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Social Issues

Public Opinion

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Public Opinion (how people feel about things) and the Media most Americans= general public- care about the political issues that affect their day-to-day lives directly issue public- focus on one political issue- based on voters activity on the issue Characteristics of Public Opinion Saliency- degree to which it is important to a person or group of people Intensity- how strong people feel about a particular issue Stability- how public opinion changes over time measured indirectly through elections and directly through public opinion polls Polls Measure Public Opinion method of random sampling- poll what people in an area think on a particular subject sampling error- how far off the poll results may be Where does Public Opinion Come From?

APUSH lesson plans

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Philosophical Chairs ?Should the Theory of Evolution be taught in public schools?? *Students will prepare a debate of the ?Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925.? <>VIEWPOINT<> *The teacher will have students draw from a hat whose position for which they will argue. The number of students in the class will be divided by two (if there are 30 students, there will be 15 ballots against teaching Theory of Evolution and 15 ballots promoting the teaching of the Theory of Evolution) <>PHILISOPHICAL CHAIRS<> *Students will be given copies of: ?State v. John Scopes (The Monkey Trial)? by Douglas O. Linder ?What is Darwin's Theory of Evolution?? by Ker Than ?Evolution? Impossible? by Answers in Genesis.org to prepare their arguments for debate.

Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

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Name: AP U.S. Government and Politics Mr. Fern?ndez Unit 9 ? Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Key?Terms General ? Bill of Rights: First ten amendments in the Constitution; limitation of the federal government. ? Selective incorporation: The bill of rights is understood to have been present to regulate the federal government and federal government only according to some people. Others believe that the 14th amendment requires states to adhere to the bill of rights. The courts use ?selective incorporation? to uphold individual clauses within each amendment and rejecting other clauses as inapplicable with the state government. ? Substantive rights: What the government can and cannot do ? cannot

Manifest Destiny Essay

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Katie Abadie E. Orr AP U.S. History-1A 14 October 2012 Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny, the expansion of the United States, brought along many issues. Expansion reopened slavery issues once ?settled? before 1820. The War of Mexico also affected the U.S on its journey to the Civil War. The history of Texas is a colorful one which interweaves with the history of the Civil war. The war with Mexico put us on an inevitable road to war within the country.

Manifest Destiny Essay

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Katie Abadie E. Orr AP U.S. History-1A 14 October 2012 Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny, the expansion of the United States, brought along many issues. Expansion reopened slavery issues once ?settled? before 1820. The War of Mexico also affected the U.S on its journey to the Civil War. The history of Texas is a colorful one which interweaves with the history of the Civil war. The war with Mexico put us on an inevitable road to war within the country.

Reconstruction or Restoration

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Patrick Connolly Mr. Campbell Honors American History 27 January 2013 Reconstruction or Restoration? Directly following the Civil War, there were many questions left unanswered. Supposedly the North had won, and it was up to the remaining leaders to decide: what to do about the rebel leaders, what to do about the seceded states, and what to do about the freed slaves. A lot of those questions were answered during the period of ?reconstruction,? but the process of figuring those things out was a very shaky one. To reconstruct is to ?construct again,? or ?rebuild.? It can also be argued that this period following the Civil War was a time of restoration (the bringing back or reinstating) of the South to its previous state.

Slavery DBQ

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?By the 1850?s the Constitution, originally framed as an instrument of national unity, had become a source of sectional discord and tension and ultimately contributed to the failure of the union it had created.? Assess the validity of this statement. Allie Kaltenbach

lolols Afsg

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John Overing Mr. Held 4 March 2013 Period 3 KBATS Age Distribution ? The proportion of individuals of different ages within a population. Agricultural Density ? The ratio of the number of farmers to the total amount of land suitable for agriculture. Arithmetic Density ? The total number of people divided by the total land area. Cairo Conference ?A UN conference held in Cairo in September 1994, recommending world population stabilization. Carrying Capacity ? The largest number of people that the environment of a particular area is able to support. Census ? A complete enumeration of a population. Child Mortality Rate ? The number of children that die between the first and fifth year of their lives. Contraception ? The use of devices or drugs to prevent conception.

APUSH study guide

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Sheet1 Mexican Cession After Annexation of TX, issues w/ MX broke out. Fremont overthrew MX in CA; Scott captured MX City - Treaty of Guad. Hidalgo (1848) 1. Rio Grande S. border of TX 2. US got NM and CA for $15mill; MX Ces - Whigs opposed; immoral effort to expand slavery; Wilmont Proviso - Forbid slavery in new MX territiory (didn't pass); Comp or 1850 - CA free state; divide MX Ces into NM and UT - pop sov


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