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Prologue and Chapter 1 Outline

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Prologue and Chapter 1 Outline Psychololgy?s Roots Psychology ? Scientific study of behavior and mental processes Behavior- anything an organism does Mental ? Internal, subjective experiences Prescientific Psychology The First Psychologists Confucius ? Stressed the power of ideas Buddha ? sensations and perceptions combine into ideas Socrates/Plato ? Mind separate from body, knowledge is innate Aristotle- Used data for study, knowledge is gained Descartes- ideas and the mind are separate from the body Bacon ? a founder of modern science Locke- Helped form modern empiricism Empiricism- knowledge originates in experience Psychological Science is Born Wundt- experiments with time lag (reaction time of humans) Seeks to measure ?atoms of the mind? Minds structure vs. functions

Rescorla-Wagner (1972) Theory of Classical Conditioning

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Rescorla-Wagner (1972) Theory of Classical Conditioning Rescorla-Wagner Theory (1972) Organisms only learn when events violate their expectations (like Kamin?s surprise hypothesis) Expectations are built up when ?significant? events follow a stimulus complex These expectations are only modified when consequent events disagree with the composite expectation Rescorla-Wagner Theory These concepts were incorporated into a mathematical formula: Change in the associative strength of a stimulus depends on the existing associative strength of that stimulus and all others present If existing associative strength is low, then potential change is high; If existing associative strength is high, then very little change occurs

Psychology 8th edition chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Nature, Nurture, and Human Diversity Objective 1: -Behavior genetics: studies the relative effects of our genes (nature) and our environment (nurture) on our individual differences in behavior and mental processes. -Evolutionary psychology: studies behavior, emotions, and thinking capacities that seemingly allowed our distant ancestors to survive, reproduce, and send their genes into the future. Objective 2: -Environment: Every non genetic influence, from prenatal nutrition to the people and things around us. - Behavior genetics: The study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior. Objective 3: - 46 chromosomes, 23 from mother, 23 from father - Chromosome- threadlike structures made of DNA molecules that contain the genes.

Unit 4 Part 1

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A.P Psychology Unit 4 Sensation and Perception 1 Sensation is what we detect by our sensory neuron. It is also called Bottom-up Processing. Ex ? What we see. Perception ? Perception is what we interpret in our brain. It is called Top-Down Processing. Ex. What we detect. Sensation vs. Perception 2 The focusing of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus is called Selective attention. For example ? You can focus your attention to one voice among many in a place like your school hallway. This is called Cocktail Party effect. Accident happens when your selective attention changes from phone to the road. Selective Attention 3 Selective Inattention is getting ?blinded? to visible things around us due to selective attention to one object.

PSYCH study guide

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Psych Unit One Review Psychology: study of behavior (actions) and mental processes (thoughts) and how these are affected by organism’s physical state, mental state, and external environment. Schools of Thought: Biological: how genetics, brain chemistry, hormones affect behavior, feelings, thoughts. Learning/Conditioning: external variables shape behaviors. Cognitive: thinking. Change behavior by thoughts. Psychodynamics: Sigmund Freud. Unconscious desires impacting behavior. Types of Applications of Psychology: School/Educational: understanding students learning processes Industrial/Organizational: work, what motivates employees Psychometrics: tests. Designing questions to measure abilities and traits. Human factors: how technology can be designed so people understand.


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Review #1 ( http://www.ApPsychology.net ) ( Reproduced with Permission from Ben McIlwain [Author] ) Questions 1. A correlation between dating frequency and academic success of -1.00 would indicate that: a. less frequent dating is associated with lower levels of academic success. b. more frequent dating is associated with lower levels of academic success. c. it is impossible to predict level of academic success based on knowledge of dating frequency. d. dating frequency has no causal influence on academic success. 2. In order to assess reactions to a proposed tuition hike at her college, Susan sent a questionnaire to every fifteenth person in the college registrar's alphabetical listing of all currently enrolled students. Susan employed the technique of:


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