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Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: The Triumphs and Travails of Jeffersonian Democracy ?John Adams?s Jackasses? The new navy rallied for America?s conflict against France, which never happened Revolution of 1800 The peaceful transfer of power from the Federalists to the Democratic-Republicans Naturalization Law (1802) a law restoring the citizenship requirement of residency to the original 5 years Albert Gallatin Secretary of the Treasury, who reduced the national debt and balanced the budget Judiciary Act (1801) Created 16 federal judgeships and other judicial offices John Marshall The strongly Federalist Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and cousin of Jefferson Marbury v. Madison A case establishing the SCOTUS?s power of judicial review (capacity to interpret Constitution)

Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism, 1812-1824 Oliver Hazard Perry An American naval officer whose capture of British ships boosted morale Battle of the Thames An American victory by General Harrison?s army Thomas MacDonough An American who won a close battle by turning his ship about with cables Francis Scott Key An American who wrote ?Star Spangled Banner? after the defense of Baltimore Battle of New Orleans An American victory caused by British blundering against entrenched Americans Treaty of Ghent The peace treaty for the War of 1812, signed before the Battle of New Orleans. Hartford Convention A Federalist conference demanding certain concessions before fleeing after Ghent Rush-Bagot Agreement

American revolution notes

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Guerilla tactics [fight an insurgent war ? you don?t have to win a battle, just wear the British down] The Americans The British 1777, separate and control New England. Break the colonies in half by getting between the North and South. General Horatio Gates surrounds the British with the help of Benedict Arnold British defeat stopped them from cutting off New England from the rest of the country and ending the war. British lacked knowledge of geography and failed at communications. Oct. 1777, British General, John Burgoyne was surrounded by US General Horatio Gates and forced to surrender 6,000 British troops. Led to a military alliance with France providing soldiers, naval fleet and $$$$$. (Franco-American alliance, 1778) Surrender/saratoga Valley Forge

Ecology practice test

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5. A cc lim at io n S ? ? M U LT IP LE C H O IC E: Ch oo se th e on e be st an sw er . 1. W hi ch le ve l o f e co lo gy c o n si de rs e n e rg y flo w an d ch em ic al cy cl in g? a, c o m m u n ity b. ec o sy st em c. o rg an is m al d. po pu la tio n e. ab io tic 2. W hi ch o f th e fo llo w in g w o u ld be le as t tr ue o f a re gu la to r? a. It ca n liv e in a v a ria bl e cl im at e be ca us e o f its ho m eo st at jc m ec ha ni sm s. b. It m a y ha ve a la rg er ge og ra ph ic ra n ge th an a co n fo rm er , c. M uc h o f its en er gy bu dg et ca n be al lo ca te d to re pr od uc tio n. d. It ca n in cr ea se its to le ra nc e lim its th ro ug h a c c li m a

3.06 Short Essay

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The Roman Ara Pacis Augustae, or Altar of Augustan Peace was created from 13-9 BCE. This marble building celebrates Augustus? establishment of peace. The symbols on the building represent a time of peace and plenty. This altar served as the expression of religion to the Romans and also represented the great military dominance in the Roman Empire. The figures inscribed on this altar all signify Roman piety. Some of the engravings on the side of the building portray August performing sacrifices to god. Other figures depicted on the side of this amazing piece of artwork consists of people using animals as sacrificial offerings, and others garnishing laurel circlets which signify victory in the Roman Empire.

3.04 Long Essay

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How a culture views the human figure varies greatly. Two cultures can infer and believe whatever they choose because there is no right way. Two cultures that perceive the human figure differently are The Greeks and The Olmecs. The Greeks love analyzing the human figure and are very passionate about human perfection. The Olmecs on the other hand had a very different perception on human perfection and the human figure. Two pieces of artwork that represent the Greek culture well are the Doryphoros Spear Bearer statue, a marble copy of a bronze original created by the Polykleitos during the Greek culture, and the Kritios Boy sculpture which is also a marble sculpture created around 480 BCE.

3.03 Short Response

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The image I have chosen to right about is the Doryphoros Spear Bearer. This sculpture is one of most famous in Greek culture sculpted by an unknown artist during 440 BCE. This sculpture represent gallery 3 the best because this sculpture represents an ideal youth and not a specific individual. It is theorized that the sculptors need to perfect proportions on this sculpture was related to the philosophical desire to present the abstract expression of God and the perfect person in visual form. The Doryphoros is represented as an athlete and a warrior but has an averted gaze to be admired without recognizing it. He portrays the ideal Spartan body with a closed stance, thick torso, and muscular body.


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