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AP Biology Free Response Questions

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AP BIOLOGY EXAM ESSAY (FREE RESPONSE) QUESTIONS General directions: Answers must be in essay form. Labeled diagrams may be used to supplement discussion, but in no case will a diagram alone suffice. It is important that you read each question completely, and answer each section of the question. When giving examples, the first ones you give will be the ones graded. (if two examples are asked for, and you write about 4, make sure the first two are the best ones; they are the only ones counted!) UNIT 1 BIOCHEMISTRY, WATER, ENZYMES #1 (1996) The unique properties of water make life possible on earth. Select three properties of water and a. for each property, identify and define the property and explain it in terms of the physical/chemical nature of water.

Honors Biology cell organelle argument

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Student Name: Nicholas Bloor Block: 5 Cell part you have been assigned: Chloroplast Cell Organelle Argument Guiding Question: ?What role do the various organelles in the cell play and how do these organelles interact with each other? Claim: ?The? ___________ (insert cell organelle name here) ?is essential to cell function because it _______ ________________________ ?(list the functions of your cell organelle here). Paper components: ? Background should ? Explain the importance of functioning cells to living things ? Give a basic explanation of different types of cells ? State the guiding question ? Explain the goal to focus on your particular cell organelle and its role in the cell and interaction with other cell components

prokaryotic cell biofact sheet

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The Prokaryotic Cell B io F actsheet September 2000 Number 73 1 The contents of this Factsheet cover the relevant AS syllabus content of the major examining boards. By studying this Factsheet the candidate will gain a knowledge and understanding of the structure of a prokaryotic cell, the range of prokaryotic organisms and the importances of prokaryotic organisms. Introduction Bacteria (eg Escherichia coli) and Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) (eg Nostoc) are single-celled and characteristically possess no nucleus. They are prokaryotic organisms. Remember ? the Cyanophyta or blue-green algae are now classed as Cyanobacteria because they are prokaryotic. Algae are all eukaryotic since they possess nucleated cells and cell organelles. In some older

Chapter 27: Bacteria and Archaea (9th Edition)

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CAMPBELL BIOLOGY, AP* 9th EDITION Chapter 27: Bacteria and Archaea 27.1 first organisms were likely prokaryotes unicellular variety of shapes - spherical, rod-shaped, and spiral well-organized the cell wall keeps it from bursting in a hypotonic solution and supports structure in hypertonic solutions, they shrink away from walls/plasmolyze contain peptidoglycan - polymer made of modified sugars crosslinked by short polypeptides. Archaea lack peptidoglycan but bacteria have it. Using the a technique called the Gram stain, scientists classify bacterial species into two ?groups based on cell wall composition Gram positive - simpler walls and a large amount of peptidoglycan Gram negative - less peptidoglycan and more structurally complex. Has an outer lipopolysaccharide membrane

Chapter 12 Notes

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Biology 240 SI Session #10 Chapter 12 SI Leader: Lauren Curtis Email: lscurt03@cardmail.louisville.edu Prokaryotes: Describe the process of 'binary fission' : Binary fission is the process by which a prokaryotic cell cell reproduces asexually by dividing in half. This does not include mitosis in prokaryotes, but a process all in it's own. The cell duplicates it's DNA, doubling in size, and then splits into two daughter cells. Here are some terms you need to be familiar with in regards to cell division... Chromatin: A DNA-protein complex, represents DNA in it's unfolded and non condensed form. Chromosomes: Represents DNA folded and condensed down as the cell gets ready to divide. It organizes the DNA in a way where parts won't get lost when the cell splits in half.

Cell Division

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Cell Division Cell Division in Prokaryotes DNA is a circular chromosome attached to the inner surface of the plasma membrane like a rope attached to the inner wall of a tent Binary fission- Division of a prokaryotic cell into two offspring cells DNA is copied, two identical chromosomes attach to the inside of the prokaryote?s inner cell membrane A new cell membrane begins to develop between the two DNA copies As new material is added, the growing cell membrane pushes inward and the cell is constricted in the center A new cell wall forms around the new membrane and the prokaryote is split into two Each cell contains one of the identical chromosomes that resulted from the copying of the original cell?s chromosomes Cell Division in Eukaryotes

Campbell Biology Vocabulary Terms

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ALl Words_BIO-II CHAPTERS Chapter Word Definition 01 Animalia The kingdom that consists of multicellular eukaryotes that ingest their food. 01 Archaea One of two prokaryotic domains, the other being Bacteria. 01 Bacteria One of two prokaryotic domains, the other being Archaea. 01 bioinformatics Using computing power, software, and mathematical models to process and integrate biological information from large data sets. 01 biology The scientific study of life. 01 biosphere The entire portion of Earth inhabited by life; the sum of all the planet?s ecosystems. 01 cell Life?s fundamental unit of structure and function.


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Please print and read Lab #2 for next week There will be a short quiz on Lab #2 at the beginning of lab. If you miss lab, or you arrive late to lab, you will not be able to make-up this quiz. What adaptations allow prokaryotes to be found in almost every environment on Earth? Chapter 27: Prokaryotes Pace, 1997 Prokaryotes Humans Corn Prokaryotic cell structure Much smaller than eukaryotic cells (1-5 ?m) Prokaryotic cell structure Fig. 6.6 Gram-positive Gram-negative Bacterial Cell Walls Prokaryotic cell structure Prokaryotic cell structure Pilus Prokaryotic cell structure Motility Many prokaryotes can respond to their environment through movement (taxis) using flaggella Positive chemotaxis ? Negative chemotaxis ? Prokaryotic cell structure
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