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notes ch6 key issue 2

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Chapter 6 Key Issue 2 Christianity was founded upon teachings of Jesus Roman Catholic belief- god convey his grace through seven sacraments Eastern Orthodoxy comprise the faith and practices of collection of churchs in the 5th century Protestantism originated with principles of Reformation in 16th century origin of islam- traces its origin to same narrative as Judaism and Christianity they all believe adam to be first man and abraham to been one of descendants Jews and Christians trace their story through abraham oringinal wife sarah and son issac also the origin of the other universalr


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Alec Hasty??? Pre-AP L.A-6??? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????4/19/11 Plato ?Plato was a?Classical?Greek?philosopher,?student of?Socrates, mathematician, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the?Academy?in?Athens? (the first institution of higher learning in the?Western world) (Gil). Plato, along with his student,?Aristotle, and mentor, Socrates, helped to lay the foundations of?Western philosophy?and?science.

far east

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But this mindset is hardly rational and, even, strikingly inconsistent with our ostensible assumptions about the nature of G*d. In terms of the nature of His being, Jehov@h is defined by three characteristics: omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience. These characteristics are all unmatched by anything that we are aware of within reality and are, therefore, incomprehensible. G*d is, by necessity of his divine nature, impossible to understand. Why is it, then, that we are surprised when the events that He oversees defy our concepts of what should and shouldn’t happen? If we really believed that G*d’s nature is so difficult and impossible, we should really be more surprised whenever we find his will intelligible than when we don’t.

notes for ch 13 of western civilization by spielvogel

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Important Terms

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Ch. 3 Terms Protestant Reformation- The Protestant Reformation started when Martin Luther disagreed with what was happening with the Catholic Church. The Protestant Reformation started a chain of events and caused England to separate from the Catholic Church. Martin Luther- Luther was a friar that protested Catholic doctrines. He did not approve of people paying the church to remove their sins. He started the ?Protestant Reformation.? Predestination- Calvinism, started by John Calvin, thought that people were predestined for where they were going to end up after death.

Islam Religion

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4/26/11 11:03 AM Islam: the life of the Prophet Muhammad (570-632CE) Born in Mecca Caravan trader, familiar with different religious traditions Thoughtful and pious Probably mostly illiterate Fasts and mediates in caves above Mecca The revelation on Mt. Hira: the ?Night of Power? At age 40, Muhammad visited by a bright presence/Angel Gabriel, who holds up a cloth covered in Arabic writing Muhammad told to ?recite? the verses Doubts the revelation at first Eventually accepts his mission as God?s ?mouthpiece? After the Revelation, Muhammad begins 23 years of ?reciting?, which, (in total) becomes the Qur?an- most sacred scripture for Muslims Among first converts were cousin Ali, wife Khadijs, friend Abu Bakr: the first Muslims- People who submit to God

Chapter 13 - The Reform of Religion

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Henry VIII - starts the reformation in England by wanting to divorce his wife, names himself the head of the English Church. Chapter 13 The Reform of Religion Printing The Print Revolution, it help spread ideas by the religious reformers. Without it, it would of failed It change the method of teachings Created by Gutenbug Christian Humanism an intellectual movement that aimed to make better Christians better education The Humanist Movement humanist criticism of Church teaching focused on its failure to Inspire individuals to live a Christian life Desiderius Erasmus Erasmus wanted to restore of Christ to center Christianity Lutheran Reformation The Roman Catholic Church was the strongest at the end of the fifteenth century Rome was invaded The Spark of Reforms


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Origin of Religions CHRISTIANITY -Jesus (Born 8-4 BC, died on cross 30 AD), belive he died for sins, raised from dead, & resurrection -R.C. believe in Pope, Baptism confirmation penance anointing the sick matrimony holy orders Eucharist -E. orthodox came out of pope & patriarchy of Constantinople , accept 7 sacraments but rejected RC doctrines since 8th century -protestantism reformation in 16th century, martin luther 95 theses grace achieved through faith not sacraments by church ISLAM -same background of Judaism & Christianity -trace story through Ishmael -Quran= holy book -Arabic is lingua franca in Muslim world -Shiites and Sunnis BUDDHISM -Founder= siddartha guatama ?awakened or enlightened one? -leaves life as prince and goes into deep meditation


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