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Developing country

Development test

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development test gata know What are examples of meaningful indicators of development? How do you measure the technological development of a country? What indicators would help determine the health of a country? What economic way of life is most egalitarian? Is the development gap narrowing or widening? What is the approach in the WHO ?health for all? programs? How much of emerging economies GNI is in the informal economy? What are some reasons for underdevelopment? What was Rostow?s theory about? What does GNI tell you about a country? What is the definition of development? What does the core-periphery model show? What correlation can we see when a country has a high percentage of its people engaged in farming?

AP HG Chapter 2 T/F and Short Answer Test Review

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Chapter 5 Human Geography TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 51) More people are alive now than at any time in the past. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 52) Since the end of World War II, world population has been growing more slowly than in the past. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 53) Most population growth is presently concentrated in more developed countries. Answer: FALSE Diff: 1 54) Nearly half of the people in the world live in East and South Asia. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 55) Two thousand years ago, East and South Asia contained about the same percentage of world population as they do now. Answer: TRUE Diff: 3


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SECRETS OF THE POPULATION PYRAMIDS AP Human Geography ELEMENTS OF THE PYRAMID SEX!!! X-Axis ? Population Age Cohorts (5 yrs) The Oldies (55+) The Economically Active (15-50) The Kids (15-) ?THE TREE? ? High CBR ? High CDR ? Rapid Growth ? Common for many less developed countries (LDC?s) What does this say about the countries healthcare? Economics? ?THE BOX? ? Low CBR ? Low CDR ? Stable, Balanced, and Sustainable = Stable Growth Rate ? The ?GOAL? for many wealthy / developed countries ?THE CUP? ? Declining CBR ? Low CDR ? Less sustainable & hard to support aging population = Negative Growth Rate ? Common for many wealthy / developed countries What changes might make this move towards ?The Box?? Male Female What?s Going On Here? IDEAS?

Ch. 9 PPT

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? 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 9 Lecture Development The Cultural Landscape Eleventh Edition Matthew Cartlidge University of Nebraska-Lincoln ? 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. KI 1 ? Why does development vary among countries? ? 9.1.1: Identify the HDI standard of living factor. ? 9.1.2: Identify the HDI health factor. ? 9.1.3: Identify the HDI access to knowledge factor. ? 9.1.4. Describe variations in level of development within countries and regions. ? 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. ? 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Why Does Development Vary among Countries? ? United Nations (UN) developed a metric to measure the level of development of every country called the Human Development Index (HDI). ? It is based on three factors:

Rubenstein Ch 10 Reading Guide

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Development: Key Issue 1 Why Does Development Vary Among Countries? Rubenstein, pp. 274-281 1. Read the case study, a. Could you live on $16 a month? b. What obstacles does Rahman face? 2. What four specific factors does the UN consider when determining a country?s level of development, its HDI (Human Development Index)? 3. Look at figure 9-1 write down three observations ? ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF DEVELOPMENT 4a. What is gross domestic product (GDP)? 4b. What is the annual per capita GDP in an MDC? In an LDC? 4c. What has been happening to the gap between MDCs and LDCs in terms of GDP? 5. Explain this statement: ?Per capita GDP measure average (mean) wealth, not its distribution.?

Chapter 9

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Notes on Key Issue 1; Chapter 9 Development- the process of improving the material conditions of people through diffusion of knowledge and technology More Developed Countries (MDCs) - has progressed further along the development continuum Less Developed Countries (LDCs) - a country in an earlier stage of development Human Development Index (HDI) - recognizes that a country?s level of development is a functio9n for all three factors 3 factors- economic, social and demographic Highest HDI is Norway at 0.944 in 2001 Economic Indicator is gross domestic product per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - value of the total output of goods and services produced in a country Jobs three categories- primary, secondary and tertiary

Human geo Ch.9 K.I 3

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More Developed Regions Two of the nine major cultural regions- North America and Europe- are considered more developed. The other seven regions are considered less developed The distribution of more and less developed countries reflects a clear global pattern of all the MDCs(which are place up north mostly) and LDCs (which are place South mostly) North American: HDI 0.95 The US ranked only thirteenth in the HDI in 2009.Tje U.S was near the top in two of the four indicators GDP per capita and literacy state. North America was once the world?s major manufacture , automobiles, and other goods Europe: HDI 0.93 Europe was regarded as two regions in 1940s-1990s Democratic West closely linked economically and militarily with the U.S The Other was the Communist East . Russia: HDI 0.73

Human Geo ch. 9

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More Developed Regions Two of the nine major cultural regions- North America and Europe- are considered more developed. The other seven regions are considered less developed The distribution of more and less developed countries reflects a clear global pattern of all the MDCs(which are place up north mostly) and LDCs (which are place South mostly) North American: HDI 0.95 The US ranked only thirteenth in the HDI in 2009.Tje U.S was near the top in two of the four indicators GDP per capita and literacy state. North America was once the world?s major manufacture , automobiles, and other goods Europe: HDI 0.93 Europe was regarded as two regions in 1940s-1990s Democratic West closely linked economically and militarily with the U.S The Other was the Communist East . Russia: HDI 0.73
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