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Unit III Review

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UNIT III: 1450 - 1750 C.E. In the previous era (600-1450 C.E.), sometimes called the post-classical period, we explored the rise of new civilizations in both hemispheres, the spread of major religions that created cultural areas for analysis, and an expansion of long-distance trade to include European and African kingdoms. However, no sustained contact occurred between the eastern and western hemisphere. During the time period between 1450 and 1750 C.E., the two hemispheres were linked and for the first time in world history, long-distance trade became truly worldwide. QUESTIONS OF PERIODIZATION This era includes only 300 years, but some profound and long-lasting changes occurred. Characteristics of the time between 1450 and 1750 include:

Purifying the Nation

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Part A. Wendell Phillips Wendell Phillips believed in the abolition of slavery and denounced the Constitution because slavery was allowed under it. He also believed in advocating women?s and Native American?s rights, universal suffrage and temperance. Phillips was known as the voice of the anti-slavery movement, delivering speeches as a great public figure in the Anti-Slavery Society in 1835. He also wrote pamphlets for William Lloyd Garrison?s The Liberator on abolition. He was very successful in promoting reform, he was able to further his career because of his popularity among the public. Replacing Garrison, he became President of the Anti-Slavery Society. He lived to see his progress to the Constitution which was the 13th, 14th and 15th amendment.


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Kathryn Carrico Essay Assignment: Slavery Apology & Reparations Mr. Forte September 5, 2012 Hello everyone, this is your Chief Executive speaking. First of all I wanted to thank you generously for coming here today. I have come to inform you about, and personally apologize for, one of the most tragic past moments in our nations history. This moment has not only drastically impacted most of your lives and your families but has also brought this magnificent country to where it stands today. Without this major crisis, the world might not have changed and the difference between right and wrong might not have been clearly seen. The great issue at hand, ladies and gentlemen, is slavery and whether or not reparations should be made to the families of these individuals.

history of globalization

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THE HISTORY OF GLOBALIZATION 1 The spread of homo sapiens Great leaps forward 50,000 years ago, in East Africa, homo sapiens achieve ?full behavioural modernity? that included language, music, and standardized tools and other artifacts Lascaux Caves ~ 16,000 years ago Great leaps forward 50,000 years ago, in East Africa, homo sapiens achieve ?full behavioural modernity? that included language, music, and standardized tools and other artifacts About 8,500 B.C., in the ?Fertile Crescent?, the first plants (wheat, barley, peas) were domesticated; as human populations settle around agriculture, hierarchy and proto states emerge in Mesopotamia (Iraq/Syria), Egypt, and Central China The fertile crescent Great leaps forward

History of Ethnic Cleansing

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Andrew Bell-Fialkoff -- A Brief History of Ethnic Cleansing ? REVISITING THE SINS OF ANTIQUITY THE SERBIAN CAMPAIGN The Serbian campaign to ?cleanse" a territory of another ethnic group, while gruesome and tragic, is historically speaking neither new nor remarkable. Population removal and transfer have occurred in history more often than is generally acknowledged. The central aim of the Serbian campaign--to eliminate a population from the "homeland' in order to create a more secure, ethnically homogeneous state-is in some ways as old as antiquity. Moreover, despite greater international attention and condemnation, such campaigns have only intensified in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries.


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