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Campbell AP Biology Study Guide Ch 11

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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 11 Cell Communication Students will encounter the topic of cell signaling repeatedly in this course and throughout their studies of biology. Therefore, the more confident they are regarding the basic principles, the more successful they are liable to be when encountering the topic. This chapter includes more higher-skill-level questions and makes connections to the principle of evolution as well as to other chapters of the text. Multiple-Choice Questions 1) Using the yeast signal transduction pathways, both types of mating cells release the mating factors. These factors bind to specific receptors on the correct cells, A) which induce changes in the cells that lead to cell fusion.

Campbell AP Bio Study Guide Chapter 10

Campbell AP Bio Study Guide Chapter 9

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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 9 Cellular Respiration and Fermentation This is one of the most challenging chapters for students to master. Many students become overwhelmed and confused by the complexity of the pathways, with the multitude of intermediate compounds, enzymes, and processes. The vast majority of the questions in this chapter address central concepts rather than details of these pathways. Other questions have accompanying figures that provide details for reference and ask students to interpret or use these models. Overall, the emphases are on the inputs and outputs of each pathway, the relationships among these pathways, the cellular locations, redox as a central principle in respiration, and chemiosmosis. Multiple-Choice Questions

Campbell AP Bio Study Guide Chapter 8

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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 8 An Introduction to Metabolism This chapter lays the foundations for the chapters on respiration and photosynthesis. Key concepts are as follows: The laws of thermodynamics govern energy transformations by living organisms, metabolic reactions couple energy-harvesting reactions to reactions that accomplish cellular work, and enzymes increase the rates of reaction. Understanding the properties of enzymes, how they work, and how their activities are regulated is necessary to achieve an understanding of metabolic pathways. Multiple-Choice Questions 1) Which term most precisely describes the cellular process of breaking down large molecules into smaller ones? A) catalysis B) metabolism C) anabolism D) dehydration E) catabolism

Campbell AP Bio Study Guide Chapter 7

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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 7 Membrane Structure and Function Membranes and membrane transport are fundamental to cellular life. The concepts in this chapter require integration of concepts from previous chapters: the nature of water and hydrophobic versus hydrophilic molecules, the properties of lipid molecules and their role in regulating membrane fluidity, and the roles of proteins and carbohydrates in membrane function. The concepts of ion transport and electrochemical gradients across membranes are important foundations for the following chapters on energy metabolism. Finally, the bulk transport phenomena have important clinical significance in the immune system, during invasion by pathogens, and in cell signaling. Multiple-Choice Questions

Campbell AP Bio Study Guide Chapter 6

Campbell AP Bio Study Guide Chapter 5

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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 5 The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules In Chapter 5, the principles of chemistry covered in earlier chapters are applied to the understanding of biological polymers and lipid membranes. The emphasis is on properly linking monomers and their polymers, and on the structural and functional diversity of the different polymer types. Particular attention is given to protein structure, because this is central to understanding subsequent chapters on metabolism, molecular biology, and molecular medicine. Multiple-Choice Questions 1) Humans and mice differ because A) their cells have different small organic molecules. B) their cells make different types of large biological molecules.

Campbell AP Bio Study Guide Chapter 4

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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 4 Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life This chapter focuses on the chemistry of carbon and organic compounds. Students should be able to identify the nature of the bonds between carbon and other elements (nonpolar versus polar), the different types of weak bonds and interactions, the various types of isomers, the basic functional groups of organic molecules, and their relative solubility in water. The abiotic formation of organic molecules from inorganic molecules is important in the origin of life. Multiple-Choice Questions 1) The element present in all organic molecules is A) hydrogen. B) oxygen. C) carbon. D) nitrogen. E) phosphorus. Answer: C Topic: Concept 4.1 Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

Campbell AP Bio Study Guide Chapter 3

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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 3 Water and Life Life evolved in the ocean, and the chemistry of life occurs in an aqueous environment. These questions explore the properties of water that are important to sustain life?s chemical processes, organismal physiology, and interactions of organisms with their environment. Quantitative properties such as heat content, molarity, and pH are also addressed. A few questions address how human activities affect the global environment through acid rain and acidification of the ocean. Multiple-Choice Questions 1) In a single molecule of water, two hydrogen atoms are bonded to a single oxygen atom by A) hydrogen bonds. B) nonpolar covalent bonds. C) polar covalent bonds. D) ionic bonds. E) van der Waals interactions.

Campbell AP Bio Study Guide Chapter 2

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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 2 The Chemical Context of Life This chapter presents basic chemical principles for understanding the chemical context of living organisms, from atomic structure to the nature of chemical bonds and an introduction to chemical equilibrium. These questions focus on elements most important to life or the study of life, including the elements that comprise organic molecules and important trace elements. Some isotopes are important in geologic dating and in biological tracer studies. How elements participate in forming different types of chemical bonds is essential to mastering subsequent topics on the behavior and properties of biological molecules, structures, and energy metabolism. Multiple-Choice Questions


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