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Unit 2

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AP American Government Review Concentration 2 Political beliefs and behaviors of individuals (10-20%) Beliefs that citizens hold about their government and its leaders Processes by which citizens learn about politics The nature, sources, and consequences of public opinion The ways in which citizens vote and otherwise participate in political life Factors that influence citizens to differ from one another in terms of political beliefs and behaviors Key Terms Americanism Civic competence Civic duty Class consciousness Culture war Equality of opportunity Equality of result External efficacy Internal efficacy Political culture Political efficacy Political ideology Gender gap Partisanship Political elite Political ideology Poll Random sample Sampling error

Unit 1

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AP American Government Review Concentration 1 Constitutional Underpinnings of United States Government (5-15%) Considerations that influenced the formulation and adoption of the Constitution Separation of powers Federalism Theories of democratic government Key Terms Republic Pure/direct democracy Representative democracy Parliamentary democracy Presidential democracy Constitutional democracy Totalitarianism Conservatism Liberalism Absolutism Socialism Communism Dictatorship Oligarchy Theocracy Absolute monarchy Divine right Constitutional or limited democracy Natural law Common law Natural rights National sovereignty State sovereignty Confederation Division of power Interstate commerce Intrastate commerce Domestic tranquility General welfare

Ch 12

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AP Government Name _____________ Smith Period _____ Chapter 13 Reading Questions Directions: using the text, answer the following questions in the space provided. (20 points) Describe two ways in which the power of the president has expanded from its constitutional base. List and explain the function of three major policymaking bodies of the Executive Office. What is the difference between a hierarchical organization and the wheel-and-spokes system of White House management? What are the two indicators of public support of the president? What is meant by the president?s ?honeymoon? period? What is an executive agreement and how is it different from a treaty? What are the ?two presidencies??

Federalist 51

John Locke

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John Locke: Second Treatise, Of Civil Government-Assignment Ideas (Woll 3-9) Your rubric is if the main points are there, and they are under 125 words.? It is either an A or an F.? Below I have listed a few questions to assist you as your complete this assignment. You do not have to answer each question, but if you would like you may use them to guide your writing. 1. How does Locke describe the state of nature? 2. Why do people leave the state of nature and join a political society by establishing a government? 3. Under what conditions can government be dissolved? 4. Do you agree with Locke?s general ideas/concepts regarding individuals and government? 5. If Locke were alive today where would he stand on what we have come to expect/demand from our government today?

Second Treatise

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AP Government Name _____________________ Chapter 1 Period _____ Date _____ Second Treatise, Of Civil Government John Locke Directions: Read the selection from John Locke and answer the questions below? (26 points) Of the State of Nature What is included in the state of nature? What is the Law of Nature? According to Locke, where does your liberty end? What is Locke?s opinion of punishment?

Chapter 1 Vocab

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Chapter 1 Vocabulary AP US Gov Name ______________ Smith Period _____ Date _____ Directions: Match the term with its definition. Place the correct letter on the line beside each definition. (21 points) _____1. A system of selecting policymakers and of organizing government so that policy represents and responds to the public?s preferences. _____2. Goods, such as clean air and clean water, that everyone must share _____3. All the activities use by citizens to influence the selection of political leaders or the policies they pursue. Voting is an example. _____4. The process by which policy comes into being and evolves over time. People?s interest, problems, and concerns create political issues for government policymakers.

A Tour of the Cell

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Ch. 7 Tour of the Cell 2007-2008 Light Microscope - LM ? Uses visible light ? inexpensive ? live or dead objects ? Resolution: ? As magnification ?, resolution ?. ? ~1000X. ? Limitations: ? many cell structures too small Just magnified 64X Magnification & Resolution Light Microscope Variations ? Unstained ? Stained: ?Methylene blue ? iodine Light Microscope Variations ? Fluorescence: uses dyes to make parts of cells ?glow?. ? Phase-contrast: enhances contrasts in density. ? Confocal: uses lasers and special optics to focus only narrow slides of cells. Electron Microscopes ? Use beams of e- ? Invented in 1939 ? Advantages: ?Much higher mag. ? 50,000X ? Disadvantages: ? Vacuum.

Math Review Answers

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AP BIO EQUATIONS AND FORMULAS REVIEW SHEET #1 Formulas: Mode = value that occurs most frequently in a data set Median = middle value that separates the greater and lesser halves of a data set Mean = sum of all data points divided by the number of data points Range = value obtained by subtracting the smallest observation (sample minimum) from the greatest (sample maximum) Standard Deviation = where = mean and n = size of the sample Example problem: One of the lab groups collected the following data for the heights (in cm) of their Wisconsin Fast Plants: 5.4 7.2 4.9 9.3 7.2 8.1 8.5 5.4 7.8 10.2 Find the mode, median, mean, and range. Show your work where necessary. 4.9 5.4 5.4 7.2 7.2 7.8 8.1 8.5 9.3 10.2 Mode:__5.4, 7.2 ___


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