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cht5 guide

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Name: __________________________ Chapter 5 Study Guide How did irrigation help the Persian Empire? What was the family organization and social structure of Persia? What were the duties of a satrap? How did a satrap receive his position? How did the beliefs of Zoroastrianism differ from other major religions during this time period? What is a polis? How did each polis react to each other? What two political systems emerged after the end of tyrants? What is the difference between the two? Who was Herodotus? What did his book, Histories, focus on? How were the city-states, Athens and Sparta, different? What event began the classical period of Greece? How did naval technology transform Greek warfare?

cht 5 outline

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Chapter 5: Greece and Iran, 1000-30 BC Introduction All people view their own customs as natural and culturally superior The Persian Empire brought diverse peoples together Beginnings of East-West conflict Ancient Iran Geography and resources Harsh conditions Developed irrigation in first millennium BC Mineral resources exploited minimally The rise of the First Persian Empire Migration and conquest Shift in power from Medes to Persians and patrilineal society The rule of Cyrus Cambyses and Darius Imperial organization and ideology Empire divided into twenty provinces, each led by a satrap The royal family Administration of empire Connection between Zoroastrianism and Persian rule The Rise of the Greeks Geography and resources The Mediterranean The Aegean Sea, islands and rivers

physics lab

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Nicholas Natale, Kyle Guzman, Conor O?Callahan, Paul Febles Physics H- Curran 3/26/14 Hypothesis: The two darts will hit the ground at the same time because gravity is the factor affecting them, and gravity is constant. Dart Experiment Procedure Materials: 2 Nerf Dart guns 2 Darts (one weighted with metal beads) Metal Beads Camera Procedure: We will test the reaction time of the guns when the trigger is pulled to make sure that they are uniform. (This will be tested 3 times) We will shoot the darts from a balcony at the same height and two people will be below the drop site. One person will shoot both guns so they will be fired almost at the same time. We will rotate who shoots the guns in order to make sure person shooting has little to no effect on results.

Dear Seamstress

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To the production seamstress, For my production of Julius Caesar: On Ice, I?ve designed very detailed costumes for Caesar, Antony, Octavius, Cassius, Brutus, Calpurnia, and Portia. These costumes have been very thought out and have great meaning behind them, so please make note of what each character wears and what scene they wear it in. Caesar: For Caesar, I?ve designed an orange toga with strips of red drapery and a gold cuff bracelet. The red signifies power and ruthlessness while the orange represents his tragic flow, his over confidence. This outfit will be used when the crowd is praising and coaxing Caesar to take the ?crown? so MAKE SURE his cuff is gold, because it represents his success. Cassius:


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Sp. Ch. 26 750-58 Chapter 26: The Futile Search for Stability: Europe Between the Wars, 1919-1939 An Uncertain Peace: The Search for Security I. The peace treaties at the end of WWI had tried to fulfill the 19thc dream of nationalism by redrawing boundaries and creating new states. However, this peace settlement had left nations unhappy. A. Conflicts over disputed border regions poisoned mutual relations in eastern Europe for years, and many Germans viewed the Peace of Versailles as a dictated peace and vowed to seek its revision. II. Woodrow Wilson placed many of his hopes for the future in the League of Nations. A. The League, however was not effective in maintaining the peace. B. The failure of the United States to join the League and the subsequent American

Chapter 14 Outline: Traditions and Encounters 5th Ed., Bentley&Ziegler

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Samuel Choi CHAPTER 14 OUTLINE The Restoration of Centralized Imperial Rule in China The Sui Dynasty Establishment of the Dynasty Yiang Jian was the first Sui ruler Yang Jian appointed Duke of Sui in Northern China by Turkish ruler, who died in 580, left a 7-year old heir Yang Jian installed the boy as leader, but forced his abdication a year later and claimed the mandate of heaven. In the next decade, Yang Jian sent military into South and Central Asia, and by 589, ruled all of China. The Sui emperors had high demands from the people, had big construction projects, military expeditions, high taxes, and compulsory labor. The Grand Canal Most elaborate Sui project was the construction of the Grand Canal, one of world?s largest water projects.

Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 A New Civilization Emerges in Western Europe I. Introduction A. Middle Ages ? Medieval 1. Gradual recovery from Rome?s collapse 2. Growing interaction with other societies B. Spread of religious beliefs 1. Most polytheistic converted from Christianity 2. Some continued to believe in magic/supernatural spirits C. Knowledge from trade/invaders 1. Tools for new crops 2. European paper factory 3. Arabs ? math, science, philosophy D. Took more from other nations than contributed ? one-sided trade E. Two Images 1. Prejudice toward Europe ? big, smelly, hairy lugs a. Newer to civilization b. Economy less advanced c. Manners less polished 2. Flashes of brilliance a. Thomas Aquinas ? sum up knowledge of man, God, nature

Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Civilization in Eastern Europe: Byzantium and Orthodox Europe I. Introduction A. Two major civilizations 1. Byzantine ? Orthodox Christianity a. Maintained high level of political, economic, cultural life b. Leaders saw selves as Roman Emperors c. Empire lasted for 1000 years until Turkish invaders d. Constantinople ? most opulent, important city in Europe e. Spread civilization to previously uncivilized areas i. Russia, Balkans ii. Russia inherits empire from Byzantine 2. West ? Catholicism B. Similarities 1. Both influenced by Islam 2. Both civilizations spread northward 3. Polytheism gave way to monotheism a. Some syncretism ? old religious beliefs maintained 4. Northern areas struggled for political definition

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Classical Civilization in the Mediterranean: Greece and Rome I. Introduction A. Mediterranean culture 1. Greece slowed Persian empire, set up a few colonies, but? 2. Rome known for empire 3. New institutions/values that would remain in western culture 4. ?our own? Classical past a. U.S. Constitution b. buildings in the U.S. c. founders of the philosophical tradition d. Socratic method B. Greco-Roman history 1. more dynamic, but less successful * We can clearly recognize the connections and our own debt without adhering to the notion that the Mediterranean world somehow dominated the classical period. 2. Complicated ? passed through two centers a. Rome preserved many of Greek achievements C. Rome vs. Greece


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