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Politics of the United States

Causes of the Civil War Notes

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After the war 1/27/15 12:56 PM Constitutional discord Slavery Territory/ expansion State?s rights North vs south culture Slavery vs abolitionism power population industry in the north out performs the south the south thought that they were more needed than they were the British had been stockpiling cotton for years so that if war broke out they would not have to get involved causes of the civil war 1/27/15 12:56 PM the souths biggest fear of a republican nominated government actually happened, so the north was in control the democratic party was completely wiped out the copperheads are calling for an end to the war the turning point was the combination of Gettysburg and Vicksburg Lincoln didn?t free all the slaves, he just freed those held in confederate territory

Early National Notes

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Early National through The War of 1812 I. Constitutions determine the structure of government - experience and practice determine the character of government- Gouverneur Morris - ?No constitution is the same on paper as in life.? A. disagreement on the relative importance of the time period 1. Blum - 23, Garraty - 9, Link - 11, Current - 17, Bailey - 35, Morison - 48 . 2. personal view has changed from insignificant to one of great importance - particularly concerning the character of government B. dominant theme of the time - strength of the national government v strength of the states - the character of federalism must be defined 1. the leading players in this struggle will be Hamilton and Jefferson

The Enduring Vision, 6th Edition, Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 {AP U.S. History} The Progressive Era, 1900-1917 Progressives and Their Ideas The Many Faces of Progressivism With more immigrants new professional allegiances and more standardized routinized society Progressivism = broad response to industrialization (immigration, urban growth, growing corporate power, widening class divisions), in cities, progressives were reformers (wanted to make order more humane, and not overturn it) Believed that problems could be solved through study and organized effort (respected science, expert knowledge) Novelists, Journalists, and Artists Spotlight Social Problems Journalists were muckrakers when they would bring out the worst in American life, exposing urban political corruption and corporate wrongdoing, name given by Theodore Roosevelt

Imperialism Mind Map

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Imperialism Causes hemispheric hemogeny sec of state James Blaine - expand US influence in latin america provide markets for surplus goods organized Pan-American Congress Pres Cleveland had duspute w/ GB over Venezuela border new manifest destiny closing of frontier in 1890s natural resources would dwindle, find abroad foreign trade and desire for new markets Eur imperialism leaves Am out of spoils social darwinism only fittest nations survive justify strong nations dominating weaker influential writings Josiah Strong: Our Country Anglo-saxon represent Christianity, liberty, must spread John Burgess duty of Anglo-saxon to uplift less fortunate Adm Alfred T. Mahan: Influence of Sea Power countries with sea power great nations of history foreign commerce

Reconstruction Questions

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Jenny Zhi 1st Hour 12/4/14 RECONSTRUCTION What were conditions like in the South after the Civil War? All infrastructure was destroyed, including buildings, roads, and bridges. What was President Lincoln?s premise about the South in relation to the rest of the country? He believed that the south had never seceded, and had always been a part of the Union, so it shouldn?t be punished. State all the specifics of Lincoln?s Plan of Reconstruction. Once ten percent of the people in a southern state took the oath of allegiance to the Union and created a government abolishing slavery, Lincoln would recognize that government. What was the Wade-Davis Bill? What was Lincoln?s reaction?

Progressive Era Terms

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Alisa Chen Hamza Noor Rohini Verma Christina Xu Jenny Zhi Progressive Unit Terms People- Theodore Roosevelt- American politician, Republican, author, soldier, and the 26th President of the United States. Became the youngest President after the assassination of President McKinley. William Howard Taft- 27th President and 10th Chief Justice of the United States. Woodrow Wilson- 28th President of the United States, he was president when World War One. Robert La Follette- nicknamed ?Fighting Bob? was an American Republican who was a Senator, member of the House of Representative, and Governor of Wisconsin. ?He was the PRogressive Party?s nominee for the 1924 election. ?He opposed railroad trists and is considered one the Americas greatest Senators.

Manifest Destiny

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Manifest Destiny was a popular belief amongst Americans in the 1800s, it was an ideal that declared the God-given, American right to control the North American continent and motivated the push to stretch the country?s growth from a the Atlantic to the Pacific. Manifest Destiny was the popular and correct belief of the Americans in the 1800s because it meant more money, more resources, and more trade.

Judging John Quincy Adams

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Judging John Q. Adams National Security-8 John Quincy Adams got an eight because there was a conflict between regions. At the time, the United States had 11 free states and 11 slave states. If there was going to be another slave state or free state, then it would tip the balance. The senate was in favor of adding a new slave state. So Henry Clay came up with a compromise; the Missouri Compromise. It kept the balance and prohibited anymore slave states. Economy-9 John Quincy Adams wanted to strengthen the economy because he believed that a strong economy would prevent regional conflicts. So he wanted to pass a protective tariff. He said that it would help domestic industries by keeping Americans from buying foreign goods. Relationship with foreign countries-8

Judging John Adams

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Judging John Adams National Security-9 John Adams did a great job of protecting our country from foreign and domestic threats. For example, France used privateers to attack U.S. merchant boats. This hurt the economy as well as citizens. So John Adams sent diplomats over to France to discuss a treaty to stop France from attacking U.S. merchants. France asked for a bribe but the U.S. diplomats refused. This angered the French and almost started war. But, John Adams stopped the war by having peace talks and the tension between the United States and France died down. This prevented war and stopped the attacks on U.S. merchant ships. Economy-10


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