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Puritan DBQ

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Vincent Schembari AP US History Puritan DBQ 9/6/2012 The Puritan culture was heavily based around a strong religious community. The original reason for the colony's establishment was their strong faith and their desire to practice it freely. The people were bound in their faith and lived by it daily. To the people of this new colony, religion was top priority. This want and desire to prioritize religion above all strongly influenced their government, their economy, and their social culture.

notes ch6 key issue 2

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Chapter 6 Key Issue 2 Christianity was founded upon teachings of Jesus Roman Catholic belief- god convey his grace through seven sacraments Eastern Orthodoxy comprise the faith and practices of collection of churchs in the 5th century Protestantism originated with principles of Reformation in 16th century origin of islam- traces its origin to same narrative as Judaism and Christianity they all believe adam to be first man and abraham to been one of descendants Jews and Christians trace their story through abraham oringinal wife sarah and son issac also the origin of the other universalr

Important Terms

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Ch. 3 Terms Protestant Reformation- The Protestant Reformation started when Martin Luther disagreed with what was happening with the Catholic Church. The Protestant Reformation started a chain of events and caused England to separate from the Catholic Church. Martin Luther- Luther was a friar that protested Catholic doctrines. He did not approve of people paying the church to remove their sins. He started the ?Protestant Reformation.? Predestination- Calvinism, started by John Calvin, thought that people were predestined for where they were going to end up after death.

chap. 3 notes

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Chapter 3 Settling the Northern Colonies 1619-1700 The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism German friar Martin Luther denounced the authority of the priests and popes when he nailed his protests against Catholic doctrines to the door of Wittenberg's cathedral in 1517. He declared that the Bible alone was the source of God's words. He started the "Protestant Reformation." John Calvin of Geneva elaborated Martin Luther's ideas. He spelled out his basic doctrine in Latin in 1536, entitled Institutes of the Christian Religion. These ideas formed Calvinism.

Russian Revolution 1905

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The 1905 Russian Revolution An empire- wide struggle of violence, both anti-government and undirected, that swept through vast areas of the Russian Empire Nicholas II: The Last Romanov Tsar [r. 1894-1917] Nicholas ? Last tsar, succeeded his father, Alexander III. In 1894 Married the grand-daughter of queen Victoria The Tsar & His Family Hemophilia & the Tsarevich Nicholas II & Cousin, George V of England Causes Failure of Tsar?s military forces in popular Russo-Japanese War ? set off a series of revolutionary activities, sometimes by mutinous soldiers and revolutionary societies Revolution did increase the pace of reform but not enough to prevent the second revolution in1917 Tsars government ruled with an iron fist

What principle did Martin Luther King and others learn from the political strategy of Gandhi?

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Martin Luther King, Jr., (January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968) was born Michael Luther King, Jr., but later had his name changed to Martin. FAMILY: Martin Luther King, Jr., was the first son and second child born to the Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr., and Alberta Williams King. He married the former Coretta Scott, younger daughter of Obadiah and Bernice McMurray Scott of Marion, Alabama on June 18, 1953. The marriage ceremony took place on the lawn of the Scott's home in Marion. The Reverend King, Sr., performed the service, with Mrs. Edythe Bagley, the sister of Mrs. King, maid of honor, and the Reverend A.D. King, the brother of Martin Luther King, Jr., best man. Four children were born to Dr. and Mrs. King: Yolanda Denise (November 17, 1955 Montgomery, Alabama)

list of important people- ap euro

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List of Important People in Order Popes Pius II- ended the Conciliar Movement by issuing the papal bull Execrabilis Sixtus IV- used nepotism to promote his own family in the church Alexander VI- Julius II- “warrior pope” and worked on the present St. Peters Basilica; high renaissance Leo X- excommunicated Luther and sold indulgences France Charles VII- King during the 100 year war; worked with the estates-general to establish a royal army and to levy taille. Louis XI- “spider king”, The king of Absolute monarchy, manipulated the estates-general by making taille permanent Charles VIII- invaded Naples in 1494, invited by Sforza to invade Florence, started the Italian Wars

The Reformation

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Martin Luther, a monk from Wittenberg in Germany began to criticize the power and corruption of the Catholic church in 1517. Luther demanded reform of the church. Some of Luther?s criticisms of the church: ? Indulgences - paying for forgiveness Pardoners, with permission from the Pope, travelled all across Europe selling Indulgences. They said all you had to do was buy one and you could pay for forgiveness - even for someone who had already died. You could buy a ticket to heaven! ? The Bible - only in Latin Luther said it was unfair of the Pope to stop translations of the bible. Ordinary people couldn?t read Latin. Luther said it was unfair because they had to rely on what their priest told them - they couldn?t read it themselves!


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