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Polygamy Research Paper

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By definition, polygamy is the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time. Continuing from biblical times, polygamy has been commonly associated with the Mormon Church and television shows like Big Love or Sister Wives. Due to diverging beliefs between polygamists and monogamists on the sanctity of marriage and relationships, those who have multiple partners are looked at as pariahs and their beliefs as taboo. An analysis of the structure of polygamy reveals that it provides unity and financial stability; and should not be punishable or illegal.

Sociology "Social Class"

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Chapter 7 Social Class: The Structure of Inequality Social Stratification and Social Inequality Social stratification is the division of society into groups arranged in a social hierarchy. Social stratification is a characteristic of society (not individuals) and can persist over generations. Systems of Stratification Slavery is the most extreme system of social stratification and is based on the legal ownership of people. A caste system is a form of social stratification in which status is determined by one?s family history and background and cannot be changed.

Chapter 32

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In Latin America, much of the 20th century witnessed a struggle between the forces of revolution and reaction. The focus of this chapter and the next is on third world nations, which display great diversity and cultural emphasis. In the second half of the 20th century, Latin America took an intermediate position between the nations of the north Atlantic and those of Africa and Asia. Investments often came from the West and Latin America was vulnerable to the world financial system. The US constantly intervened with Latin American issues such as economically, politically, strategically, and ideologically.

APWH Chaper 38 notes

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Chapter?38: A World without Borders Chapter Outline The End of the Cold War Revolutions in Eastern and Central Europe Poland, Bulgaria, and Hungary Velvet and violent revolutions Fall of the Berlin Wall The collapse of the Soviet Union Gorbachev's reforms Gorbachev hoped for economic reform within political and economic system Centralized economy inefficient, military spending excessive Declining?standard of living, food shortages, shoddy goods Perestroika and Glasnost Perestroika: "restructuring" the economy Tried decentralizing economy,market system, profit motive Alienated those in positions of power, military leaders Glasnost: "openness" to public criticism, admitting past mistakes Opened door to widespread criticism of party and government

chapter 30

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Foundations of industrialization Coal critical to the early industrialization of Britain Shift from wood to coal in eighteenth century; deforestation caused wood shortages Abundant, accessible coal reserves in Britain Overseas colonies provided raw materials Plantations in the Americas provided sugar and cotton Colonies also became markets for British manufactured goods Grain, timber, and beef shipped from United States to Britain after 1830 Demand for cheap cotton spurred mechanization of cotton industry John Kay invented the flying shuttle, 1733 Samuel Crompton invented the spinning "mule," 1779 Edmund Cartwright invented a water-driven power loom, 1785 James Watt's steam engine, 1765 Burned coal, which drove a piston, which turned a wheel

Acids and Bases

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Unit 7: Acid and Bases Acid Base Lemonade Dressing Vinegar Drain-0 Arm-n-Hammer Arrhenius Acids: When in a solution, they donate protons (H+) A proton in water becomes a ?hydronium? ion H3) SameEx) HCL (aq) H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) HCl(l) + H2) H30+(aq) + Cl- Acids cause indicators to change color (Table M) Ex) Bromthymol blue, litmus, phenolphthalein Sour Taste (ex. Citric acid) pH<7 (0-7) (pure acid 100%) Measure of H+ concentration p= power (pH. If [H+} = 1 X 10-7 All acids dissolve metal to produce H2 gas (corrosive) chemically dissolve A neutralization reaction occurs b/t an acid and a base to form a salt and water Arrhenius Base: When in a solution, they donate hydroxide ions (OH-) to the solution

Internal Energy

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