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Organic Chemistry Lecture 2

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Chapter 2 ? 2010, Prentice Hall Organic Chemistry, 7th Edition L. G. Wade, Jr. Structure and Properties of Organic Molecules Chapter 2 * Wave Properties of Electrons Standing wave vibrates in fixed location. Wave function, ?, is a mathematical description of size, shape, and orientation. Amplitude may be positive or negative. Node: Amplitude is zero. Chapter 2 Chapter 2 * Wave Interactions Linear combination of atomic orbitals: between different atoms is bond formation. on the same atom is hybridization. Conservation of orbitals Waves that are in phase add together. Amplitude increases. Waves that are out of phase cancel out. Chapter 2 Chapter 2 * Sigma Bonding Electron density lies between the nuclei. A bond may be formed by s?s, p?p, s?p, or hybridized orbital overlaps.


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Biologie UNI?: chapitre 2 : Macromol?cules La composition d?une cellule animale?70% d?eau et 30% de substances chimiques?: 18% de prot?ines 5% de lipides 2% de polysaccharides 1,3% d?acides nucl?iques 4 % de ions et petits m?tabolites La chimie constitutive des cellules est tr?s similaire dans toutes les cellules vivantes. Les macromol?cules de la cellule sont des polym?res qui sont form?s par la liaison covalente entre de petites mol?cules organiques pour former de longues cha?nes de mol?cules. Sous unit?s = monom?res macromol?cules = polym?res Sucre ? polysaccarides Nucl?otides ? acides nucl?ique Acide amin? ? prot?ines (polypeptide) Acides gras, glyc?rol ? lipides

Chemistry Study Guide

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Chemistry Final Study Guide Chapter 1- Matter and Change Chemistry - is the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter, the processes that matter undergoes, and the energy changes that accompany these processes. Chemical ? any substance with a definite composition. Mass ? measure of the amount of matter Matter ? anything that takes up space Atom ? the smallest unit of an element that maintains the chemical identity of that element Element - pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler, substances and is made of one type of atom Compound ? a substance that can be broken down into simple stable substances. Each compound is made from the atoms of two or more elements that are chemically bonded

Pearson Biology Guided Reading Answers Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: The Molecules of Cells Copyright ? 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. 15 Name ________________________ Period _________ # 152826 Cust: Pearson Au: Reece Pg. No. 15 Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e C / M / Y / K Short / Normal DESIGN SERVICES OF S4-CARLISLE Publishing Services Chapter 3: The Molecules of Cells Guided Reading Activities Big idea: Introduction to organic compounds Answer the following questions as you read modules 3.1?3.3: 1. Is this molecule an organic compound? Briefly explain your answer. OHH C HH C H H Alcohol 2. We are a carbon-based life form. List three properties of carbon that make it an ideal element from which to construct a wide variety of complex molecules.

Pearson Biology Guided Reading Answers Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The Chemical Basis of Life 8 Copyright ? 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. name ________________________ Period _________ # 152826 Cust: Pearson Au: Reece Pg. No. 8 Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e C / M / Y / K Short / Normal DESIGN SERVICES OF S4-CARLISLE Publishing Services Chapter 2: The Chemical Basis of Life Guided Reading Activities Big idea: Elements, atom, and compounds Answer the following questions as you read modules 2.1?2.4: 1. Match the following terms with their correct definitions: matter, trace element, emergent properties, element, and compound. a. A substance required by humans in small quantities: _____________

Sample Syllabus

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AP Biology 2014- 2015 Textbooks/Resources Reece, Jane et al., Campbell Biology, 9th Edition. Benjamin Cummings, 2011 [CR1] Martha R. Taylor; Student Study Guide for Biology. 2011 9th ed.; The Benjamin/ Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. Fred W. Holtzclaw; Theresa Knapp Hltzclaw; AP * Test Prep Series AP* Biology. 8th ed.;- To accompany Biology Campbell/Reece; Pearson, Prentice Hall 2008 AP Biology Lab Manual, Revised 2001; TheCollege Board AP Program AP Biology Investigative Labs: an Inquiry Based Approach, The College Board, 2012 Eduweblabs.com, LabBench.com Course Overview (Adapted from the AP Biology Sample Syllabus 3 and 4, College Board)

Pearson Guided Reading Activities KEY CH3

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Chapter 3: The Molecules of Cells Copyright ? 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. 15 Name ________________________ Period _________ # 152826 Cust: Pearson Au: Reece Pg. No. 15 Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e C / M / Y / K Short / Normal DESIGN SERVICES OF S4-CARLISLE Publishing Services Chapter 3: The Molecules of Cells Guided Reading Activities Big idea: Introduction to organic compounds Answer the following questions as you read modules 3.1?3.3: 1. Is this molecule an organic compound? Briefly explain your answer. OHH C HH C H H Alcohol 2. We are a carbon-based life form. List three properties of carbon that make it an ideal element from which to construct a wide variety of complex molecules.

Pearson Guided Reading Activities KEY CH2

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Chapter 2: The Chemical Basis of Life 8 Copyright ? 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. name ________________________ Period _________ # 152826 Cust: Pearson Au: Reece Pg. No. 8 Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e C / M / Y / K Short / Normal DESIGN SERVICES OF S4-CARLISLE Publishing Services Chapter 2: The Chemical Basis of Life Guided Reading Activities Big idea: Elements, atom, and compounds Answer the following questions as you read modules 2.1?2.4: 1. Match the following terms with their correct definitions: matter, trace element, emergent properties, element, and compound. a. A substance required by humans in small quantities: _____________

AP Biology - What makes up life

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All living things are made up of four classes of large biological molecules: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins nucleic acids Macromolecules are large molecules composed of thousands of covalently connected atoms Molecular structure and function are inseparable A polymer is a long molecule consisting of many similar building blocks These small building-block molecules are called monomers Three of the four classes of life?s organic molecules are polymers: Carbohydrates Proteins Nucleic acids A condensation reaction or more specifically a dehydration reaction occurs when two monomers bond together through the loss of a water molecule Enzymes are macromolecules that speed up the dehydration process

5.1: Energy and World of Life Notes

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Kavya Immanni Mrs.Rothfuss Honors Biology I / 3B 2, February 2017 5:1 Energy and the World of Life Notes I. Energy Disperses A. First law of thermodynamics:? Energy cannot be created or destroyed B. Energy can be converted into different forms C. Potential energy:? capacity to cause change because of where an object is located or how parts are arranged 1. Example: ATP has P.E. because of the chemical bonds that hold its atoms in certain arrangements. In muscle cells, the chemical energy of ATP is transferred to myosin. ATP is converted to kinetic energy D. Kinetic Energy: ?energy of motion E. Energy tends to disperse spontaneously, each form of energy disperses until no part of a system holds more energy than it


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