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Slavery in the United States

Joseph Ellis' "The Silence" Presis

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?The Silence? Questions By Joseph J. Ellis Taken From Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation THESIS OF THE ARTICLE: In the early years of the country, the government remained silent over the slavery question. But then on February 11, 1790, two Quaker delegates stormed Congress with a petition to end the African slave trade. The antislavery North used republican values to support their view, while the proslavery South looked to the Constitution and the Bible to protect its establishment. And thus the congressional debate over slavery began, and quickly ended in an effort to avoid friction in the Union. SALIENT POINTS OF READING INTEREST:

Questions on Joseph Ellis' "The Silence"

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?The Silence? Questions By Joseph J. Ellis Taken From Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation 1. On February 11, 1790, two Quaker delegates to Congress presented a petition tend what practice? The African slave trade 2. The United States Constitution said this practice could not be abolished until what year? 1808 3. The Pennsylvania Abolition Society made two new points in their petition for the abolition of slavery. Name one. Both slavery and the slave trade were incompatible with the values for which the American Revolution had been fought 4. The Pennsylvania Abolition Society's appeal to Congress arrived under the signature of what "founding brother"? Benjamin franklin

America's Past and Present Chapter 14 Summary

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????????????Small sectional cracks became nationally dividing crevices by the 1850s. The North and South?s clashes over allowing slavery in the territories threatened the nation?s unity. Many attempts to quell sectional aggression arose, including the Compromise of 1850. However, every attempt proved to be of no use and the nation continued to spiral into what seemed to be an eternal sectional rift, with no chance of escaping.


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??? Which of the following did the Bill of Rights NOT do? It specified explicit limits on federal power. ??? When Alexander Hamilton argued that Congress had the constitutional authority to establish a national bank, what was the basis of his assertion? The Constitution gives Congress the authority to do whatever is "necessary and proper" to perform its duties. ??? Why did the southern states vote for Hamilton's plan to assume state debts? Northern representatives agreed to transfer the federal capital from Philadelphia to a location on the Potomac River in Virginia. ??? What was the strongest argument against Hamiltons' Bank of the United States? The Constitution had given Congress no specific authorization to issue charters of incorporation. ???

Chapter 2

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Elizabeth I An English Protestant queen, she supported the plundering of Spanish ships. Ireland Catholic land ruled by England, sought Spanish support, to no avail. Sir Francis Drake An English pirate secretly supported by Elizabeth to plunder Spanish ships. Sir Walter Raleigh An English courtier, Raleigh failed to establish the Roanoke colony. Roanoke An attempt at colonizing America, but the colonists disappeared. Spanish Armada Spain?s attempt to counter English piracy, a remarkable failure. Enclosing The fencing of private lands, forcing farmers off of land or into tenancy. Joint-stock company A company of investors who pooled their money to fund exploration. primogeniture Laws decreeing that only eldest sons can inherit landed estates. James I

Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism, 1812-1824 Oliver Hazard Perry An American naval officer whose capture of British ships boosted morale Battle of the Thames An American victory by General Harrison?s army Thomas MacDonough An American who won a close battle by turning his ship about with cables Francis Scott Key An American who wrote ?Star Spangled Banner? after the defense of Baltimore Battle of New Orleans An American victory caused by British blundering against entrenched Americans Treaty of Ghent The peace treaty for the War of 1812, signed before the Battle of New Orleans. Hartford Convention A Federalist conference demanding certain concessions before fleeing after Ghent Rush-Bagot Agreement

chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Drifting Toward Disunion Uncle Tom?s Cabin?1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe Inspired by the 2nd Great Awakening Wanted to show the North the horrors of slavery Especially the breaking up of families South claimed that the novel was unfair Not an accurate portrayal of slavery Stowe had never seen slavery in the Deep South Novel was very successful Millions of copies sold in US and abroad Huge political impact Northerners decided not to enforce the Fugitive Slave Law Boys who read the book in the North would be Union soldiers Popularity with the public in Europe kept European leaders from helping the South in the Civil War Another influential book The Impending Crisis of the South?1857?Hinton R. Helper

chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Renewing the Sectional Struggle The Popular Sovereignty Panacea Election of 1848 Polk does not want to run again for the democrats Democrats pick General Lewis Cass (War of 1812) Believed in popular sovereignty Popular Sovereignty? Doctrine that stated that the sovereign people of a territory should determine the status of slavery Whigs nominate General Zachary Taylor No official stance on the extension of slavery, but owned slaves Free Soil party Organized by antislavery men?agree with Wilmot Proviso Disliked slavery because it hurt whites chances to own land Wanted free soil in the West so whites could own property Nominated Van Buren Taylor won Free-soilers took votes from Democrats in NY CA Gold Rush, Sectional Balance and the Underground Railroad

chapter 16

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Chapter 16: The South and the Slavery Controversy ?Cotton is King!? The South produced more than ? of the world?s supply of cotton Cotton accounted for about ? of all exports after 1840 Britain was the leading industrial power and? Its single most important manufacture was cotton cloth 1/5 of British population worked in cotton manufacturing About 75% of its cotton came from the South Southern leaders believed the British would protect them in a war with the North because of their dependence on the South for cotton? Cotton King The Planter Aristocracy The South could be described as an oligarchy What is an oligarchy? Government run by a few (usually wealthy have the power) Widened the gap between the rich and the poor Wealthy children went to private schools, therefore

1987 AP US History DBQ

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The College Board Advanced Placement Examination AMERICAN HISTORY SECTION I1 (Suggested writing time-40 minutes) Directions: The following question requires you to construct a coherent essay that integrates your . interpretation of Documents A-I your knowledge of the period referred to in the question. In your essay, you should strive to support your assertions both by citing key pieces of evidence from the documents and by drawing on your knowledge of the period. 1. "By the 1850's the Constitution, originally framed as an instrument of national unity, had become a source of sectional discord and tension and ultimately contributed to the failure of the union it had created." Using the documents and your knowledge of the period 1850-1861,,assess the validity of


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