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Chapter 1: What is Abnormal?

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What is Abnormal? Or: Can we define psychopathology? Unusual Statistical deviance Problems? Social Deviance Cultural issues Cohort effect Politics Faulty perceptions of reality Delusions & hallucinations Illusion of control Significant personal distress Sometimes appropriate response Sometimes may distress others Maladaptive or self-defeating Criteria used to distinguish normal from abnormal Dangerousness Criteria for hospitalization Context specific Assignment Research Assignment Due: Monday, September 12, 2010 You must do this assignment on-line through Blackboard. Please post your articles (as attachments) on Blackboard, as well as your response to each task/question below. Assignment continued

Chapter 1: Research

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Research How you can learn to love it, or at least not fear it! Pseudoscience Demonstrations of benefit are based on anecdotes or testimonials The individual?s baseline abilities and the possibility of spontaneous improvement not considered Related scientific procedures are disavowed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vPC7nPX-X4 Why is this important? Scientific Method Identify and analyze problem Hypothesis based on observation, theory, previous findings Sample, measures, design, procedure Collect data and analyze Draw conclusions and revised theories Discussion of your articles ? how do they illustrate the scientific method (or are they pseudoscience?) Measurement methods Reporting Self-report Informant Psychophysiological Neuroimaging Observation Naturalistic Structured

Intro To Psychology

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Guadalupe Sanchez Per. 3 Unit One: Introduction to Psychology Does God exist? Everyone has different beliefs There is no way of knowing for sure You need faith in order to believe I also believe that Heaven and Hell exist *Mr. Parsons DOES NOT CARE whether we believe or not.* Hitler was mentally ill! Hitler was spanked by his father. Spanking a child can cause a mental illness, if they are hit on the head Hitler was basically beaten on a regular basis Would God condemn a mentally ill person to hell? **System of Belief: There is a God, and there is Heaven and/or Hell. ** The Great Debate Free Will Your behavior is the product of personal choice. People ARE morally responsible for their behavior God exists


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Introduction to Psychology (Section 2B) Individual Report Topic: Reducing Academic Procrastination Introduction Procrastination is a well-known problem among students in secondary schools and universities. According to Laura J. Solomon & Esther D. Rothblum(1984), procrastination is experiencing subject discomfort from the act of needlessly delaying tasks. What are the reasons causing students to procrastinate? How can we reduce procrastination? These are the questions we always want to ask since procrastination is regarded as a disturbing phenomenon that we want to get rid of it. (Steel, P., 2007). In this research, we hope to have an in-depth understanding of academic procrastination and seek practical solutions for it. Project Summary Research Aim:

Why We're Wired to Binge-Watch TV

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Maia Regman Mrs. Magnan Biology Honors 15 March 2014 Why We're Wired to Binge-Watch TV In this generation of Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, there are millions of people worldwide who spend hours watching entire seasons (or even series!) in one sitting. Whether it is in anticipation of an upcoming season or a newfound obsession, this practice is disarmingly very common. On demand programs are now must-haves for cable customers, and many search for torrents, full videos on Youtube or DVDs of seasons of their favorite shows. This has sparked many questions as to why millennials have this newfound fixation.

What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

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Maia Regman Mrs. Magnan Biology Honors 16 March 2014 What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder? It is very common knowledge that during the years of adolescence, people, especially girls, may feel they never measure up. Teenagers often compare themselves to others that they view as the epitome of beauty itself, and often destroy their self-esteem in the process. However, there is a chronic mental disorder that has come to light in recent years that a young adult may have called body dysmorphic disorder, that should not be confused with this.

Understanding Miscarriage

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Maia Regman Mrs. Magnan Biology Honors 22 March 2014 Understanding Miscarriage Possibly the most taboo topic of childbirth is miscarriage. It is rarely spoken about because it is such a sensitive topic for women and their partners. Miscarriage is very common despite it not being represented that way.


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Maia Regman Mrs. Magnan Biology Honors 14 May 2014 What is Vitiligo? Following the release of his iconic album Thriller in 1983, Michael Jackson made news for something other than his music. Tabloids released reports that Michael bleached his skin and did not want to be black. Michael Jackson never commented on the matter until a 1993 interview with Oprah Winfrey, saying ??this is the situation. I have a skin disorder that destroys the pigmentation of the skin; it?s something that I cannot help. Okay. But when people make up stories that I don?t want to be who I am, it hurts me.?

What is Beautiful?

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Maia Regman Mrs. Magnan Biology Honors 25 October 2013 What Is Beautiful? Questions today can be answered in less than a second via search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo with an accurate and specific answer. However, when an inquiry regarding a topic as controversial and debated topic such as beauty is entered into the search bar it seems as though all chaos begins. Articles about everything from Cindy Crawford, Jesus, to unicorns can be found in the results.

The Psychology of Death

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Maia Regman Mrs. Magnan Biology Honors 7 February 2014 The Psychology of Death Death. Here written in black and white, boldface, Times New Roman, font 12, the can strike a sense of mystery, fear into the hearts of men, or awe. Over centuries, nations? viewpoints on death have evolved. In ancient Egypt, death was not feared, but welcomed as a time of eternal joy. Now, however, it is a somber situation and dreaded. An article by Steve Taylor published in Psychology Today ventures into the psychological aspect of death.


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