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Pennsylvania in the American Civil War

Understanding the Primary Text

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Understanding the Primary Text 1. Why does Lincoln begin his eulogy to the soldiers buried at Gettysburg with a reference to "Four score and seven years ago"? Because 87 years ago was the Declaration of Independence, it was to remind them/you of what they're fighting for, which is freedom. 2. Why does Lincoln at Gettysburg call human equality a "proposition," meaning something that needs to be proven? Because not everyone is free, it's an idea but it needs to be proven that all men are created equally. 3. What does Lincoln mean by calling the Civil War a test of the ability of the nation to "long endure"? If they can survive this civil war and still stay as a union, they will stay a union.

History Alive! Chapter 10 Study Guide

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Study Guide for Chapter 10 The Civil War Key Content Terms Define and explain the significance of each Key Content Term listed below. Anaconda Plan Emancipation Proclamation Gettysburg Address Sherman?s March to the Sea Draft riots Copperheads Bread riot 54th Massachusetts Regiment Key Content Questions Consult History Alive! Pursuing American Ideals and your reading notes to answer the following questions. What were the key elements of the Union?s Anaconda Plan? Explain the significance of the battles of Antietam and Gettysburg. What contributions did women make to the war effort? Give three examples of women who played a role in the war.

AP 22 Docs

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AP 22 Docs Read the following documents to accompany chapter 22 in?The American Pageant. Complete the described assignment for each of the documents. [Please note that if you are unable to complete all of the assignments, you should submit what you can for partial credit.] 1. 1865?Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution Read in preparation for class. 2. 1866?Acton-Lee Letters. Read and record your observations on this exchange between these men.?In writing make note of the attitudes of Acton and his response to the outcome of the American Civil War. What stands out in Lee's reply? 3. 1868?Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution Read in preparation for class. 4. 1870?Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
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