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History of the United States

Questions on Chapter 2: The Constitution

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Roman Caposino September 3rd-9th, 2013 Chapter II Questions AP Government/Politics At the time of the Revolution, most colonists believed that English politicians tended to be corrupt, and therefore the English constitution by which these politicians governed was not an adequate guarantee of the liberty of the citizens. Colonists believed that their rights and liberties were supplied by God, and included life, liberty, and property. To the colonists, the revolution was a war of political liberties rather than economic issue. The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation: The government could not levy taxes or regulate commerce. Each state retained its sovereignty and independence.

american pagent ch 20-22 vocab

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Diana Chetnik 12-14-13 Vocab APUSH Chapter 21 Abraham Lincoln- Became president on March 4th, 1861, and seven states left the Union. In his inaugural address he stated that secession was impractical. Fort Sumter- On April 12th, 1861 South Carolina attacked Fort Sumter and started the Civil War. Lincoln called for 75,000 soldiers. ?Mountain White?- nickname given to West Virginia Border states ? States of Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia that could potentially secede. Contained a white population more than half of the Confederacy and could have almost doubled the manufacturing capacity of the South and increase the number of mules and horses by half.

american pagent ch 29&30 vocab

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Diana Chetnik 1-3-14 CH 29&30 vocab PERIOD 7 Chapter 29 ?Yellow Press?- (?yellow journalism?) Established by Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. It influenced overseas expansion. Our Country: It?s Possible Future and Its Present Crisis- Reverend Josiah Strong influenced missionaries to expand overseas by speaking about civilizing and Christianizing savages in this novel. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783- Book by Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan in 1890 that argued that every successful nation had a great navy, and started a naval race among the great powers and moving the U.S. to naval supremacy. ?Big Sister? policy- Sought for better relations with Latin America and was established by James G. Blaine.

american pagent ch 19&20 vocab

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Diana Chetnik 12-3-13 Vocab Ch. 19&20 APUSH Chapter 19 Wilmot Proviso- Prohibited slavery in the territories acquired in the Mexican War. Ominously- Giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen Popular sovereignty- The doctrine that stated that the people of the territory should themselves determine the status of slavery. General Lewis Cass- ?father of popular sovereignty? A veteran of 1812, senator and diplomat. Was chosen to be the Democratic candidate. Democratic National Convention- took place in Baltimore and was when Cass was chosen to represent the Democrats Zachary Taylor- Nominated by the Whigs to be their candidate in the election. Won the Election of 1848. Died suddenly in 1850.

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 3

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Persons of Mean and Vile Condition Bacon?s Rebellion Began with a conflict over how to deal with the Indians Poorer whites were pushed to settle at the frontier, closer to the Indians This provided a buffer between elite whites and Indians Poorer whites wanted to get rid of the Indians The relationship between the Indians and the settlers was not good The situation was not being handled well so a rebellion ensued Among those following Nathaniel Bacon, were blacks II. Treatment of lower classes Those who got caught begging could be whipped and sent out of the country in England Many poorer people flocked to America in hope of better living conditions The only way they could be able to afford transport to America was to sell themselves out as indentured servants

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 4

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Tindall Ch 4 outline The Imperial Perspective English Administration of the colonies English colonies had some degree of self-governance, so they had a sense of more rights. English civil war from 1642-1646 also gave the colonies a break from royal control. In 1651-1663, three Navigation Acts were passed, restricting the colonies? trade to just England. The Lords of Trade was established in 1675 to enforce the Navigation Act. Edward Randolph tried to enforce the Navigation Act in Massachusetts. Massachusetts declared the Navigation Act invalid in 1678 and therefore the charter of Massachusetts was canceled by the Lords of Trade in 1684 and became a royal colony. Charles II dies in 1685. His brother James II takes over as the first Catholic ruler since 1558.

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Tindall Outline From Empire to Independence The Power of England The Treaty of Paris in 1763 kicked the French out of North America and made England more powerful. King George III took power in 1760. The Heritage of War Though both the colonies and England celebrated the victory of the Great War, problems were brewing; colonists were starting to develop a sense of nationalism. The brutal acts committed within the British army horrified Americans and further widened the gap between the colonies and England. Lots of new British burdens: debt from the war, managing the Native Americans, what to do with the colonies, and how to keep them from illegally trading. British Politics

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 7

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Tindall Ch7 Outline Shaping a Federal Union The Confederation Congress within the confederation had very little power to do anything. Was still able to negotiate the Treaty of Paris in 1783 and created three departments, Foreign Affairs, Finance, and War. Robert Morris, superintendent of Finance created the Bank of North America (1781). Did not really work because of fear of central authority, and Congress was always lacking money. Land in the west all went under the ownership of Congress, and they set rules for how each territory could become a state. The Land ordinance of 1785 planned how land would be distributed and sold. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 put new requirements on achieving statehood.

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 10

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Tindall Ch 10 outline Nationalism and Sectionalism Economic Nationalism After the War of 1812 Madison strengthens government and national power. In 1816, created a new National Bank chartered fro twenty years. Started creating a National Road from the Atlantic Coast to Ohio in 1815. Henry Clay promoted economic nationalism, wanted higher tariffs, higher prices for federal lands, and a strong national bank to ensure economic growth. Lots of support and opposition towards this plan. Good Feelings James Monroe was elected president in 1816. Very traditional Republican, did not really promote economic nationalism, but his administration did, making him very popular, dominating the 1820 election also.


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