalent to invisibility, it creates space for relationships; his characteristic is a disadvantage, because it can be used against him, it is also an advantage, because due to his awkward character, the relationships he develops tend to be unique.

"The Bet" Vocabulary

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Frivolous: person who is carefree and not serious; banker was ?frivolous? Trifle: a thing of little value of importance; ?two millions are a trifle? Audible: able to be heard Immense: extremely large or great; ?immense quantity of books? Fleeting: lasting for a very short time; describing the world Contempt: the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn; banker felt ?contempt for himself? Zealous: marked by interest and enthusiasm; ?studying zealously? Reckoning: the action or process of calculating or estimating something Sensational: very impressive Treatise: written work dealing formally and systematically with a subject Illusory: based on illusion; not real Stifle: suffocate Ethereal: heavenly; too perfect for the world

The Earth and Its Peoples: Chapter 4 Outline (Persia)

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Chapter 1 Outline Stearns AP World

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- AP World History - Stearns Chapter 1 ? From Human Prehistory to the Early Civilizations I. Introduction A. Human origin ? 2.5 million years ago 1. 1/4000 of earth?s existence ? 24 hour day ? last 5 minutes B. Human negatives and positives 1. Aggressiveness, long baby time, back problems, death fears 2. Grip, high/regular sex drive, omnivores, facial expressions, speech C. Paleolithic (Old Stone) Age ? 2.5 million to 12000 BCE 1. Simple tools ? increase in size, brain capacity ? Homo erectus II. Late Paleolithic Developments Homo sapiens sapiens ? 120,000 years ago ? killed off others? Population growth required change ? 1 square mile to hunt/gather for 2 people Long breast feeding ? limit fertility

Imperial Parallels: Rome and Han China

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Imperial Parallels in Rome and Han China Family headed by all-powerful patriarch Strong loyalties bound family members Agriculture: fundamental economic activity Revenues from percentage of annual harvest Depended on free peasantry for military service and forced labor Rulers secured power by breaking the powers of old aristocratic families, seizing land, and doling it out to farmers (kept large tracts for themselves as well) State declined when wealthy noblemen took it back Spread out from ethnically homogeneous core to widespread territories Brought cultural unity to the region Skilled farmers with high crop yields led to population boom Less space ( migration to new territories Advanced Roads Created network of cities and towns


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