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Russian Empire

revolutions of 1820

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1820?s-1830?s revolutions An Evaluation of the Congress of Vienna The leading statesmen at Vienna underestimated the new nationalism and liberalism generated by the French Revolution. Not until the unification of Germany in 1870-71 was the balance of power upset. Not until World War I did Europe have another general war. Tries to erase napoleon, nationalism, and liberalism. The ?Concert? of Europe System Established Their goal was to define and monitor the status quo. Holy Alliance Example of how they were too conservative (alliance based on religion) Was challenged but never broke down until 1870 19c Conservatism Conservatism arose in reaction to liberalism & became a popular alternative for those who were frightened by the violence unleashed by the French Revolution.

Russian Revolution

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Pre-revolutionary Russia Nicholas 2 Only true absolute monarchy left in Europe No type of representative political institutions Nicholas II became tsar in 1894 Celebration feast Russo-Japanese War (1904) ? defeat led to pol. instability The revolution of 1905 Peaceful protest organized by a priest Went through streets of St. Petersburg end up at palace, troops open fire Leads to Duma Russian parliament Nicholas 2?s compromise with the peasants Rapid growth of (discontented) working class Vast majority of workers concentrated in St. Petersburg and Moscow Looking for jobs Horrible famines- leading to famine in cities and countryside (1905- 1917) Conservatism Continues: 1905-1917 Tsar paid no attention to the Duma; it was harassed and political parties suppressed ?

Ways of the World Outline Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Outline I. Opening Vignette A. Mahatma Gandhi criticized industrialization as economic exploitation. 1. few people have agreed with him 2. every kind of society has embraced at least the idea of industrialization since it started in Great Britain in the late eighteenth century B. The Industrial Revolution was one of the most significant elements of Europe?s modern transformation. 1. initial industrialization period was 1750?1900 2. drew on the Scientific Revolution 3. utterly transformed European society 4. pushed Europe into a position of global dominance 5. was more fundamental than any breakthrough since the Agricultural Revolution C. We don?t know where we are in the industrial era?at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end.

The Enlightenment and Russia and Society and Economy and 18th Century Wars AP Euro

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Russia - Prior to 1670s - No warm water port - Bottled in by Sweden + Ottomans - Have vast potential - Romanov Dynasty (1613-1917) - Michael Romanov - after ?time of nobles? - Elected by nobles to end chaos - Tsar - Modest bureaucratic centralization (still weak) - Too much power - Boyars (nobles) - Strelsky - Moscow guard - Peter the Great (1682 - 1725) - 10 years old - Rules alone - 1689 - Conclude - 1 - Tsar must secure power from Boyars and Strelsky - 2 - Russia must be a military power - Resemble Louis XIV - Fronde - 1697 - peter?s famous trip to west - Wants to imitate west - 1698 - Strelsky revolts - crush brutally - Military - Loyal to him - Conscription ? 300,000 (a lot) - Boyars - Change culture (shaves beards)

The Crash

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SPAIN Expulsion of Muslims and Jews living in Spain Reconquista: pushed Muslim influence out of Spain by reconquering Spain from the Muslims Exploration: Christopher Columbus; Ferdinand Magellan Unification of Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella; strengthening of centralization and authority of the monarchy Inquisition: persecution of non-Catholics in Spain Established colonies in the Americas and the Pacific Ocean Economy: rise in wealth with acquisition of colonies; inflation from gold and silver brought into Spain by Spanish conquistadors; eventual decline in wealth as Spanish monarchs and nobles don?t invest money in Spain, but rather spend it on luxury goods @Caribbean: first land claims; Columbus

Russia at the start of the twentieth century

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GEOGRAPHY, POLITICS, ECONOMY AND SOCIETY Russia at the start of the twentieth century Background - geography 1894 imperial Russia covered 8 million square miles (two and a half times the size of the US today) Covered a large part of two continents Most of the population was concentrated in European Russia It was this part that Russia?s major historical developments had occurred Moscow and St Petersburg (capital) were situated here Between 1815 and 1914 the population quadrupled from 40 million to 165 million Contained a wide variety of people of different race, language, religion and culture. The system of government

Russia at the start of the twentieth century

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GEOGRAPHY, POLITICS, ECONOMY AND SOCIETY Russia at the start of the twentieth century Background - geography 1894 imperial Russia covered 8 million square miles (two and a half times the size of the US today) Covered a large part of two continents Most of the population was concentrated in European Russia It was this part that Russia?s major historical developments had occurred Moscow and St Petersburg (capital) were situated here Between 1815 and 1914 the population quadrupled from 40 million to 165 million Contained a wide variety of people of different race, language, religion and culture. The system of government

AP World Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 Notes I. Introduction A. Land empire created between 1450-1750 1. Involved limited commercial exchange 2. Altered balance of power Asia/Europe 3. Expanded eastward into Asia B. Link to Eastern Europe 1. Some regional kingdoms 2. Conflict with Poland and Lithuania C. Changes of nation 1. Sense of separate identity 2. Reaction to Western influence ? accept it, select from it, shun it II. Russia?s Expansionist Politics Under the Tsars First step ? Break free from Mongol control Moscow princes strong as tax collectors Ivan III ? Ivan the Great ? large army ? 1462 frees chunk Utilized support for Orthodox Church Played off nationalism 1480 totally freed of Mongol control Need for Revival

Russian Revolution 1905

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The 1905 Russian Revolution An empire- wide struggle of violence, both anti-government and undirected, that swept through vast areas of the Russian Empire Nicholas II: The Last Romanov Tsar [r. 1894-1917] Nicholas ? Last tsar, succeeded his father, Alexander III. In 1894 Married the grand-daughter of queen Victoria The Tsar & His Family Hemophilia & the Tsarevich Nicholas II & Cousin, George V of England Causes Failure of Tsar?s military forces in popular Russo-Japanese War ? set off a series of revolutionary activities, sometimes by mutinous soldiers and revolutionary societies Revolution did increase the pace of reform but not enough to prevent the second revolution in1917 Tsars government ruled with an iron fist


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