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As a university student, I find that we are always facing different temptations, which will shake our confidence towards the pivotal value of integrity, from our peers. As we know, personal integrity is the most important from intelligence and great passion in which they are the major factors for us to perform well in schools and careers. Therefore, I desire to share the significance of integrity to fellow schoolmates by organizing various promotion activities. As an outgoing and energetic person, I have been an Academic Secretary in a Society, which involved in programme planning and different promotion of events. Therefore, I am sure I can work competently in this Ambassador Programme.

Field report of zero carbon centre

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CCST9016 Field Visit Report Name: Lau Ka Lap UID: 3035074048 Introduction: Zero Carbon Building, which is also called ZCB, is developed to show the eco-building technological designs and promote strategies about energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies (ZCB 2012). In the field trip, I have learnt much from this real-life example of Zero Carbon Building. Findings:


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Introduction to Psychology (Section 2B) Individual Report Topic: Reducing Academic Procrastination Introduction Procrastination is a well-known problem among students in secondary schools and universities. According to Laura J. Solomon & Esther D. Rothblum(1984), procrastination is experiencing subject discomfort from the act of needlessly delaying tasks. What are the reasons causing students to procrastinate? How can we reduce procrastination? These are the questions we always want to ask since procrastination is regarded as a disturbing phenomenon that we want to get rid of it. (Steel, P., 2007). In this research, we hope to have an in-depth understanding of academic procrastination and seek practical solutions for it. Project Summary Research Aim:


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Further Application of Incineration ? new fuel cell Original fuel cell New fuel cell using incineration waste Waste : fly ash reason: high calcium content (66.8 wt% )for the formation of calcium phosphate hydrogel What is calcium phosphate hydrogel? a type of fast proton conductor, increase the efficiency of fuel cell Calcium phosphate hydrogel (a) Incineration fly ash + phosphoric acid (b) mixture of K2CO3 and CaCO3 reagents (c) CaCO3 reagent Performance of new fuel cell Performance of new fuel cell The performance of the fuel cell containing calcium phosphate hydrogel synthesized from incineration fly ash is almost equal to that of the fuel cell containing a hydrogel membrane obtained from other reagents

Greek culture

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Name: Lau Ka Lap UID: 3035074048 Exercise/Activity (1) 1A. Brandenburger Gate It was built in 1791 as a symbol or a sign of peace. In the World War II, it was damaged. In 2002, it was restored. This symbol refers to the history of Germany. Lion Head of Singapore Since Singapore is named as a Lion City, this symbol totally matched with this reputation. This symbol was introduced in 1986. Arc of Triumph This symbol is a famous monument that gives glory and respect to those soldiers who died for France in the French Revolutionary and the Napoleonic Wars. This symbol refers to the history of France. Leaning Tower of Pisa

Virginia Colony Essay (Contributions)

chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Drifting Toward Disunion Uncle Tom?s Cabin?1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe Inspired by the 2nd Great Awakening Wanted to show the North the horrors of slavery Especially the breaking up of families South claimed that the novel was unfair Not an accurate portrayal of slavery Stowe had never seen slavery in the Deep South Novel was very successful Millions of copies sold in US and abroad Huge political impact Northerners decided not to enforce the Fugitive Slave Law Boys who read the book in the North would be Union soldiers Popularity with the public in Europe kept European leaders from helping the South in the Civil War Another influential book The Impending Crisis of the South?1857?Hinton R. Helper

chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Renewing the Sectional Struggle The Popular Sovereignty Panacea Election of 1848 Polk does not want to run again for the democrats Democrats pick General Lewis Cass (War of 1812) Believed in popular sovereignty Popular Sovereignty? Doctrine that stated that the sovereign people of a territory should determine the status of slavery Whigs nominate General Zachary Taylor No official stance on the extension of slavery, but owned slaves Free Soil party Organized by antislavery men?agree with Wilmot Proviso Disliked slavery because it hurt whites chances to own land Wanted free soil in the West so whites could own property Nominated Van Buren Taylor won Free-soilers took votes from Democrats in NY CA Gold Rush, Sectional Balance and the Underground Railroad

chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Manifest Destiny and Its Legacy The Accession of ?Tyler Too? Webster and Clay expect to run the country after Harrison?s election Harrison is just a figurehead to get Whigs in office Unfortunately for Webster and Clay? Harrison dies after just 4 weeks in office John Tyler becomes president Many Whigs do not like Tyler Left the Democrats for the Whigs b/c he didn?t like Jackson Embraced states? rights issues Not a big supporter of the Bank, Tariffs, or Internal Improvements Clay begins to implement Whig plans Whig Congress passes a law ending the independent treasury Tyler signs it Next, Clay pushes a bill through Congress to establish a ?Fiscal Bank? This would establish a new Bank of US Tyler vetoes the bill

chapter 16

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Chapter 16: The South and the Slavery Controversy ?Cotton is King!? The South produced more than ? of the world?s supply of cotton Cotton accounted for about ? of all exports after 1840 Britain was the leading industrial power and? Its single most important manufacture was cotton cloth 1/5 of British population worked in cotton manufacturing About 75% of its cotton came from the South Southern leaders believed the British would protect them in a war with the North because of their dependence on the South for cotton? Cotton King The Planter Aristocracy The South could be described as an oligarchy What is an oligarchy? Government run by a few (usually wealthy have the power) Widened the gap between the rich and the poor Wealthy children went to private schools, therefore


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