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John C. Calhoun

jefferson vocabulary

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Jefferson?s Administration and Growth of Nationalism (1800-1820) 91. Election of 1800: Adams, Jefferson, and Burr: Adams lost, Jefferson and Burr tied, Hamilton convinced other Federalists to vote for Jefferson to break the tie 92. Barbary Pirates: North African Muslim rulers solved budget?problems through piracy and tributes in Mediterranean, obtained fees from most European powers 93. Midnight judges: judges appointed to Supreme Court by Adams in the last days of his presidency to force them upon Jefferson, Marshall among those appointed 94. ?Marbury v. Madison: John Marshall declared that the Supreme Court could declare federal laws unconstitutional

age of jackson vocabulary

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Age of Jackson (1820-1850) 111. Panic of 1819: Bank tightened loan policies, depression rose throughout the country, hurt western farmers greatly 112. Election of 1824 : ?corrupt bargain? and backroom deal for JQ Adams to win over Jackson 113. Tariff of Abominations: under JQ Adams, protectionist tariff, South considered it the source of economic problems, made Jackson appear to advocate free trade 114. Jackson?s Presidency : focused on the ?Common Man;? removal of Indians, removal of federal deposits in BUS, annexation of?territory, liberal use of veto 115. Transportation Revolution: river traffic, road building, canals(esp. Erie), rise of NYC ? Erie Canal ? goods able to be transferred from New York to?New Orleans by inland waterways

APUSH Midterm Review 2014

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APUSH Midterm Review Notes 2014 3/5 Compromise: the compromise that stated that a slave could count at 3/5 of a person in a population count that determined a state?s representation in the House of Representatives Anne Hutchinson & Antinomianism: Anne Hutchinson was a woman in the Massachusetts Bay Colony that had a strong belief that disagreed with the Puritan idea of predestination. Hutchinson held weekly discussions in her house after Church, where Church members could discuss the sermon. Her extreme beliefs caused it to become evident that she believed in Antinomianism, a view that the Puritans held as dangerous, and believed that God could intervene at anytime to save a person, thereby disagreeing with predestination. Economic Philosophies in the 19th Century:

Andrew Jackson (Selected from What Hath God Wrought)

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Andrew Jackson Inauguration wife Rachel died political enemies responsible unconventional inauguration ironic beginning of term Influence Conservative south Hard childhood Many duels Slave trader Strong religious Politics Win battles ?Old Hickory? White supremacy populist rhetoric Presidency Reform Spoils system Kitchen cabinet ?Reforms? Whitehouse staff Tradition by Jackson Informal Appointment from supporter Huge removal, reform corruption Van Buren vs. Calhoun John Henry Eaton Campaign manager Wife affair Jackson: chaste as virgin Affair lead to political conflict Purge in scandal Complete fabrication Fabricated charges Meritocracy in public Justify privilege perpetuation Civil service reform Corruption of money Samuel Swartwout Absconded with million Honesty and efficiency

The Early Republic and the Spread of Sectionalism OUTLINE

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The Early Republic and the Spread of Sectionalism (1789-1860) The Early Republic Competing Visions of America Hamilton/Jefferson Jefferson was the secretary of state. Hamilton secretary of the treasury. They both have very different thought of where America should go. Jefferson ? people need to be independent and self-sufficient. Hamilton ? not growth over space but growth in time. Supported national debt. He wanted to promote big cities and big business. They both just about hated each other. This division pretty much led to the separation of republican & democracy. The French Revolution ? reign of terror. No one supported the reign of terror, but Jefferson approved of the French Revolution. H said J wanted a reign of terror in America.


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Ch. 9 ? The Transformation of American Society, 1815-1840 Democracy in America Alexis de Tocqueville Wrote two volumes (1835, 1840) on foreigners? impression of America ? ?half-civilized, half-wild,? egalitarian Westward Expansion By 1840, one-third of Americans living between Appalachian Mountains and Mississippi River ? developed own western culture Migrants expected a better life in the West because of the: Growing power of federal government Boom in agricultural prices after War of 1812 The Sweep West Traveled as families rather than as individuals Clustered/settled around people from the same region Western Society and Customs Most westerners craved sociability ? rural families joined with their neighbors in group sports and festivities


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