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The Professional Geographer, 54(3) 2002, pages 305?317 ? Copyright 2002 by Association of American Geographers. Initial submission, June 2001; revised submission, January 2002; ?nal acceptance, February 2002. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, and 108 Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 1JF, UK. ARTICLES The Big Questions in Geography Susan L. Cutter University of South Carolina Reginald Golledge University of California, Santa Barbara William L. Graf University of South Carolina In noting his fondness for geography, John Noble Wilford, science correspondent for The New York Times , neverthe- less challenged the discipline to articulate those big questions in our ?eld, ones that would generate public interest,


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Review ?Session ?#1 ? Nature ?and ?Its ?Perspec?ves ? Tuesday, ?April ?7, ?2014 ? Geography ?History ? ?? Geography-?? ??The ?scien??c ?study ?of ?the ?loca?on ?of ?people ? and ?ac?vi?es ?across ?Earth?and ?the ?reason ?for ?their ? distribu?on? ? ?? Eratosthenes ?(ca. ?100 ?BCE) ? ?? Geo ?? ??earth? ?and ?Graphy ?? ??to ?write? ? ?? Greeks ?and ?Romans ?developed ?la?tude ?and ?longitude ? ?? Ptolemy ?(2nd ?c. ?CE) ? ?? Created ?one ?of ?the ??rst ??world ?maps? ? ?? Included ?the ?closed ?Indian ?Ocean ?and ?Earth?s ?en?re ?landmass ? made ?up ?of ?most ?of ?Europe, ?Central ?Asia ?and ?Northern ?Africa ?

Rubenstein Ch 4 Reading Guide

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List the group of people What do they eat? Why do they eat it? Folk and Popular Culture: Key Issue 1 Where Do Folk and Popular Cultures Originate and Diffuse? Rubenstein, pp. 104-111 1. Read the case study on page 106. 2. Who was Vidal de la Blache? 3. What does his quote mean? ? ORIGIN OF FOK AND POPULAR CULTURE 1 1. List elements of the origin and characteristics of FOLK MUSIC. 2. List elements of the origin and diffusion of POPULAR MUSIC. ? DIFFUSION OF FOLK AND POPULAR CULTURE 8. How was soccer transformed from a folk custom into popular culture?

Rubenstein Ch 1 Reading Guide

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Thinking Geographically: Key Issue 1 How Do Geographers Describe Where Things Are? Rubenstein Ch. 1 pp. 1-12 1. Read the introduction on pages 2 and 3, Give a personal example of globalization and local diversity in your life. 2. Read the case study on page 4. Identify key three points from the section. 3. Define map: 4. Define scale: 5. Define cartography: ? MAPS 6. Give two purposes of maps. (a) (b) 7. Who first demonstrated that the earth was round? How? 8a. Who was the first to use the term ?geography.? 8b. List three of his contributions in geography at that time. (a) (b) (c) 9. Provide an example of developments in geography for each of the following: Chinese Muslims Age of Discovery (16th Century)

AP Human Geography Ch. 1 notes

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Nayree Panossian AP Human Geography Ch.1 - 1 Notes Geography = The study of where things are found on earths surface and the reasons for the locations. Maps as reference tools = a map helps us find the shortest route btw 2 places, and to avoid getting lost along the way. We consult maps to know where in the world some place is found. Maps as communication tools = a map is often the best means for showing the distribution of human activities or physical features, as well as for thinking about reasons underlying a distribution. Early Maps = the earliest of maps were reference tools ? simple navigation devices designed to show a traveler how to get from point A to point B.


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77 Grand Central Equation Many people converge at Grand central station on their way to their destinations. lt is a place thatrepresents a myriad of travel possibilities. Reactions travel not by train, but by specific pathways calledmechanisms' ln this activity, you will see how ditferent reactants, taking different routes, can undergotransformation into the same product. You will evaluate these different routes in terms of the amount ofproduct that can be made, the ease of isolating the product, product purity, safety issues, reaction time,waste production, and economics. d. 8t f'zq t1 SEUU .6i6m .acue|eq;ec1y(1eueueuouleL|l(ale1)q6taalpue Jel?eq -lu-og p optsul aqnl lsel lleus rfup e ecel4 'ace;d sqlalpunq eql ol pEeJ ue3 lEql ecuEleq e pul)'z

Chapter 2: Psychology: Themes and Variations, Canadian Edition

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Psychological research Operational definition: describes the operation that will be used to measure or control a variable Aim of good scientific research is a) clarity and precision and b) relative intolerance of error Peer-reviewed articles have strict guidelines for publishing Scientific theories are unfinished; studies give credibility to the claim, not prove it Multiple studies decrease the likelihood of statistical anomaly Research methods Experimentation: manipulation of an independent variable under carefully controlled conditions Pros: control; can observe cause-and-effect Cons: can be artificial; ethical concerns Direct observation: observers watch and record behaviour as objectively and precisely as possible with no/minimal interference Pros: minimizes artificiality

Chapter 7: Psychology: Themes and Variations, Canadian Edition

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Psychological research Operational definition: describes the operation that will be used to measure or control a variable Aim of good scientific research is a) clarity and precision and b) relative intolerance of error Peer-reviewed articles have strict guidelines for publishing Scientific theories are unfinished; studies give credibility to the claim, not prove it Multiple studies decrease the likelihood of statistical anomaly Research methods Experimentation: manipulation of an independent variable under carefully controlled conditions Pros: control; can observe cause-and-effect Cons: can be artificial; ethical concerns Direct observation: observers watch and record behaviour as objectively and precisely as possible with no/minimal interference Pros: minimizes artificiality

Chapter 8: Psychology: Themes and Variations, Canadian Edition

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Psychological research Operational definition: describes the operation that will be used to measure or control a variable Aim of good scientific research is a) clarity and precision and b) relative intolerance of error Peer-reviewed articles have strict guidelines for publishing Scientific theories are unfinished; studies give credibility to the claim, not prove it Multiple studies decrease the likelihood of statistical anomaly Research methods Experimentation: manipulation of an independent variable under carefully controlled conditions Pros: control; can observe cause-and-effect Cons: can be artificial; ethical concerns Direct observation: observers watch and record behaviour as objectively and precisely as possible with no/minimal interference Pros: minimizes artificiality


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