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Gay Marriage?

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soozin's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

I agree with sugobov about poligomists (sp?). It's not a ridiculous train of thought; well-thought out opinions rarely are. Calling it ridiculous is like saying their thoughts don't count, and I disagree with that. But I'm not trying to be mean! disregard me if you like. :)

I'm not saying that poligamy is wrong, but it seems to me as if the multiple wives would be treated unfairly, and cases of abuse would become more prevalent. It's all where you draw the line. And I wouldn't want to share my husband with anyone, lol!

chickenswillkill's picture
Joined: Oct 2005

It's not that it's a rediculous train of thought, it's the fact that gays have been allowed to marry in other countries, and these things haven't happened.

Day's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

I suppose I lit a fire uder some of you guys so allow me to elaborate:If we decide to call unions between gay/lesbian people "marriage" (a practice that originated from many diffrent religions) then all religion based laws need to be reviewed. For example right now in California it is illegal to prostitiute, which is also a law based in many diffrent religions. If gay/lesbian marriage is going to be allowed, then prostitution should be too. What if that man or woman needs to make money and all they have is their body?

Don't get me wrong, people who chose to be gay or lesbian- yes it is a choice no matter how deeply its burried in some phsycological issue, and no matter how much bogas "scientific research" backs up that being gay/lesbisan can be genetic- are still people and they disereve to be treated as such, however gay/lesbian marriage is still wrong.

To add one more log to the fire, I would also like to say making gay/lesbian marriage all right would further degrade the institution of marriage. Already the divorce rate for FIRST marriages is 50% (oh yeah marriage was ment for one manand one woman for the rest of their life)! And the failure rate of any marriage afterwards increases each time that person marries. So now America is raising a generation that had little to no respect for marriage. That's evident by the number of people who have had sex before marriage. If a person truely hold respect for marriage and the person they're meant to be with for the rest of their life then they will keep their virginity to give to their mate on the honeymoon. But that just doesn't seem to happen very often these days, and those people who do chose to wait are hounded for being a virgin by their peers. With all these problems already circling- like sharks- marriages's last shreds of dignity making gay/lesbian marriage would be the end of marriage as something to be respected as something that personifies true love, and it would be made filthy.

afterthoughts's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

Just to jump in here...I don't think that it really matters. So what if they get married? Does it really impact our society so greatly that we have to have these kinds of debates?
Personally, I'm not entirely sure where I stand on this issue, but I know that denying 'the right to love' or whatever isn't very nice. I also think that technically speaking, gay couples can't get married, can they? If marriage is a religious affair, and religions are against homosexual unions, then marriage is impossible for the couple. It seems to me that a civil union is the only way to get...hitched, I guess, if they can't get married.
In a sort of response to Day's idea about marriage being degraded...if there are so many people out there who are having premarital sex etc, then what is marriage but a furthering of that lust for sex? And, if the sex is boring, could that explain parts of the divorce rate being as high as it is? Then, if the true ideals of marriage have been lost, why not give the gay couples a marriage certificate and send them on their merry way? It's not like it could further the indignities that seem to have been brought upon marriage.
And about true love: what is it? Can you define it? Or better yet, can you define it as it pertains to this issue?
I suppose, to get back onto my own opinion, that while I dont particularly agree with gay marriage, I also don't care enough to be so very passionately against it. I say let them do as they please, and we'll all be a wee bit happier...perhaps.

You can't have an epic battle between the forces of Good and the forces of Really Nice...

jess07stewart's picture
Joined: Oct 2005

I am a Christian, so naturally, I am against gay marriage. The bible talks about it being an abomination to man and I'm not trying to go against the Bible. I do, however, support the American government, no matter how screwed up the officials may be. EVERYONE has a right to get married, no matter what race, sex, or religion. Now, getting married in a church is a different story. The church does have the right to refuse such things. And although I am a full supporter of the Bible, I do not believe that all gay people are abominations to the human race, just because of thier sexual preference. Why aren't murderers or rapists or other things of the like considered to be just normal humans while gays are abominations? I do not interpret the Bible literally but our government does (Which is really saying something because we are country that is distancing itself from religion altogether). This, I believe will be our downfall.

