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US Gov and Politics

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USA Gun Control

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CRS Report for Congress Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress Gun Control Legislation William J. Krouse Specialist in Domestic Security and Crime Policy November 14, 2012 Congressional Research Service 7-5700 www.crs.gov RL32842 Gun Control Legislation Congressional Research Service Summary Congress has debated the efficacy and constitutionality of federal regulation of firearms and ammunition, with strong advocates arguing for and against greater gun control. In the wake of the July 20, 2012, Aurora, CO, theater mass shooting, in which 12 people were shot to death and 58 wounded (7 of them critically) by a lone gunman, it is likely that there will be calls in the 112th

Supreme Court Ideology

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John G. Roberts, Jr. ? Justice Roberts is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and has conservative tendencies. Roberts practices judicial minimalism ? case-specific interpretation of the Constitution as an alternative to the excess extremes of both sides ? of the views and advocates respect for precedent rather than broader approaches, such as originalism.

The Republican and Democratic Parties

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The Republican and Democratic Parties The modern Democratic Party evolved from the Jeffersonian Republican Party, led and organized by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. The Jeffersonian Republican Party arose as a response to the Federalist Party, headed by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. Jeffersonian Republicans favored republicanism, a political ideology that emphasizes the unalienable rights of people, a weak federal government, state?s rights, agrarian societal emphasis, and a strict adherence to the principles of the Constitution. The party also opposed the national bank and demoted relations with Great Britain.

Gay Marraige

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SALT LAKE CITY (AP) ? Gay couples in Utah were thrown into legal limbo Monday as the U.S. Supreme Court put a halt to same-sex marriages in the state, turning jubilation to doubt just weeks after a judge's ruling sent more than a thousand couples rushing to get married. The justices did not rule on the merits of the case or on same-sex marriage bans in general, leaving both sides confident they'll ultimately win. The decision stays in effect while the Denver-based 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals considers the long-term question of whether gay couples have a right to wed in Utah. For those couples who just got married ? or were planning their nuptials ? the latest twist in the legal battle clouds what was seen as a cause for celebration.

The Legacy of John McCain

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John McCain is one of the most admired leaders and lifetime politicians in our nation?s history. His story is admired and has been critical in the making him one of the most influential senators in recent times. His story of heroism and acts of valor as a prisoner of war are unmatchable. It was in the Vietnam War that John McCain faced the challenge of his life that would shape him as a leader and a family man for a career in politics.
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Virginia Representatives Chart

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Legislative Branch Workfile Name Party Affiliation Office Held Contact Information Cantor, Eric Republican House 303 Cannon House Office Building (202) 225-2815 Connolly, Gerald E. Democratic House 424 Cannon House Office Building (202) 225-1492 Forbes, J. Randy Republican House 2438 Rayburn House Office Building (202) 225-6365 Goodlatte, Bob Republican House 2240 Rayburn house Office Building (202) 225-5431 Griffith, H. Morgan Republican House 1108 Longworth House Office Building (202) 225-3861 Hurt, Robert Republican House 1516 Longworth House Office Building (202) 225-4711 Morgan, James P. Democratic House 2239 Rayburn House Office Building (202) 225-4376 Rigell, E. Scott Republican House 327 Cannon House Office Building (202) 225-4215

C10 AP Gov

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Chapter 10: The Media and U.S. Politics Chapter 10: The Media and U.S. Politics The Influence of the Media on Politics Introduction Media is called the ?fourth estate? or ?fourth branch of government? a. Mass media (all media) and news media (informational) Must have a broad appeal, therefore stories are often stereotyped and simplified The Pervasiveness of Television Instant access; emotional aspect ?Big Three? include ABC, CBS, NBC Decrease in programming time spent on politics, so increase in importance of commercials and advertising The Persistence of Radio Top media source Can ?microtarget? audiences NPR - top station The Declining Importance of Newspapers and Newsmagazines Less young readers Replaced by Internet- fast and built-in classifieds a. Decline in revenue source


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1. Article Title: Briefing Paper: Globalization Article Author: Matthew Krain Article Date: 2005? Thesis Statement: ? Globalization is a process that results in the growing interconnectedness of the world? Globalization is a process that is bringing the world closer in areas of economics, politics, and culture. It is a process that creates problems and challenges many societies find helpful or hurtful. Especially in the current global trading system, developing countries are suffering inequalities at the expense of developed countries. Evidence: ?They fan out from their home countries in search of new markets, more resources, better investments, and cheaper labor in foreign host countries.? 2. Video Title: Globalization I - The Upside: Crash Course World History #41

ch 2 ap gov vocab

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Chapter 1 Vocabulary Government- The political direction and control?exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state community, etc.; political administration: Government is necessary to the existence of civilized society. Politics- Determines whom we select as our government leaders and what policies these leaders pursue. Political Participation- The ways in which people get involved in politics. Single-issue groups- Groups so concerned with one issue that members often cast their votes on the basis of that issue only, ignoring a politician?s stand on everything else. Policymaking system- Reveals the way our government responds to the priorities of its people.


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