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AP* EDITION|THE EARTH AND ITS PEOPLE: A GLOBAL HISTORY CHAPTER 7 Larger Concept Section Review Vocabulary Terms Details THE SILK ROAD Origins and Operations -The rise of the Parthian kingdom helped foster the Silk Road, a route by which Chinese products were exchanged with goods from the Mediterranean regions -General Zhang led expeditions that established the route from China through Central Asia Silk Road-caravan routes connecting China and the Middle East across Central Asia and Iran Parthians-Iranians ruling dynasty between ca. 250 B.C.E. and 226 C.E. -The Seleucid kings focused their energies on Mesopotamia and Syria which allowed an Iranian nomadic leader to establish an independent kingdom of a people called Parthians in northeastern Iran


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AP* EDITION|THE EARTH AND ITS PEOPLE: A GLOBAL HISTORY CHAPTER 16 Larger Concept Section Review Vocabulary Terms Details CULTURE AND IDEAS Early Reformation -Outraged by corrupt church practices, reformers like Luther and Calvin challenged papal authority and traditional Catholic theology European Renaissance-period of intense artistic and intellectual activity, said to be a ?rebirth? of Greco-Roman culture Papacy- central administration of the Roman Catholic Church, of which the Pope is the head Indulgence- the forgiveness of the punishment due for past sins, granted by the Catholic Church authorities as a reward for a pious act

Chapter 6 and 7 Outline

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Chapter 06 - The Duel for North America, 1608-1763 ?I. France Finds a Foothold in Canada 1. Latecomer in race for colonies due to wars at home between Roman Catholics and Huguenots (Protestants) 10,000 murdered on St. Bartholomew?s Day 2. Edict of Nantes--- limited toleration to the French Huguenots. Ceases religious wars. 3. France blossomed-- mightiest most feared; King Louis XIV became king, took interest in overseas colonies. 4. In 1608, Quebec, overlooking the St. Lawrence River established by French. Catholic. 5. Samuel de Champlain-- ?Father of New France? soldier and explorer ? friendship with Huron Indians-- joined them in battle against Iroquois ? French shot 3 dead, one wounded. Enemies ?

AP Euro Chapter 13 outline

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Chapter 13 Reformation and Religious Warfare in the Sixteenth Century 1) Prelude to Reformation XXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXX A) Christian Humanism ? goal to reform Christianity 1) Focus on Religious Simplicity ? discovered a simple religion which was complicated by theological theories 2) Call for Religious Reform ? individuals have the ability to improve themselves 3) Reform Through Education ? society would change as education increased B) Erasmus: Prince of Humanists ? most influential Christian Humanist 1) Emphasis on Inner Piety ? deemphasized external forms of religion (fasting, relics, sacraments) 2) Praise of Folly: Satire of the Age ? harsh on abuses of the church 3) Influence on the Protestant Revolt ? wanted to reform the church, disagreed with revolt

Ch 17

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Chapter 17 1. How many slaves were transported during the "sugar boom" from 1650-1800? 7.5 million 2.This was created in Spain in 1524 to put royal power in place over the population Council of the Indies 3.By the end of the 16th century, this country occupied most of the Brazilian coast Portugal 4.Spain?s less nobles were called Hidalgos 5.The Spanish attempted to protect and control trade to the colonies by... The combination of monopoly commerce and convoy system 6.They were one of two groups of Protestant dissenters who colonized New England Puritans 7.In addition to sailing up the Pacific coast, early Amerindians from South America also colonized this The West Indies 8.The term Columbian Exchange refers to

Martin Luther

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Juraidini 1 Justin Juraidini Farmer AP European History January 30, 2013 ?Luther? Reaction Paper The movie "Luther" is based on Martin Luther's life and the impact he had on the Catholic Church. Throughout the movie Martin Luther takes it upon himself to find truth pertaining to salvation and preaches his ideas and thoughts to the people of Wittenberg. Martin Luther disagreed with aspects of Roman Catholic religious practices, especially the sale of indulgences, religious corruption, and the emphasis on salvation through good works. He took action by posting and distributing his 95 theses and left a lasting legacy by sparking a religious movement, creating a new sect of faith, and later motivating reform to the Roman Catholic Church.


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Kristen Kee Mrs. Brenner AP English/ Period I 22 November 2011 Night Excerpt Analysis Essay No one has experienced anything more life changing than Eli Wiesel. He survived a concentration camp in Auschwitz and lived to tell the story. Eli Wiesel uses anaphora, simile, and diction to emphasize the tone and meaning of a passage from his book. In this excerpt, Eli Wiesel clearly shows how he feels about being in Auschwitz and he clearly defines the purpose of why he wrote this part in his book.

Parasise Lost VII

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Paradise Lost Summaries The Epic Order: 1. The Heavenly Battle The Casting Out The New Creation The Son?s Offer of Sacrifice The Arrival of Satan in Paradise Book VI ? Rapha?l continues to relate the war in Heaven The armies meet on the plain After listening to Satan?s plan of rebellion, Abdiel (?Seraph faithful found?) returns to the faithful angels The opposing forces meet front to front Abdiel confronts Satan ? First to strike Satan The first battle Leaders of the army of angels: Michael and Gabriel Michael duels with Satan (?then Satan first knew pain?) Moloch injured by Gabriel (?but anon Down-clov?n to the waist, with shatter?d Arms and uncouth pain fled bellowing?) Other fights are described, as the faithful prevail The rebels retreat under nightfall

Ch. 11 AP Art history Gardners Art

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Chapter 11 ?Pagans, Christians, And Jews ? The Art of Late Antiquity AP Art History Online Mrs. Boehler Jewish Subjects in Christian Art 1. Why did the Old Testament play a big role in Christianity? Because ejesus was a Jew and so many Jews converted to Christianity. 2. Briefly explain the story of each of the following Old Testament subjects listed below: b. Abraham and the Three Angels: Sarah was old, but she was promised by angels that she would have a child. c. Sacrifice of Isaac: Abraham was told to trust god and he was willing to kill his son, but God idnt make him do it. d. Daniel: Daniel was shut in a cave with lions bit God protected him.

From 1700 to 1775 the various churches, established and non-established, fundamentally shaped colonial life, including education and politics. React

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By the Eighteenth century, most colonial regions had their identities in terms of economic distinction. For example, the Northern Colonies grew grain and raised cattle while the Chesapeake colonies and North Carolina were heavily dependent on tobacco. An established church is one officially supported by the government while a non established church is the exact opposite. Two established churches that stood out in 1755 were the Anglican and the Congregational. Aside from learning religious aspects of life from these established churches, they also learned a new sense of learning and government. Through the teachings and beliefs of these two churches, came a new way of life.


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