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AP Bio Review

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AP BIOLOGY SEMESTER 2 REVIEW UNIT 7 CONTINUED: ANIMAL FORM & FUNCTION Cell Communication Reception ? signal molecule binds to receptor protein in cell membranes causing it to change shape G protein coupled receptor Transduction = cascade of molecules activates relaying signal within cell Signal transduction pathway (ex. G-protein, tyrosine-kinase receptors, ion channel receptors) Phosphorylation cascades Secondary messenger system (ex. Cyclic AMP, Ca2+ ions, DAG, IP3) Response Transcription factors turn genes on or off Cellular activity activate enzymes, open cell membrane channels, apoptosis Scaffolding proteins Endocrine System (table page 961) Homeostasis Blood sugar regulation, blood calcium regulation Negative feedback, positive feedback Neurosecretory cells

Basic Chemistry Review

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Atoms: An atom has 7 protons, 7 electrons, and 8 neutrons. Fill in the blanks below for this atom: Atomic Number _______ Mass number: _______ Charge: ________ This atom belongs to which element? Notation Atomic # Mass # # protons # neutrons # electrons Types of Bonds: Determine the Type of Bond. Hydrogen and Oxygen type of bond = __________________ Carbon and Hydrogen type of bond = __________________ Sodium and Chlorine type of bond = __________________ Solutions/Molarity Practice What is the molarity if 0.5 moles of sodium chloride is dissolved to make 0.05 liters of solution? What is the molarity if 734 grams of lithium sulfate (Li2SO4) are dissolved to make 2500 mL of solution?

Population Problems

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AP Biology Population Practice Problems dN/dt = rN = B-D dN/dt = rN(K-N/K) There is a population of tigers that has 100 individuals. In one month, there are 12 births and 22 deaths. Calculate the individual growth rate. A population of 500 mealworms exhibits logistic growth. If the carrying capacity is 450 mealworms and r = 0.1, what is the population growth rate? In other words, how many individuals are added/lost to the population in one generation? You collect the following information during a one-year period. There are at the start of the year 1,000 deer on the island; 120 deer die, 200 deer are born, 20 immigrate, and 10 emigrate. Calculate the growth rate.

Hardy Weinberg Practice Problems

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PERIOD 4 Case 1: Ideal H-W ? Surviving Genotypes ? AA Aa aa Parental ? 22 ? F1 4 14 4 F2 8 9 5 F3 8 12 2 F4 7 14 1 F5 10 7 5 Freq. of genotypes Freq. of alleles Gen. # p2 (AA) 2pq (Aa) q2 (aa) p (A) q (a) Parental (H-W hypo.) F5 (H-W hypo) F5 (actual) Case 2: Selection against Homozygous Recessive ? Surviving Genotypes ? AA Aa aa Parental ? 22 ? F1 8 14 0 F2 15 7 0 F3 15 7 0 F4 13 9 0 F5 12 10 0 Freq. of genotypes Freq. of alleles Gen. # p2 (AA) 2pq (Aa) q2 (aa) p (A) q (a) Parental (H-W hypo.) F5 (H-W hypo) F5 (actual) Case 3: Heterozygous Advantage ? Surviving Genotypes ?

Krugman AP Macro Economics Chapter 10

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?? Chapter 10: The Circular Flow and Gross Domestic Product ? National income and product accounts/National accounts: keep track of the flows of money between different sectors of the economy/ keep track of the spending of consumers, sales of producers, business investment spending, government purchases, and a variety of other flows of money among different sectors of the economy The Simple Circular Flow Diagram: Simple economic diagram with households and firms, omits a number of real-world complications in the interest of simplicity Household: consists of either an individual or a group of people who share their income Firm: is an organization that produces goods and services for sale and employs members of households

Krugman AP Macro Economics Chapter 8

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?? Chapter 8: Supply and Demand: Price Controls (Ceilings and Floors) Price controls: legal restrictions on how high or low a market price may go, government action in economy price ceiling: a maximum price sellers are allowed to charge for a good or service price floor: a minimum price buyers are required to pay for a good or service. Assumption: the markets in question are efficient before price controls are imposed price controls in inefficient markets don?t necessarily cause problems and can potentially move the market closer to efficiency Price Ceilings ? Push Prices down Price Ceiling: suppliers have less incentive to offer apartments less of a good are produced Consumer have higher demand shortage of good

Krugman AP MacroEconomics Chapter 7

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?? Chapter 7: Supply and Demand: Changes in Equilibrium ? substitutes: if the price of good1 rises, the demand for good2 will increase if the price of good1 falls, the demand for good2 will decrease An increase in demand leads to a rise in both the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity. A decrease in demand leads to a fall in both the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity. Increase in demand: rightward shift of the demand curve market is no longer in equilibrium shortage: quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied price rises increase in the quantity supplied upward movement along the supply curve new equilibrium When demand for a good or service increases, the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity of the

Krugman AP Macro Economics Chapter 6

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?? Chapter 6: Supply and Demand: Supply and Equilibrium ? quantity supplied actual amount of a good or service producers are willing to sell at some specific price the quantity that producers are willing to produce and sell depends on the price they are offered supply schedule shows how much of a good or service producers will supply at different prices works same as the demand schedule -,-l supply curve shows the relationship between quantity supplied and price law of supply says that, other things being equal, the price and quantity supplied of a good are positively related if price goes up, production of a good (quantity) goes up supply curves slope upward: the higher the price being offered, the more of any good or service producers are

Krugman AP Macro Economics Chapter 4

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?? Chapter 4: Comparative Advantage and Trade Trade: people divide tasks among themselves and each person provides a good or service that other people want in return for different goods and services wanted Gains from Trade: dividing tasks allows for more people to get more of what they want Specialization: When gains from trade are caused by division of tasks Adam Smith?s (1776) The Wealth of Nations: 18th century pin factory where each person specializes in the production of one thing Production Possibilities: curve model is particularly useful for illustrating gains from trade based on comparative advantage Most important insights in all of economics is that there are gains from trade even if one of the trading parties isn?t especially good at anything

Krugman AP Macro Economics Chapter 3

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? Chapter 3: The Production Possibilities Curve Model ? Trade-Off: when you give something up in order to have something else Production Possibilities Curve Model: simplified economy that only produces two goods, able to show trade-off?s more clearly, simplifies the complexities of reality inside/on the curve (shaded area): feasible outside the curve (shaded area): not feasible PPC= production possibilities curve Slope of a straight line production possibilities curve equal to the opportunity cost Outward shift: increase in resources of progress in technology Efficient: no missed opportunities, no way to make some people better off without making other people worse off


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