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earth and its peoples chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Outline Christian Europe Emerges (600-1200) I. The Byzantine Empire -The Byzantine Empire?s official religion was Christianity -The Byzantine?s practiced the Roman Imperial system of government and the political oversight of the Christian church to insure the church?s power did not exceed the government?s power. A.An Empire Beleaguered - Between 634 and 650 the Arabs captured the Byzantines as well as the Egyptians, the Syrians, and the area of Tunisia. The land lost to them and the Muslims was never gained back, even after the Empire?s military strength was regained. The crusades in the Middle East helped to spread Christianity for a short time before the foothold was lost to the Muslims -The Byzantines faced the threat of invasion from the north (the Germanic

Women in the Industrialized World CCOT

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In the past, women were often given secondary roles to men. Confucianism, for example, made women almost completely reliable on men. Women’s feet were bound, so they needed men to move them around. They couldn’t own property or run any businesses. Later on, women still had the gender-based discrimination. However, between 1750 and 1914, during the industrial revolution, women’s social, economic, and political roles changed significantly, although many things stayed the same, in the Industrialized World.


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(Mr. Ellis? Bible Class) DEVOTION OUTLINE FORM Name: Bible Passage: (<= 4-8 verses from the right book/books) Period: Date: General Theme: (Complete sentence, clearly related to text, with a spiritual truth or lesson learned, not just facts/title!) Outline: (Main Point: Full sentence, smaller spiritual truth or lesson learned, supports bigger General Theme. Supporting Details: about 6-10 sentences that: connect the truth/lesson to the verses (how do the verses teach/show this main point?), explain it fully (so a stranger who has not heard the story can understand it), specifically apply it (to Jr. High student life, personal examples help!) Main Point 1: Delete this line & put your Main Point here Supporting Details:

Reformation Ideas Spread

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The English Reformation 1.Background a) People sought reform as early as 1300 b) Reformer were persecuted and sometimes killed c) Henry VIII(Tudor Dynasty) was firmly agaisnt the Protestant Reformation -Service in fighting protestantism he was awarded "Defender of Faith" by the Pope 2. Break with Rome a) Henry wanted an annulment(kind of a divorve but approved by the church... regular divorce is a church sin and people were usually excommununicated) from his wife of 18 years. - She gave Henry only one daughter (Mary Tudor) - Henry felt that he needed a male heir b) Henry asked the Pope to annul his marraiage to Catherine -The Pope refused

Early Religious Art

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Jewish Art 70 CE 'Destruction of Jerusalem' 3rd Century after Roman Rule Christian Art Early Christian Art 100-6th century CE Early Imperial Christian Art 313-476 CE Muslim Art The founding of Islam 622 CE Early Caliphs 633-661 CE Umayyad Dynasty 661-750 CE Abbasid Dynasty 750-1258 CE Spanish Umayyad Dynasty 756-1031 CE Judaism God: There is one all knowing, all powerful, and ever present God. Holy Book: The Torah was given to Moses by God himself and kept within the Arc of the Covenant. Land: 'Canaan' (modern day Palestine) was promised to the Jews by God. Prophets: Moses was the greatest prophet and the Torah tells of the coming of a 'Messiah' who will bring peace to the world. The Jews do not believe Christ is the Messiah. Christianity

US History

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US History: Early European settlement 1. In what ways was New England Puritanism different from Anglicanism? The Anglicans were followers of the Church of England, while the puritans believed that the Church of England was in needed of a reformation. The puritans believed that ministers should be elected by the people who attended the church, unlike the Anglicans. How did these differences affect life in Massachusetts? Many Puritans thought of America as a haven from the Church of England, which it was. The Massachusetts Colony was run by Puritans, who freely practiced their beliefs. 2. Why did Massachusetts expel Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson?


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