America, technically, is very wrong for denying gays' their rights to marry. It's part of their freedoms as Americans to be given such a right. If I were them, I'd work up a law suit and sue them all!!!

jadore's picture
Joined: Oct 2005

Firstly, I'd like to say this is my first time on this site, and I'm already impressed at how well-spoken some people are...at least compared to numerous other sites where all people do is yell and shout, and don't say what they base their opinions on, whether it be reason, science, or religion. I, personally, do not base most of my values and thoughts on religion. I wasn't raised that way. However, I respect religion. In the issue of gay marriage, I'm all for these people being together. I do not think it's always a matter of choice. This is after studying scientific reviews on the issue. I don't mind if people say the science behind being gay is boggus, so long as they've at least given it a fair study first. I think people should educate themselves as much as possible (on all the different viewpoints) before they make a definite claim. That's why I myself cannot make a definite claim on this topic, because I have not studied up as much behind the religious viewpoints. I do understand the general reasoning behind the church. If marriage is a thing based in religion (religion that does not agree with being gay), then the uniting between gays should not be called a religious marriage, but a secular marriage...it that's possible. If religious, anti-gay people should not have a say in the affairs of gay people, then gay people should not alter the ways of the chruch. However, I think it would be best if we all could just co-exist peacefully. I don't mind gay people getting married in a church. Sadly, I do think it will be a long stride before religious people are willing to share their church and religion with gays.

soozin's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

Jadore, I really like your viewpoint. It makes a lot of sense.

Day wrote:To add one more log to the fire, I would also like to say making gay/lesbian marriage all right would further degrade the institution of marriage. Already the divorce rate for FIRST marriages is 50% (oh yeah marriage was ment for one manand one woman for the rest of their life)! And the failure rate of any marriage afterwards increases each time that person marries. So now America is raising a generation that had little to no respect for marriage. That's evident by the number of people who have had sex before marriage. If a person truely hold respect for marriage and the person they're meant to be with for the rest of their life then they will keep their virginity to give to their mate on the honeymoon. But that just doesn't seem to happen very often these days, and those people who do chose to wait are hounded for being a virgin by their peers. With all these problems already circling- like sharks- marriages's last shreds of dignity making gay/lesbian marriage would be the end of marriage as something to be respected as something that personifies true love, and it would be made filthy.
Day, are you turning this into an abstinence debate? If so, then it belongs on another board. I understand that you think gay marriage would degrade marriage further, and from a biblical point of view I suppose you have a point, but what on earth does a high divorce rate have to do with the sex of the partners?

Day's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

Again I'll say that gay marriage is wrong.

To address the responses from several of you I'll again clearify my views: There are several factors that have lowed the amount of respect we give the instituntion of marriage, they include; fornication and divorce. Note: I am not trying to turn this into an abstinance debate because poeple are going to do who and what they wish reguardless of what I have to say, and that would be a waste of time. However the issue of gay marriage is a situation anyone can intervene in to sway things the way he or she thinks it ought to go, for the time being. Back to the point, with all these things negatively affecting our views of marriage as something great I believe as a conservator of marriage that we should do our best not to further cripple marriage by allowing gay marriage.
Furthermore, and once again, gay/lesbian people are still people and as long as they continue to be venerable citizens then they will never be an abomintation to our society. A group of people can never be an abomination- when ideas like that are imbraced so is prejudice.
Also if there must absolutely be some type of official union for gay/lesbian people, then it should be called just that, an official union, not marriage. After all it is a diffrent type of relationship then marriage envolves.
However, gay marriage will not be accepted or allowed in churches that follow the Bible without other people's interpretations. A church that follows the Bible or Koran or the Torah simply won't have it. Heres a bit from the Bible so u all can be religiously educated from this point:
Leviticus 18 verse 22
"Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable."
Leviticus 20 verse 13
"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what
is detestable."
Romans 1 verse 24-27
"Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual
impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one an other. 25 They exchanged
the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather then the
Creator--who is foever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women
exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also
abandoned natural relations women and were imflamed with lust for one another.
Men committed indecent acts with other men, and recieved in themselves the due
penalty for their perversion."

