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AP Statistics Practice Test

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the earth and its peoples chapter 15 notes

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Chapter Fifteen Vocabulary Thor Heyerdahl(378) ? in 1947 this historian argued that Easter Island and Hawaii were actually settled from the Americas dhows(379) ? seasonal winds known as monsoons were so predictable during this time that these boats were less difficult and dangerous in ancient times than elsewhere Zheng He(380) ? 1371-1433, an imperial eunuch and Muslim, entrusted b the Ming?emperor Yongle with a series of state voyages that took his gigantic ships through the?Indian ocean, from southeast Asia to Africa Chinese ?treasure ships?(381) ? carried rich silks, precious metals, and other valuable?goods intended as gifts for distant rulers; in return, those rulers sent back gifts of equal or?greater value to the Chinese emperor

Why the mongols are a civilization

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Joel Abraham 11-7-11 B4 The Mongol Civilization "All who surrender will be spared; whoever does not surrender but opposed with struggle and dissension, shall be annihilated." These were the ways of the Mongols. A nomadic people who almost conquered the world, some say they weren?t a civilization. But I believe the Mongols were a civilization because they had a government, religions, and social classes. One of the characterizations of a civilization is the government. The government of the Mongols was like a monarchy. According to THE EARTH AND ITS PEOPLES there god. The Mongols khan was also their military leader. He often devised military schemes and campaigns and led the army out in battle. The government of the Mongols

Why the mongols are a civilization

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Joel Abraham 11-7-11 B4 The Mongol Civilization "All who surrender will be spared; whoever does not surrender but opposed with struggle and dissension, shall be annihilated." These were the ways of the Mongols. A nomadic people who almost conquered the world, some say they weren?t a civilization. But I believe the Mongols were a civilization because they had a government, religions, and social classes. One of the characterizations of a civilization is the government. The government of the Mongols was like a monarchy. According to THE EARTH AND ITS PEOPLES there god. The Mongols khan was also their military leader. He often devised military schemes and campaigns and led the army out in battle. The government of the Mongols

TRIG Identities Chapter 5

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Copyright ? 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley 5.1-* 5 Trigonometric Identities Copyright ? 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley Copyright ? 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley 5.1-* 5.1 Fundamental Identities 5.2 Verifying Trigonometric Identities 5.3 Sum and Difference Identities for Cosine 5.4 Sum and Difference Identities for Sine and Tangent 5.5 Double-Angle Identities 5.6 Half-Angle Identities 5 Trigonometric Identities Copyright ? 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley Copyright ? 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley 1.1-* 5.1-* Fundamental Identities 5.1 Fundamental Identities ? Using the Fundamental Identities Copyright ? 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley 1.1-* Copyright ? 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley 1.1-* 5.1-* Fundamental Identities Reciprocal Identities Quotient Identities

Immigration Essay

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Immigration Essay Immigration has been an issue in our country since the birth of our nation. Some of the first immigrants to America were fleeing religious persecution and freedom from England and Sweden. These individuals were known as ?old immigrants? they were the original immigrants that came to America seeking freedom in the new world. As America grew in size and popularity, waves of ?new immigrants? primarily from southern and eastern Europe came to the new world seeking better lives, jobs, and freedom. . During the ?new? immigration era, America had a very relaxed policy toward immigration. I think this was a good thing for America because without it we wouldn?t be the country we are today.

Labor Union DBQ

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Labor Union DBQ A union is the joining of two or more things to make a whole. More specifically, a labor union is an organization of wage earners for aid, protection and dealing collectively with employers. The workers in these labor unions were part of Organized Labor and were considered a political force. During the period of 1875 to 1900, Organized Labor began to rise in America. Despite Organized Labor?s attempts to improve the position of the working man, it failed to fully deliver on its promises due to disputes over differences among the various unions, failure to improve workers? financial situations and the inherent weaknesses within the unions themselves.

19th Century- Latin America and Nationalism

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19th c. Latin America Inspired by success of American Rev & ideals of the French Rev ?local elites want 2 remove European presence & keep social status, church helps, juntas economic underdevelopment=need 4 europes cash. Haiti: fr. Colony, fr. Indep= colored vs elite. Pierre Toussaint L?Ouverture leads, yellow fever=dead French Brazil: Portuguese royal court exiled=son declares indep. Jose de San Martin=indep (argentina, chile, peru) Simon Bolivar helps San Martin, uses british troops to expel spaniards, Gran Columbia(failed) Mexico: silver, attempt at rebellion (fail)=ideas treaty of cordoba (Mexican indep) New govs r weak= caudillos (strongmen), underdeveloped=need European cash, land ownership =power New Imperialism: 19th ? 20th century

U.S. History timelines (Slavery, Bank of the United States, Growth of the US, Civil War Battles, Supreme Court Cases)

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Semester exam timelines Growth of the u.s. map -1803- Louisiana purchase- Louisiana territory and west florida -convention of 1818- northern boundary of Louisiana territory- 49th parallel from lake of woods to rocky mountains -1819- Adams-onis/step-boundary/transcontinental treaty- florida, gained a claim to Oregon but gave up a claim to texas -1842- webster-ashburton treaty- set boundary of maine, and great lakes to lake of woods -1845- texas annexed by joint resolution -1846- buchanan-packenham treaty- 49th parallel extended from rockies to coast. -1848- treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo- texas boundary=rio grande, Mexican cession (NM, CA) -1853- Gadsden purchase- southern section or Arizona and new mexico Slavery controversy Pre-constitution Northwest ordinance- no slavery


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