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Marxist theory

world history review 3

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AP Multiple Choice Questions 1750 ? 1914 The first successful revolution in the Caribbean and South America was launched in: a) Haiti b) Argentina c) Cuba d) Colombia e) Jamaica Answer: A In the nineteenth century, women?s use of bound feet (China), white face paint (Japan), and corsets (Western Europe) are examples of which of the following? a) Practices that inhibit female activities b) The beauty of middle-class women c) Fashions that spread worldwide d) The middle class? setting the fashion for women e) Women?s participation in the workforce Answer: A ?Extraterritoriality? can best be described as which of the following? a) Exemption of foreigners from the laws of the country in which they live

chapter 30

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Foundations of industrialization Coal critical to the early industrialization of Britain Shift from wood to coal in eighteenth century; deforestation caused wood shortages Abundant, accessible coal reserves in Britain Overseas colonies provided raw materials Plantations in the Americas provided sugar and cotton Colonies also became markets for British manufactured goods Grain, timber, and beef shipped from United States to Britain after 1830 Demand for cheap cotton spurred mechanization of cotton industry John Kay invented the flying shuttle, 1733 Samuel Crompton invented the spinning "mule," 1779 Edmund Cartwright invented a water-driven power loom, 1785 James Watt's steam engine, 1765 Burned coal, which drove a piston, which turned a wheel

Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution Study Guide Honors European Studies Any material from notes, homework assignments, in-class worksheets or writing activities could show up on the test. The test will consist of multiple choice, matching, short answer and essay questions. Industrial Revolution Pre-Revolution Situation (farms/causes of new inventions) 1700s Farms were owned by the wealthy England?s small farms were bought by wealthy landowners to create larger farms. Jethro Tull invents seed drill to make sure seeds can germinate Crop rotation instead of three field system Selective animal reproduction Significant Increase in Food Supply More people could be fed with less $ and less labor More babies were made The extra people could provide surplus labor for new factories
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