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Parliament of Great Britain

Chapter 5: Roads to Revolution

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Chapter 5- Roads to Revolution: I. Triumph and Tensions: The British Empire, 1750-1763 A. A fragile peace, 1750-1754 1. Cause: Ohio Valley- claimed by all 2. French building forts in Ohio Valley a. VA sent troops led by Washington b. Native Americans wouldn?t back Washington so British left 3. Britain called meeting of colonists to negotiate a treaty with the Six Nations Iroquois-- called Albany Congress a. VA or NJ didn?t send delegates b. Iroquois suspicious of British c. Delegates purposed the Albany Plan of Union 1) Based on ideas of Ben Franklin and Thomas Hutchison 2) Called for a Grand Council of all colonial assemblies 3) The Albany Plan came to nothing b/c no colonial legislature approved it

chapter 5

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Mark Gilbert Imperial Reform: The great war for empire left england with an enormous debt the war exposed weaknesses in the royal governors had to share power with colonial assemblies afterwards the british deployed a 10,000 man army in north america in order to george III wanted military commands for his friends subdue native americans secure the dependence of the colonies on great britain To pay for this army and the debt, prime minister began heavy sales taxes on the middle and lower classes in england British taxpayers were now paying over 5 times than free americans england started the currency act of 1764 ban on paper money in new england therefore all american workers would pay debts in gold and silver

APUSH Vocab Unit II

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Unit II Vocab Proclamation of 1763 (1763) English law put to use after land was won as an outcome of the French and Indian War. It restricted colonists to settle past the Appalachian Mountains. It was made so as to prevent further conflict with the Native Americans. Related Terms: French and Indian War This caused one of the first major revolts from the colonists. Many colonists were angry and believed that it was their right to own the land after they, themselves, fought in the war. Led to a defiance in 1765, in which about a thousand wagons rolled in Salisbury, North Carolina, on route ?up west.? Thomas Paine & Common Sense

America Past And Present Ch. 5 Proper Nouns

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Chapter 5 Proper Nouns and questions (include dates) A. The American colonist, overall, had a good standard of living. Why then did the wealthy gentry lead the original push for rebellion? (pg 127) They wanted to regain their rights, that Parliament was taking away. In 1774 British troops came over, which enrages many colonists. After 1765, lower class people began to join in with the rebellions. B. In your opinion, how did the young and diverse population of the American Colonies help contribute to the American revolution? Nearly 60% of the population in the 1700s was under the age of 21, and with so many young people beginning to understand politics and their society, this large percent has a big influence on the overall thinking of the time. King George III

Brinkley's Unfinished Nation: chapter 4-the empire in transition powerpoint

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Chapter 4: The Empire in Transition ?No Taxation Without Representation.? -slogan of the 1750?s and 1760?s Loosening Ties Parliament (which tended to avoid tightening imperial organization) gradually began to establish supremacy over the King. No colonial office in London. Most information London received about the colonies came from colonial assemblies who did not want any interference from England in colonial affairs. The Characters of royal official in the colonies: most were prone to waive their duties if bribed. The strength of colonial legislatures: The legislatures had the power to approve appointments, pass laws and levy taxes for their respective colonies and were responsible for the colonial budget.

Chapter4 -- Unfinished Nation (Brinkley) Reading Focus Questions

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Chapter 4?The Empire in Transition I.Loosening Ties?What kind of control did Great Britain have over its American colonies after the Glorious Revolution? A. A Tradition of Neglect 1. Growing Power of Parliament?Why did Parliament under Walpole not strictly enforce the Navigation Acts? 2. Decentralized Colonial Administration?Why were the administration of the Navigation Acts in America largely unsuccessful? 3. Powerful Colonial Legislatures?What powers did colonial legislatures claim? How did they maintain their powers over the king?s representatives in the colonies? B. The Colonies Divided?During the early 1700s, to whom did the colonists feel most loyal: England or each other? 1. Albany Plan?Who proposed this plan, what was it, and what happened?

Important dates and results from 1619-1776

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1619: The House of Burgesses was created in this year, which set the precedent of direct representation in government. This model was followed throughout all of the rest of the colonies subsequently. Throughout the 1760?s and 1770?s, the constant imposition of power by the king was so angering to the colonists because they were so used to having their say in government. ?Finally, after the ?Day of Fasting and Prayer,? the House was dissolved by Parliament, and with it, any hope of reconciliation with Britain.

chp 1 outline

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CHAPTERS 1-4 Native American Tribes - Came from Eurasia across Bering Sea during Ice Age - Hunter-gatherers, but agriculture was important - Faced threats of disease from Columbian Exchange (smallpox, measles) Mayas Toltecs Aztecs Algonquin -very advanced cities -government bureaucracies -solar calendar -very advanced cities -government bureaucracies -aggressive and warlike -center Tenochtitlan was symbol of unity -diverse, yet similar values to other tribes Norse/Viking Discoveries (10th Century) - Eric the Red discovers Greenland - Leif Ericson founded Vinland in Newfoundland - Failed because of hostility with natives, poor communication, political turmoil What sparked the European desire for discovery? - 15th century Renaissance (printing press!)

The Stamp Tax Uproar

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The Stamp Tax Uproar BR had biggest debt of 140 mil (half from defending colonies) George Grenville by ordering BR navy to enforce Navigation Laws Sugar Act- Grenville also secured this from Parliament in 1764. It was the first law passed that increased tax revenue in colonies for crown. It raised duty on foreign sugar (imported from West Indies). Due to protests by colonists it was heavily decreased and people became less upset. Quartering Act- was right after the Sugar Act in 1765. It required certain colonies to require shelter and food for BR troops.

Mercantilism and Colonial Grievances

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Mercantilism and Colonial Grievances All colonies but Georgia(formally planted by BR) were founded by trading companies, religious groups, land speculators Mercantilism- limited amount of wealth in world Get most gold/silver by regulate manufacturing trade, and production within country and its colonies GB would purchase raw materials from colonies at low price determined by BR Gov. Colonies required purchasing certain goods from BR and selling certain goods to only BR Led to bitterness on part of colonists who had little input in economic policies Exports > Imports Navigation Acts- BR response to illegal colonial trade in 1651 Goods traded from NA colonies had to be shipped in either colonial or BR ships


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