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Modern history

Strayer Note Outline

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? PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT ?12? [[Chapter 20: Colonial Encounters, 1750?1914]] [[RESOURCE TYPE: Note Taking]] CHAPTER 20: Colonial Encounters, 1750?1914 A Second Wave of European Conquests Under European Rule Cooperation and Rebellion Colonial Empires with a Difference Ways of Working: Comparing Colonial Economies Economies of Coercion: Forced Labor and the Power of the State Economies of Cash-Crop Agriculture: The Pull of the Market Economies of Wage Labor: Working for Europeans Women and the Colonial Economy: An African Case Study Assessing Colonial Development Believing and Belonging: Cultural Change in the Colonial Era Education Religion ?Race? and ?Tribe? Reflections: Who Makes History? Documents?Considering the Evidence: Indian Responses to Empire

ap euro

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I. The European States A. Enlightened Absolutism? B. The Atlantic Seaboard States 1. France: The Problems of the French Monarchs 2. Great Britain: King and Parliament 3. The Decline of the Dutch Republic C. Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe 1. Prussia: The Army and the Bureaucracy 2. The Austrian Empire of the Habsburgs 3. Russia under Catherine the Great 4. The Destruction of Poland D. The Mediterranean World 1. Portugal 2. The Italian States E. The Scandinavian States F. Enlightened Absolutism Revisited II. Wars and Diplomacy A. The War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) B. The Seven Years? War (1756-1763) 1. Conflict in Europe 2. War in India 3. The French and Indian War C. European Armies and Warfare

Between WW1 and WW2

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Between the Wars After WWI global problems still remained Treaty of Versailles punished Germany and made them bitter League of Nations had little power Old empires collapsed New nations came into being Nationalism continued to cause conflict Worldwide depression Fascism, new kind of dictatorship, arose in Italy and Germany New European Countries Both the Ottoman and the Austro-Hungarian empires collapsed after World War I Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Austria, and Hungary became new nations formed out of the old empires Worldwide Depression After WWI, economic problems emerged in Europe Returning soldiers needed jobs Nations had war debts to pay Cities had to be rebuilt


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AP* EDITION|THE EARTH AND ITS PEOPLE: A GLOBAL HISTORY CHAPTER 16 Larger Concept Section Review Vocabulary Terms Details CULTURE AND IDEAS Early Reformation -Outraged by corrupt church practices, reformers like Luther and Calvin challenged papal authority and traditional Catholic theology European Renaissance-period of intense artistic and intellectual activity, said to be a ?rebirth? of Greco-Roman culture Papacy- central administration of the Roman Catholic Church, of which the Pope is the head Indulgence- the forgiveness of the punishment due for past sins, granted by the Catholic Church authorities as a reward for a pious act

The American & British Views

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Alondra Guzman Pd.2/AP US History 9.28.12 The American & British Views The French and Indian War, was a prerevolutionary extension of the Seven Years War that seized Europe from 1756 until 1763. It was known as the bloodiest American war in the 18th century and took more lives than the American Revolution. The war was the consequence of an imperial struggle, wealth and the clash between the French and English over the colonial territory. This war was seen as the product of the center of rivalry between the British and the French colonists. The American and the British had very distinct views regarding the results on the French and Indian war.

Ch. 22/23 AP World History (The Earth and It's Peoples)

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CHAPTER 22 Revolutionary Changes in the Atlantic World, 1750–1850 I. Prelude to Revolution: The Eighteenth-Century Crisis A. Colonial Wars and Fiscal Crises 1. Rivalry among the European powers intensified in the early 1600s as the Dutch attacked Spanish and Portuguese possessions in the Americas and in Asia. In the 1600s and 1700s the British then checked Dutch commercial and colonial ambitions and went on to defeat France in the Seven Years War (1756–1763) and take over French colonial possessions in the Americas and in India.

Revolutionary Mothers

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In her book, ?Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America?s Independence,? Carol Belkin describes in great detail the role of women during the war and the long term impact of their participation. Women not only actively helped to fight and serve as nurses and spies, they also kept the businesses and farms running so that when the war was over, they and their husbands and sons would be able to return to a normal life. They had to manage to survive severe shortages of household materials, food, and basic supplies. Spiraling inflation meant four months of a soldier?s wages could not even purchase a barrel of wheat. After the war, women for the most part returned to their roles as wives and mothers, under the rule of their spouse.

Pre-American Revolution era notes

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Revolutionary War

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The Americans won the Revolutionary War and gained independence. They used the Declaration of Independence to gain supporters and the war ended with the Treaty of Paris.
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