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13 Colonies Guided Notes

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Cornell Notes Guided Notes ? ?The 13 Colonies? Glue onto Page: ______ Introduction England?s ___________ ___________ were located on the Atlantic Coast in-between French ___________ and Spanish ___________. The Thirteen Colonies can be divided into three regions. Each region was unique and gave the English a wide variety of opportunities and ?personalities.? New England ? Climate, Resources & People Long ___________ & rocky soils ? Fishing, ___________, Trade, and ___________ ? Heavy reliance on the Atlantic Ocean ? people relied on ___________ Farming ? produced enough for themselves + a little extra for trading ? settlers from England made up the largest groups of the region?s population ? John ___________, Benjamin ___________, ___________ Rush African Americans

Traditions and Encounters Chapter 26 Test Bank

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CHAPTER 26 TEST QUESTIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Thomas Peters was a. a wealthy plantation owner who became the largest slave owner in the Carolinas. b. the captain of the first ship to bring slaves to North America. c. an American congressman who played a key role in drafting legislation to end the slave trade. d. the author of The Crime of Slavery. e. central in promoting the establishment of a colony for ex-slaves in Sierra Leone. * (p. 695) 2. The Black Pioneers were a. Africans who served as indentured servants in return for land in the Caribbean. b. escaped slaves who fought to maintain British rule in the North American colonies. * c. former slaves who fought on the colonial side in the American Revolution.

The Earth and its Peoples Ch 23 Study Questions

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Chapter 23 Study Guide- Nation Building and Economic Transformation in the Americas, 1800-1890 Directions: Using complete sentences, answer the following questions. What ignited Latin America?s struggle for independence? What social group led the revolution in Venezuela? How was Simon Bolivar able to gain political support? What was Bolivar?s view of slavery? What was Gran Colombia? Who were Jose de San Martin?s most effective troops in his campaign against the Spanish military? What was Spain?s richest and most populous colony? How Spanish colonial officials rule Mexico since the Spanish king had been imprisoned by the French? What kind of government did Mexico finally form after gaining independence?

American Pagent Chapter 4 Rough Notes

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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Ben Nichols? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? AP History Notes? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Chapter 4?? ~1/2 the people that were born in the new world died before they were 12? ~Angry men (Bacon) overthrew Berkley and his monopoly? ~Slavery put many people out of business in Virginia? ~Freed slaves could own other slaves up to a point? ~Slaves brought words into English language? ~New England industries had an easier time than southern farmers? ~Northern families did much better at staying alive? ~Southern women were able to keep land and a title where Northern women were not? ~Harvard is the oldest corporation in the US? ~Most children were required an elementary education in the North? ~The witchcraft hysteria ended in 1693

African American Themes

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Criticism of Christianity ??nations ideals vs. its practices ??slave owner Christianity vs. real Christianity Prophetic Tradition ??to speak truth to power ??this is what will happen to you if you don?t stop oppressing God?s people Jeremiad (written & oral) ??sermons of despair deploring the signs of waning faith ??prediction of calamity but gives element of hope ??named for biblical prophet Jeremiah (predicts the fall of the kingdom of Judah because they broke their covenant with the Lord) ??predicting the fall of an institution/nation based upon their wrong actions ??prolonged lamentation or complaint ??crisis = the norm in the Jeremiad Walker p.162-165 ??hypocritical vs. true Christianity (claims true Christianity for black people)

African American Midterm

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Text: Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral Author: Phillis Wheatley Genre: Poetry Year: 1773 Author?s Bio: Born in West Africa, brought to America. While enslaved, she was taught to read and write, and educated in the classics and Christianity. She was the first African American to publish a book. She traveled to England to publish the first book, and was very well-received. She was emancipated at age 20. She eventually married a free black man, but without the support of the Wheatley?s, she and her husband had little financial success and had descended into poverty by the end of Phillis? life. Context for work:

ch4 notes

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The Unhealthy Chesapeake Disease cut off 10 years life expectancy for the early settlers in the Chesapeake Half the people born in Virginia and Maryland in its early years didn?t live t see their 20th bday Majority of early settlers were single men in their teens or early 20?s Men outnumbered women 6:1 Very few families Later gained an immunity to the diseases The Tobacco Economy Intense cultivation caused the soil to exhaust Caused demand for more land More Indian attacks Prices on tobacco dropped when it became more abundant (1.5 million pounds annually) Caused the need for more labor Indians died too quickly when near whites Blacks were too expensive Used indentured servants Frustrated Freemen and Bacon?s Rebellion

Joseph Ellis' "The Silence" Presis

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?The Silence? Questions By Joseph J. Ellis Taken From Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation THESIS OF THE ARTICLE: In the early years of the country, the government remained silent over the slavery question. But then on February 11, 1790, two Quaker delegates stormed Congress with a petition to end the African slave trade. The antislavery North used republican values to support their view, while the proslavery South looked to the Constitution and the Bible to protect its establishment. And thus the congressional debate over slavery began, and quickly ended in an effort to avoid friction in the Union. SALIENT POINTS OF READING INTEREST:

Questions on Joseph Ellis' "The Silence"

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?The Silence? Questions By Joseph J. Ellis Taken From Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation 1. On February 11, 1790, two Quaker delegates to Congress presented a petition tend what practice? The African slave trade 2. The United States Constitution said this practice could not be abolished until what year? 1808 3. The Pennsylvania Abolition Society made two new points in their petition for the abolition of slavery. Name one. Both slavery and the slave trade were incompatible with the values for which the American Revolution had been fought 4. The Pennsylvania Abolition Society's appeal to Congress arrived under the signature of what "founding brother"? Benjamin franklin

Chapter 2

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Elizabeth I An English Protestant queen, she supported the plundering of Spanish ships. Ireland Catholic land ruled by England, sought Spanish support, to no avail. Sir Francis Drake An English pirate secretly supported by Elizabeth to plunder Spanish ships. Sir Walter Raleigh An English courtier, Raleigh failed to establish the Roanoke colony. Roanoke An attempt at colonizing America, but the colonists disappeared. Spanish Armada Spain?s attempt to counter English piracy, a remarkable failure. Enclosing The fencing of private lands, forcing farmers off of land or into tenancy. Joint-stock company A company of investors who pooled their money to fund exploration. primogeniture Laws decreeing that only eldest sons can inherit landed estates. James I


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