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Freshwater outline case study

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Freshwater chapter AP Environmental case study: The case study for this chapter is centered on the Colorado River and Las Vegas. The river supplies many states with the necessary water for people to live in the area, but as of late the river has been drained. This is due in part to the city of Las Vegas using ?more than their fair share? of the water. The city is in the middle of a very dehydrated area and as a result the city uses more and more water each year as it grows. This is considered and environmental concern in that the freshwater from the river is being consumed at a rate considered to be unsustainable to the current state of freshwater usage. Without any signs of water usage slowing in Las Vegas and other cities, the river is gradually being drained away.

Freshwater outline case study

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Freshwater chapter AP Environmental case study: The case study for this chapter is centered on the Colorado River and Las Vegas. The river supplies many states with the necessary water for people to live in the area, but as of late the river has been drained. This is due in part to the city of Las Vegas using ?more than their fair share? of the water. The city is in the middle of a very dehydrated area and as a result the city uses more and more water each year as it grows. This is considered and environmental concern in that the freshwater from the river is being consumed at a rate considered to be unsustainable to the current state of freshwater usage. Without any signs of water usage slowing in Las Vegas and other cities, the river is gradually being drained away.

apes ch 12 powerpoint

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Chapter 12 Sustaining Biodiversity: The Species Approach Core Case Study: The Passenger Pigeon - Gone Forever Once the most numerous bird on earth. In 1858, Passenger Pigeon hunting became a big business. By 1900 they became extinct from over-harvest and habitat loss. Figure 11-1 SPECIES EXTINCTION Species can become extinct: Locally: A species is no longer found in an area it once inhabited but is still found elsewhere in the world. Ecologically: Occurs when so few members of a species are left they no longer play its ecological role. Globally (biologically): Species is no longer found on the earth. Global Extinction Some animals have become prematurely extinct because of human activities. Figure 11-2 Endangered and Threatened Species: Ecological Smoke Alarms

Two Historical And Two Modern Examples of Disease Outbreaks

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Two Historical Disease Outbreaks Black Plague- This was one of the world?s most deadly pandemics in history. It killed anywhere from 75 to 200 million people during the years of 1348-1350. It was nicknamed the Black Death and started in China but took full effect in Europe. Smallpox- This was an ?Old World? disease that almost all Europeans were immune to, but when they began to explore and conquer South America they brought it to the Natives and it is estimated that over 95% of the natives died because of this disease Two Modern Examples Swine Flu- H1N1 is a highly contagious and deadly disease that spreads easily which makes it susceptible to worldwide outbreaks. In 2009 a worldwide pandemic occurred and there was much hysteria over the disease

Living In The Environment 16th Edition, Chapter 4 Outline

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Chapter 4: Biodiversity and Evolution 4-1 What is biodiversity and why is it important? Biodiversity is a Crucial Part of the Earth?s Natural Capital Biological Diversity (Biodiversity) is the variety of the earth?s species. The genes they contain, the ecosystem in which they live, and the ecosystem processes such as energy flow nutrient cycling that sustain all life. Genetic Diversity enables life on earth to adapt and survive dramatic environmental changes. Ecosystem diversity are storehouses of genetic and species diversity Functional diversity is the variety of processes such as matter cycling and energy flow taking place within ecosystems. 4-2 Where Do Species Come From? Biological Evolution by Natural Selection Explains How Life Changes Over Time

Burke Lake Dam

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Current Events ?Burke Lake Park Spillway Renovations Underway? What are the key points in the article? The dam in Burke Lake Park is going under some changes to update the dam into the more current design for safety. Although the dam really is functioning just as well currently, as time goes by, the habitat the dam is built on will change. When the land starts to wear off over time, it will not let the dam carry out the plan it was designed for, since the calculations were done according to the previous landscape of the field in which the dam is built on. What are the points of view presented about this issue?

Work based on excerpts from Jared Diamond's Collapse

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Diamond?s Thesis : Jared Diamond?s thesis is pointing out how if people look at the past with knowing eyes of how the past either succeed or failed, this knowledge can be brought to the modern day as a warning to change the world?s current environmental problems. It is a combination of both human choices to their environment and the environment itself that will either prevent or cause environmental collapse.

housing project

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Housing Project -You will work by yourself or with a partner (chose wisely) and you will construct your own model home. -Your house should demonstrate your understanding of how and why homes are made the way they are Choice 1: Identify a specific type of house built anywhere in the world and construct a replica model. On a separate sheet identify what is distinct about that type of home and why it is built the way it is. What adaptations does the home boast? You should be able to identify several key features (more than 1) to write about this type of house. Think about the resources available, climate, development of the country, ect. I expect AP level thought not just basic inference. Write up should be at least a full paragraph.

AP Hug chapter 1 test review

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The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, 10e (Rubenstein) Chapter 1 Thinking Geographically 1) Which of the following statements is most correct regarding the origins of geography? A) Geography was invented as a science in the late 18th century. B) Geography owes its existence to the Renaissance period in Western Europe. C) Humans have practiced geography at least since the time of ancient Greek civilization. D) Human geography was not practiced until powerful computers capable of mapping detailed information were invented. 2) Scale is A) the system used by geographers to transfer locations from a globe to a map. B) the extent of spread of a phenomenon over a given area. C) the difference in elevation between two points in an area.


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