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Ecology practice test

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5. A cc lim at io n S ? ? M U LT IP LE C H O IC E: Ch oo se th e on e be st an sw er . 1. W hi ch le ve l o f e co lo gy c o n si de rs e n e rg y flo w an d ch em ic al cy cl in g? a, c o m m u n ity b. ec o sy st em c. o rg an is m al d. po pu la tio n e. ab io tic 2. W hi ch o f th e fo llo w in g w o u ld be le as t tr ue o f a re gu la to r? a. It ca n liv e in a v a ria bl e cl im at e be ca us e o f its ho m eo st at jc m ec ha ni sm s. b. It m a y ha ve a la rg er ge og ra ph ic ra n ge th an a co n fo rm er , c. M uc h o f its en er gy bu dg et ca n be al lo ca te d to re pr od uc tio n. d. It ca n in cr ea se its to le ra nc e lim its th ro ug h a c c li m a

3.06 Short Essay

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The Roman Ara Pacis Augustae, or Altar of Augustan Peace was created from 13-9 BCE. This marble building celebrates Augustus? establishment of peace. The symbols on the building represent a time of peace and plenty. This altar served as the expression of religion to the Romans and also represented the great military dominance in the Roman Empire. The figures inscribed on this altar all signify Roman piety. Some of the engravings on the side of the building portray August performing sacrifices to god. Other figures depicted on the side of this amazing piece of artwork consists of people using animals as sacrificial offerings, and others garnishing laurel circlets which signify victory in the Roman Empire.

3.04 Long Essay

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How a culture views the human figure varies greatly. Two cultures can infer and believe whatever they choose because there is no right way. Two cultures that perceive the human figure differently are The Greeks and The Olmecs. The Greeks love analyzing the human figure and are very passionate about human perfection. The Olmecs on the other hand had a very different perception on human perfection and the human figure. Two pieces of artwork that represent the Greek culture well are the Doryphoros Spear Bearer statue, a marble copy of a bronze original created by the Polykleitos during the Greek culture, and the Kritios Boy sculpture which is also a marble sculpture created around 480 BCE.

3.03 Short Response

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The image I have chosen to right about is the Doryphoros Spear Bearer. This sculpture is one of most famous in Greek culture sculpted by an unknown artist during 440 BCE. This sculpture represent gallery 3 the best because this sculpture represents an ideal youth and not a specific individual. It is theorized that the sculptors need to perfect proportions on this sculpture was related to the philosophical desire to present the abstract expression of God and the perfect person in visual form. The Doryphoros is represented as an athlete and a warrior but has an averted gaze to be admired without recognizing it. He portrays the ideal Spartan body with a closed stance, thick torso, and muscular body.

3.02 Short Essay

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Humanism is the philosophy where the human form and reason are at the center of all things. Greeks were interested in the recognizable and physical world rather than the afterlife and nature. They created ideal sculptures from universal features such as the perfect nose, torso, and other body parts rather than making different body types that they felt were not perfect. To the Greeks humans were the center of all things and the supreme subject of art. The picture shown in the assessment is known as Kroisos found in Anavyssos. This marble sculpture is dated back to 530 BCE sculpted by an unknown artist. This sculpture is from the archaic period for many reasons. The archaic period is responsible for the introduction of the kouroi.

2.06 Short Essay

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The image I have decided to write about is the Ruins of Temple of Amun-Ra that was built between the years of 1579-10755 BCE in Karnak. There are many features that can link how this beautiful building was built to its specific period and culture in which it was built. One physical characteristic would be how the center roof was raised higher than it the roof on the sides. A raised center roof can be known as clerestory which was introduced by the Egyptians to let air ad light into the dark areas. Another physical characteristic would include the columns. There are 13 columns which take on two specific shapes that include both bud capitals and flower or kylix capitals. These both resemble buds and blooms of the lotus plants that represents Upper and Lower Egypt.

2.04 Long Essay

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Both Chinese and Japanese cultures had visionary pieces of art work that related to their beliefs and values of its culture. In the Chinese culture a sacred object that was highly important would be The Cong. The Cong is a stone object sometimes carved with designs that is associate with Chinese funeral rituals. The Cong was first appeared in the Neolithic Era and continued to appear and be used throughout the Shang and Zhou dynasties. A sacred object in the Chinese culture would be the Buddha statue. Many parts of the Buddha statue can be tied into the Japanese culture with some of its physical features. The Buddha statue was created during the Heian period in Japan during 1053.

2.02 Short Essay

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Lion hunting was something that the Assyrian culture took very seriously. The subject of this piece of art would in fact also be lion hunting. There were once many animals hunted during the time period however the most popular were lions. This piece of art was most likely created between 645-640 BCE because this was during the time of the Assyrian Empire. As a tradition the king would put on for all his subjects, in this case it would be King Ashurnasirpal the second, where he is ridden around an arena in a chariot slaughtering the lions who dare challenge him. The ability to kill these lions who fought to the death showed the king?s great power and stood as a warning to anyone who thought of challenging of crossing him.


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