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Connexions module: m14358 1 The Psychology Of Emotions, Feelings and Thoughts ? Mark Pettinelli This work is produced by The Connexions Project and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License ? Abstract This book puts forth the idea that life is divided into three groups, emotion, thinking, and feeling. These three groups make humans feel in certain ways, thinking, physical stimulus, and emotion all contribute to feeling. But what is the di?erence between a thought, an emotion, and a feeling? Is there an overlap between the three? Probably, since any emotion can be broken down into the sensations and real events that caused it, and these events all lead to emotions, feelings and thoughts. So emotions,

Cognitve Dissonance

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Cognitive Dissonance: (irreconcilable ideas): The adjustment of one?s beliefs/thoughts/ideas to fit one?s behavior. Leon Festinger: (Born: May 8, 1919) Theories: dramatic increase in Proselytizing: (desperate defense mechanism used when beliefs are proven to be false.)? ? such an obvious failure is Counterintuitive. Reasoning: the distance between one/s beliefs & reality is highly uncomfortable. Experiments: 1. Paid subjects 20$ to lie& paid different only 1$.? ? Found that subjects that were paid less were more likely than the subjects who were paid 20$ to say that they actually believed the lies. Festinger?s hypothesis: Subjects brought beliefs in line with behavior. Cognitive Dissonance Theory Suggest:

Psychology Chapter 3: The Biological Bases of Behavior

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The Neural Impulse: Using Energy to Send Information pg75 • Neuron At Rest -The Neuron at rest is a small battery, from the uneven Ion charges from the fluid around it of Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K). -Resting Potential – The Stable, Negative Charge when the Cell is inactive. •The Action Potential - Action Potential – A very brief shift in a Neuron’s electrical charge that travels along an axon. -Absolute Refractory Period – Minimum length of time after an action potential during which another action potential cannot begin. Only about 1 or 2 Milliseconds. -All-Or-None Law – Neural Impulses either Fire or don’t fire. There is no Half-Fire. A faster Rate of transmission means a stronger Stimulus. •The Synapse

Chapter 8 Psychology outline

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Chapter 09 - Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time via the storage and retrieval of info Flashbulb memory: a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event; San Francisco residence recalling 1989 Earthquake Human memory like a computer 1. Get info into our brain ?encoding: processing of info into memory system?2. Retain info ?storage: retention of encoded info over time?3. Get it back later ?retrieval: process of getting into out of memory storage Humans store vast amounts of info in long-term memory: relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Short-term memory: activated memory that holds few items briefly; phone number just dial Encoding: Getting Information In

Psychology: Themes and Variations, by Wayne Weiten, 7th Edition Textbook Chapter 15 notes

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Myers Chapter 5 vocabulary

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Sensation: the process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energies from our environment. Perception: the process of organizing and interpreting sensory information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events. Bottom-up processing: analysis that begins with the sense receptors and works up to the brain’s integration of sensory information. Top-down processing: information processing guided by higher-level mental processes, as when we construct perceptions drawing on our experience and expectations. Psychophysics: the study of relationships between the physical characteristics of stimuli, such as their intensity, and our psychological experience of them.

Sensation Perception

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Sensation and Perception 183 PSYCHOLOGY: Exploring Behavior Chapter: Sensation and Perception Sensation and Perception Sensation versus Perception Psychophysics and Thresholds Vision USING PSYCHOLOGY: Color Visual receptor: The Eye Operation of the Eye Eye Problem: Color Blindness Hearing Operation of the Ear Ear Problem: Deafness Chemical senses?Smell and Taste Chemical Senses Receptors: The Nose and Taste Buds Operation of the Chemical Senses Other senses: Skin Other Senses: Balance and Body Position Perception Figure-ground Perception The Wholeness of Figure Perception Perceptual Grouping Perception and Attention Stimulus Variation and Perception


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