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19th century in the United States

Understanding the Primary Text

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Understanding the Primary Text 1. Why does Lincoln begin his eulogy to the soldiers buried at Gettysburg with a reference to "Four score and seven years ago"? Because 87 years ago was the Declaration of Independence, it was to remind them/you of what they're fighting for, which is freedom. 2. Why does Lincoln at Gettysburg call human equality a "proposition," meaning something that needs to be proven? Because not everyone is free, it's an idea but it needs to be proven that all men are created equally. 3. What does Lincoln mean by calling the Civil War a test of the ability of the nation to "long endure"? If they can survive this civil war and still stay as a union, they will stay a union.

APUSH CH 14 Western expansion and market economy

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Westward Expansion, Pioneers Development of American Character and Culture TLO: American and National Identity Westward Expansion -Manifest Destiny - Annexation of Texas -Mexican-American War (Guadalupe-Hidalgo Treaty) Government Role Gov helped facilitate western expansion thru funding of infrastructure that connected unsettled west to the eastern side of the country -American System (although it didn?t actually do it, state governments eventually did the job of creating better infrastructure (roads etc) that the american system was partially intended for) Opportunity! The opportunities provided by the west produced incentives for more westward migration Livestock farming thrived thanks to bluegrass Fur trapping was rewarding for the first few decades

Frederick Douglass Speech Analyzes the Failures of Reconstruction, 1883

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Frederick Douglass (1883?) "The Serfs of Russia...Were Given Three Acres of Land"??? In this speech, given many years after Reconstruction ended, Douglass laments the development of sharecropping in the South, and links it to the failure of land confiscation in Reconstruction. Sharecropping arose as the freedmen continued to resist gang labor and conditions resembling plantation conditions.???

Frequently Asked MC Questions

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8 May 2003 (updated) AP U.S. History Exam Review Frequently Asked MCQs MCQs on the following topics frequently appear on the ?real? exam. Be sure to understand the concepts behind the terms. 1. Puritan motive (build a city on a hill, i.e. provide a model) 2. Motive of those settling Virginia (seek profit) 3. 1st Great Awakening (Ivy League colleges founded by New Lights) 4. Deism 5. Albany Congress, 1754 (Franklin, first attempt to unite colonies ? failed) 6. Legal rights of women (Colonial Era) 7. Stamp Act / Stamp Congress 8. Slavery in pre-independence times 9. Indentured servants (all the rage prior to slavery) 10. Proclamation of 1763 11. Articles of Confederation

Practice Test 1.9

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PRACTICE TEST 1.9 01. The first nationality excluded from immigrating to the United States was the (A) Japanese (B) Mexicans (C) Chinese (D) Haitians (E) Ottoman Turks. 02. The basic viewpoint of the U.S. Supreme court in the 1920's was to (A) Uphold the anti trust laws (B) favor the position of organized labor (C) overturn progressive laws (D) support the government involvement in business (E) refuse to consider cases involving labor disputes. 03. The American Anti-slavery movement split in 1840 largely over the issue of (A) the participation of women (B) gradual vs. immediate emancipation (C) civil rights for free blacks in the North (D) Support for the black abolitionists (E) backing for Martin Van Buren for President.
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