What's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

Something to dwell on (according to my US Government Teacher):

"No where in the United Statues Constution does it mention or describe the sepration of Church and State, it's just generally accepted. But to be legally correct it is not mentioned."

pianogirl2422's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

All right, before I start, I would just like to say that I have a lot to make up for coming in so late in the game. This will not be a short reply since I wish to addresss, well, everything.

1) I believe that Gay Marriage should be legal, but realize, as Day says I believe, that it will most likely not be marriage in name, but will have the benefits. These benefits are essential because at the moment, life and death decisions could be made by the parents who have shunned their child instead of the person who has been living with them for years and knows them intimitely. That is my personal view on the matter

2)To Day: I know where you're coming from. I do appreciate your attitude that they should recieve equal benefits, even if they don't enjoy the same title. Like it or not, I think that the world needs people who stick to such beliefs.

3)To Armando: I see from you're point of view also, which I believe is not as different from Day's as some may think. And I totally agree with your points on freedom.

4)About why we come to America: Over history, and yes, even in early American history, people have come for economic, religious, and political reasons. All three were strong motivating drives. Also, some people came for food.

5)On Religion: religion will always exist, even if it were on an individual basis. I have my own religion that is way too complex and (possibly) controversal to get into now, but it is a very important thing for humans. As a species, we seek answers and understanding, which is what religion offers. If you don't believe in God or prefer science, then I believe that your beliefs. Besides, Einstein once said "The more I study science the more I believe in God."

6)About separation of church and state: Yes, this does seem to be a forgotten concept. Example: prayer in schools. I'll just make one last point on this and then leave it. This is for What:

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the Constitution states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" which is generally interpreted as separation of church and state.

7)About the impending chaos (or not impending): There will be some serious resistance if the law passes, but chaos is a bit strong. This is something that has been going on for years, and not only since the past few elections. Plus, as much as American are unwilling to admit this, we make up a stubborn, fairly close-minded country who has a slight superiority complex (which, i believe will be the cause of our overthrow). We like things the way that they are and many people are unwilling to change their minds.

8)About adult-child marriages: Lindsayrose states my point-there is already a law against it

9)About human-dog marriages: Hey, at least they can't reproduce right?

10)About divorce rate: To the high divorce rate, all I have to say is-
Right now, it's a fad. It's like when you are finally able to drive after being deprived for so long-most people drive as much as they can and everywhere. Or when you can legally drink. What's the first thing most people do? Go get drunk. The divorce rate will go back down shortly after the country settles down about it.

11)About degradation of the name marriage (this is you Day): It sounds as if you are implying that homosexuals are incapable of love. I think that this is a horrible view. They are human beings and can love just like the rest of us.

12)About sex before marriage: There are so many factors that led to that. And that does not mean that the two people do not love each other. Even if they don't marry, or get divorced, that doesn't mean that they don't love each other. There are many types of love. Although, I do think that you are perfectly in your rights to think that that moment should be saved for the honeymoon. I personally aim to save it, although I cannot make any guarantees.

13)To Afterthoughts: I like you. I agree with everything you said except for the disagreement of gay marriages. Plus, I like you avatar, very nice.

14)To Jess07stewart: I can definitely see where you are coming from. I only wish that there were more people like that. As to people interpreting the Bible literally- people see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear. It is very hard to change that.

These are my fourteen comments on this issue (the number is completely coincidental). Please feel free to comment on any of them.

And remember, have a good day! :cool:

[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It


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