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Disorders Involving Gender and Sexuality

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Disorders involving Gender and Sexuality Influence of culture How do cultural norms influence our attitudes towards sexual behaviors? Should that be reflected in the determination of mental disorders? Gender Identity Disorder Gender Identity: One?s psychological sense of being female or male Gender Identity Disorder (transsexualism): Conflict between one?s anatomic sex and one?s gender associated with serious emotional distress or impaired functioning Not caused by ?inter-sex? condition Not confused with sexual orientation Cause: Unclear? Over identification w/mom Disturbance in endocrine (hormonal) environment during gestation? Sexual Dysfunctions Persistent problems with sexual interest, arousal, or response: lifetime vs. acquired; situational vs. generalized

Chapter 10: Eating Disorders

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Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa Refusal to maintain minimally normal body weight Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat Disturbance in way in which body weight or shape is experienced, etc. Absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles Specify restricting type or binge/purging type Bulimia Nervosa Recurrent episodes of binge eating Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviors in order to prevent weight gain Binge eating & compensatory behavior occur on average 2X/week for 3 months Self-evaluation unduly influenced by weight Doesn?t occur only during anorexia Specify: Purging type or Nonpurging type Etiology Biological factors Twin studies MZ (20-50%) DZ (>10%) Family studies Hypothalmus Modulates neurotransmitters such as serotonin and norepinephrine

Chapter 7: Mood Disorders

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Mood Disorders Depressive Disorders Depressive Episodes Irritable vs. depressed mood Vegetative symptoms Endogenous symptoms Dysthymia Psychotic symptoms Double Depression Bipolar Disorders Manic episode Cyclothymia Who commits suicide? More females attempt, more males succeed. White Americans and Native Americans more likely Increased risk in elderly Etiology Psychological theories Cognitive perspective Seligman?s theory Beck?s theory Limitations ? similar, reality? Behavioral perspective Family factors Depressed parents, depressed children Stressful events (chronic, uncontrollable, beyond coping skills) Biological Factors Genetic factors MDD and dysthymia ? genetic factors account for 50%+ of variance

Chapter 5 and Chapter 6: Anxiety Disorders

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Anxiety Disorders & Responses to Stress Stress & Illness Stress and the endocrine system Stress affects the endocrine system (glands that release hormones into blood) releases ACTH, stimulates cortical steroids Chronic stress can damage bodily systems Stress and the immune system Chronic stress increases levels of interleukin-6, linked to inflammation Social support and expressing emotion through writing can help Acculturative Stress Acculturation The process of adaptation by which immigrants, native groups, and ethnic minority groups adjust to the new culture or majority culture through making behavioral and attitudinal changes Acculturative stress Pressure that results from demands placed on these groups to adjust to life in mainstream culture

Chapter 3 and Chapter 4: Assessment Diagnosis and Treament

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Assessment, Diagnosis & Treatment Purposes of Assessment Description and diagnosis Taxonomic diagnosis, e.g., DSM-IV-TR Prognosis and treatment planning Prognosis ? predictions about future behavior under specified condition Treatment to enhance future development, not just remove problem Treatment planning and evaluation Generate plan to address problem Evaluation of effectiveness Assessing Disorders Clinical interviews Developmental and family history Semistructured interviews Behavioral assessment Behavior analysis or functional analysis of behavior: ABC Checklist and Rating scales Psychological Testing IQ Personality tests: Objective & Projective Classification & Diagnosis Categories vs. Dimensions Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Multi-axial system

Chapter 2: Theoretical Perspectives

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Theoretical Perspectives Biological Perspectives Medical model Physiological model Pros and cons of this model Biological Perspective Biological factors play a role (not the only one) in development of psychopathology Neurotransmitters Hormones Genetic influences Brain development Psychosocial approaches Emphasize importance of early experience Recognize social influences and psychological processes Psychodynamic perspectives Structure of the mind Conscious, preconscious (telephone number), unconscious Structure of personality Id, ego, superego Defense mechanisms Stages of Psychosexual development Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital Cognitive-Behavioral Approach Cognitive influences Attributions Negative automatic thoughts Cognitive errors Behavioral influences

Chapter 1: Research

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Research How you can learn to love it, or at least not fear it! Pseudoscience Demonstrations of benefit are based on anecdotes or testimonials The individual?s baseline abilities and the possibility of spontaneous improvement not considered Related scientific procedures are disavowed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vPC7nPX-X4 Why is this important? Scientific Method Identify and analyze problem Hypothesis based on observation, theory, previous findings Sample, measures, design, procedure Collect data and analyze Draw conclusions and revised theories Discussion of your articles ? how do they illustrate the scientific method (or are they pseudoscience?) Measurement methods Reporting Self-report Informant Psychophysiological Neuroimaging Observation Naturalistic Structured

traditional culture reflection

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Reflections on Traditional Cultures of the World Name: Luke Livingston Directions: After listening, watching and eating our way through over twenty national cultures, we should be able to come to some conclusions about patterns of traditional folk cultures in different places around the world. Thank you to every student in the class; you each contributed valuable details to the tapestry of cultures.

Krugman AP Macroeconomics Module 16

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Module 16: Income and Expenditure -The nature of the multiplier, which shows how initial changes in spending lead to further changes -The meaning of the aggregate consumption function, which shows how current disposable income affects consumer spending -How expected future income and aggregate wealth affect consumer spending -The determinants of investment spending -Why investment spending is considered a leading indicator of the future state of the economy ? Assumptions: 1. We assume producers are willing to supply additional output at a fixed price causing changes in overall spending translate into changes in aggregate output 2. We take the interest rate as given 3. We assume that there is no government spending and no taxes


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Diagnosis: Physicians can diagnose Alzheimer?s desease by performing a complete medical history and lab tests,they will also perform a physical exam , scam of the brain and neuro psychological tests for the memory, language skills and problem with their abilities. The proper diagnosis can be critical since there are many other causes of loss of memory. Some of those memory problems can be treated such as those cause by vitamin dificiencis of thyroid symptoms.Other memory problems can result from causes not currently reversible, such as Alzheimer?s desease. The sooner an accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer?s is made , the easier to control the symptoms that might come in the future. Symptoms; The symptoms can be moderate or severe stage. Moderate stage can include:


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