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Ancient Rome

Cold case prep answers

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Roman Republic - Cold Case Caesar - Prep 1) According to the introduction, when did Rome begin to acquire large number of slaves? 2) Why did Romans need slave labor? 3) How did slave labor affect the small farmers? The Reformers 1) Define the Word: Reform 2) What problem did Tiberius Gracchus have with how soldiers were treated upon their end of service to Rome? 3) How did he want to solve this problem? 4) Why was Tiberius killed? 5) Do you think what happened to his body was justified? Explain 6) How did Gaius Gracchus try to find justice for his brother? 7) Why did Gaius want to give citizenship to non-Romans? 8) How did Gaius plan to give land to the poor? 9) Why was Gaius the subject of rumor? 10) Why do you think Gaius took his own life?

Julius Caesar

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Julius Caesar was killed by Brutus and other roman counsel members.
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AP European History - The Roman Empire (60 BCE-160 CE) [General Summary]

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By 47 BCE Caesar had won the civil war against Pompei, and soon became dictator, planning a major reconstruction of republican government. He was assassinated in 44, however, by a conspiracy of senators acting to save the Republic. Marcus Antonius then stepped forward as major claimant to power, while the Senate coalesced around Octavian, an heir listed in Caesar's will. After indecisive battles, the two put off final conflict in a second triumvirate, including Lepidus. Finally, the former two broke, and in 30 BCE, Octavian defeated Mark Antony at Actium. In the next twenty years, Octavian (now named Augustus) created the Principate, a new form of Roman government giving increased powers to a non-elective Princeps who would evolve into Emperor by the mid-first century CE.


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Roman Empire Identifications Theodosius I 347-395 Roman Emperor who reunited the eastern and western portions of the empire The last emperor to rule a united empire but following death, two parts split up permanently Made Christianity official religion and recruited barbarians for the army Pontifex Maximus Literally meant ?Greatest Bridge Maker? High priest of Rome and the most important position in Roman religion Arcadius 377-408 Son of Theodosius I and brother of Honorius Roman Emperor in the Eastern half Honorius 384-423 Younger brother of Arcadius and younger son of Theodosius I Roman Emperor whose main general was Stilicho, who helped maintain temporary stability and protection from barbarians Colonus A type of Roman peasant farmer

Persuasion of Mark Antony in Julius Caesar

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How far can knowledge extend until it totally corrupts a man? The usage of knowledge cannot only be beneficial, but it can change the mind of society. Within the novel Julius Caesar, Mark Antony uses constant repetition in order to induce a contradicting emotional reaction from the plebeians that challenges the conspirators? motives of murder.

Fall of Rome

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he fall of Ancient Rome started from about AD 190. The Roman Empire was attacked by tribes such as the Goths and the Vandals. Civil wars in parts of the empire further weakened the rule of Rome and respect for Roman law dwindled as a result. Why was the empire attacked by fierce tribes people? Tribes such as the Goths wanted to move south into parts of Europe that experienced a better climate that would assist their farming. This could only bring them into conflict with the Romans. At about AD 190, Rome also experienced a succession of poor emperors who simply were not capable of doing the job.

Fall of Rome

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he fall of Ancient Rome started from about AD 190. The Roman Empire was attacked by tribes such as the Goths and the Vandals. Civil wars in parts of the empire further weakened the rule of Rome and respect for Roman law dwindled as a result. Why was the empire attacked by fierce tribes people? Tribes such as the Goths wanted to move south into parts of Europe that experienced a better climate that would assist their farming. This could only bring them into conflict with the Romans. At about AD 190, Rome also experienced a succession of poor emperors who simply were not capable of doing the job.

Roman empire ch 6

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507-31 bce: roman republic. Started by brutus who deposed of tyrannic ruler Superbus and instituted a "res publica." then fall of republic and octavian ruled as a princep. Ended 100 years of civil war amd reorganized the roman state augustus was one of the roman principate and was very popular. He unified roman empire. Rulers after him were not as talented as him romanization rise of christianity technology: aqueducts and system of roads

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Earth and its People Chap Five Outline

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CHAPTER 5 An Age of Empires: Rome and Han China, 753?b.c.e.?330 c.e. I. Rome?s Creation of a Mediterranean Empire, 753 b.c.e.?330 c.e. A. Geography and Resources 1. Italy and Sicily are at a crossroads of the Mediterranean and serve as a link between Africa and Europe. Rome is at a crossroads of the Italian peninsula. 2. Italy?s natural resources included navigable rivers, forests, iron, a mild climate, and enough arable land to support a large population of farmers whose surplus product and labor could be exploited by the Roman state. B. A Republic of Farmers, 753?31 b.c.e.


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