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APUSH American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 4 Outline (DETAILED)

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Name Teacher AP U.S. History 10 September, 2013 Chapter 4 American Life in the Seventeenth Century The Unhealthy Chesapeake Life of Americans living in the Wilderness Life was hard, short, and very unforgiving for the earliest of settlers in the Chesapeake. There were many diseases like malaria, dysentery, and typhoid that the settlers encountered. The diseases and harsh life shortened life expectancy of the settlers by as much as 10 years for newcomers from England. There was slow population growth during the 1600s in the Chesapeake. Most immigrants were young males from England. Many of them died after arrival from England. There were very few women, and most men could not find mates. There were very few families. The Colony endures its struggle.

America: Past and Present Notes Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: New World Encounters Native American Histories before Conquest Columbus did not really discover the new world-more connected Africa, Europe and the Americas The People of the Americans came 15 to 20 thousand years before any European did. Receding water created a large land bridge connected North America and Asia -now submerged underwater in the Bering Sea. Modern Scientists call this ? Beringia? Nomadic People crossed first--Spear-Throwing Paleo-Indians that hunted wooly mammoths and mastodons.

Book Theif Themes

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Major Themes in The Book Thief The Book Thief by Markus Zusak is a complex story involving lives of numerous characters in a harsh reality of Nazi regime. The three major themes in The Book Thief are Propaganda and Censorship, Humanity and Dehumanization, and Abandonment and Survivor?s Guilt.


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Define John Smirh- Took leadership of Jamestown in 1608, his leadership helped strengthen the settlement he is quoted for saying ?People who do not work, do not eat.? William Bradford - pilgrim that was elected governor of Plymouth Rock 30 times John Winthrop- first governor of the Mass. Bay Colony in the 1630?s, led an religious experiment ?we shall be a city on a hill.? John Rolfe- saved Virginia by growing tobacco, was married to Pocahontas Predestination- the idea that your fate was predetermined to salvation or damnation (john Calvin) Conquistadores- Spanish explorers/solders out to conquer new territory Joint Stock Company developed to gather savings to support colonies

ap world 2

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Chapter 19 Early Latin America I. Introduction A. Cortes conquers Aztecs 1. Amazed at beauty of Tenochtitlan - uncomparable B. Pattern of conquest, continuity and rebuilding 1. Spanish tried to utilized Native resources similarly a. Used materials from ruins to build own houses b. Used similar forced labor system c. Allowed to follow ancient customs C. Impact of invasions 1. Huge Spanish/Portuguese empires 2. Latin America pulled into new world economy 3. Hierarchy of world economic relationships ? Europe on top 4. New societies created ? some incorporated, some destroyed a. Distinct civilization combining Iberian Peninsula w/ Native 5. Created large landed estates 6. Europeans came to Americas for economic gain and social mobility

ap world

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Chapter 16 The World Economy I. Introduction A. What are consequences of? 1. Voyages of Columbus 2. Exploration of Europeans 3. Empires built by European conquerors/missionaries B. Consequences 1. Power shift 2. Redefinition of interchange D. Patterns of diffusion 1. Classical ? developing regional economies/cultures ? Medit./China a. External conflicts existed, but not that important 2. Postclassical Era ? contacts increase a. Missionary religions spread b. Interregional trade key component of economies ? bet. continents c. Some regions dominated trade ? Muslims then Mongols 3. 1450-1750 ? Eve of the Early Modern Period a. New areas of world brought into global community ? Americas b. Rate of global trade increased ? Southeast Asia

APUSH Unit Guide

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?Chapter 2 Reading Objectives? 1. ?State the factors that caused the English to start late on colonization.? -Internal religious conflict: the Protestant Reformation in England caused fighting between Protestants and Roman Catholics, and power changed hands between the two for a long time. -Alliance with the Spanish: the two were at peace in the first half of the 1500s, but with the plundering of Spanish ships later in the century, England broke that peace and began to colonize. 2. ?Describe the development of the Jamestown colony from its disastrous beginnings to its later prosperity.? -Virginia Company of London sends people to the New World - Chartered by King that guaranteed settlers all English rights

Out of Many Book Outlines

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Ariana Correa Period 3 September 27, 2012 AP US History Outlines 4-5 The American Revolutionary Era, 1754-1789 4.1 The French and Indian War During The Albany Conference of 1754?British officials wanted the colonies to consider a collective response to the continuing conflict with New France and the Indians of the interior. The conference adopted Benjamin Franklin?s Plan of the Union, which proposed that Indian affairs, western settlement, and other items of mutual interest be placed under the authority of one general government for the colonies, this plan was rejected. There were three flash points of conflict in North America On the?Northern Atlantic Coast at the Fortress of Louisburg Border region between New France and New York (Niagara Falls to Lake Champlain)

Out of Many Book Outlines

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Ariana Correa?Period 3 Mrs. Frisen?August 20, 2012 AP US History Outlines 1-3 Pre-Columbian Societies ?1.1 Early Inhabitants of the Americas Christopher Columbus called the Native Americans Indios because he thought he had landed in India The term Indian refers to a variety of different cultures (over 2000), with hundreds of different languages and different ways of living They had long dark hair and tan skin When it was realized that America was not part of Asia a debate began over how the people got there ?1.2 American Indian Empires on Mesoamerica, the Southwest, and the Mississippi Valley Mesoamerica stretched from central Mexico to central America By the first millennium B.C.E. large communities were taking shape

The Earth and Its People Chapter 18 Study Guide

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Name_8 _,? ,,. lv- _ Block. Date _ Chapter 18 Study Guide- Atlantic System and Africa Directions: Using complete sentences, answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. You must use the question as the stem of your answer. After 1600, what was grown in the West Indies? Spanish settlers introduced sugar-cane cultivation into the West Indies shortly after 1500 but did not do much else toward the further development of the islands. After 1600, the French and English developed colonies based on tobacco cultivation. What did the expansion of sugar plantations in the West Indies require?


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