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human anatomy

Are Beards Linked to Evolution?

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Maia Regman Mrs. Magnan Biology Honors 5 May 2014 How Are Beards Linked to Evolutionary Sexual Selection? Studies have shown that beards are synonymous with maturity, masculinity and dominance. On the other hand, it has shown that despite those desirable qualities, the more beards there are, the less attractive they are. Once the number of men with beards is higher than those without, clean-shaven men are viewed as more attractive. The study also found that when the tables are turned, bearded men are seen as more attractive when they are the minority. The question is now why.

Respiratory System Overview

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By: Chlo? Durfee Sydney Modder Ramya Ramesh Megumi Sharma Chase Damis The Respiratory System Larynx (Voice Box) Connects pharynx to trachea Provides airway Prevents food from entering respiratory tract Produces sound Pharynx (throat) Provides passageway for respiratory and digestive tracts Tube like structure that connects nasal and oral cavities to larynx Coordinates breathing and swallowing while eating Larynx/Pharynx Larynx/Pharynx Epiglottis Blocks food and liquids from entering the trachea Spoon-like structure Epiglottis Lungs Pair of spongy, air-filled organs. Located on either side of thorax. Covered by thin tissue called pleura. Pull in oxygen and absorbs it into linings of lungs. Pushes oxygen into chambers of the heart so oxygen travels throughout the body.

the appendicular skeleton chapter 11

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157 # 102382 C P B j i C i /CA/SF A M i b/Mi h ll/S IIi P N 157 C/M/Y/K DESIGN SERVICES OF 11R E V I E W S H E E T Bones of the Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limb 1. Match the bone names or markings in column B with the descriptions in column A. Column A ____________________ 1. raised area on lateral surface of humerus to which deltoid muscle attaches ____________________ 2. arm bone ____________________, ____________________, 3. bones of the shoulder girdle ____________________, ____________________, 4. forearm bones ____________________ 5. scapular region to which the clavicle connects ____________________ 6. shoulder girdle bone that is unattached to the axial skeleton ____________________ 7. shoulder girdle bone that articulates with and transmits forces

Intro to Nursing Skills - Workbook 4 Range of Motion

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WEEK 3 ================================================================================ RANGE OF MOTION/BODY MECHANICS Read: Tritak, A. Mobility and Immobility. (2014). In J.C. Ross Kerr & M. J. Wood (5th ed.), Canadian fundamentals of nursing. Chapter 37 pp 11951248. Toronto, ON: Elsevier. 1. Define each of the following: Mobility Ability to move easily and independently. Immobility Inability to move freely. Disuse atrophy Muscle loss due to prolonged inactivity from bed rest, trauma, casting, nerve damage. Negative nitrogen Balance When more nitrogen is excreted than is ingested in proteins. Ischemia Mechanical obstruction that reduces blood flow to a certain area of the body causing blanching (paling of the skin). Range of Motion

Digestive System

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Alexandra Odinlo IB Chemistry 1 August 26, 2013 Science and Human Nutrition Human Digestion Digestion?is the process of breaking down the foods that we eat into forms of energy that the body can use as energy. The Digestive process is one that involves the body?s biological mechanical works as well as chemical means to breakdown nutrients from different types of foods. Mechanical digestion?begins the digestion process. In your mouth as your teeth begin to mash food into smaller pieces to allow you to swallow them. Soon after saliva in your mouth bring about the chemical changes to your food. Chemical and mechanical parts of digestion work hand in hand toward the goal of providing nourishment for your body.

Digestive System

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North Korea Today North Korea is the epitome of modern day slavery. As a result of the work of Kim Il-sung, no citizen of North Korea will ever taste the freedom that many others have laid their lives down for. Theirs is a government so corrupt that citizens live in fear of challenging it and so unforgiving that children must be brainwashed from birth for their own survival.

Anatomical Terms

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Anatomical Terms Worksheet In anatomy, specific terms are used to explain the location of body organs, systems, as well as body movement Part A: Fill-in-the-blanks Fill in the missing words to make the passage correct using words form the word bank provided All anatomical terms have a __________________ point which is called the __________________ position. This is a _________________ body position where you __________ up, head straight and ____________ by your _____________ with the palm of your ____________ facing forward Complete these sentences using the terms superior and inferior The hands are ___________ to the feet The knees are ___________ to the waist The elbow is ___________ to the wrist The calf muscle is __________ to the ankle

Diastolic Pressure Notes

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Cardiovascular Vocabulary Diastolic Pressure - the blood pressure (as measured by a sphygmomanometer) after the contraction of the heart while the chambers of the heart refill with blood. Arteriole - A small branch of an artery leading into capillaries. Cardiac Output - the amount of blood pumped out by the ventricles in a given period of time. Atrioventricular valve - either of two heart valves through which blood flows from the atria to the ventricles; prevents return of blood to the atrium. Bicuspid Valve - valve with two cusps; situated between the left atrium and the left ventricle. Systolic Pressure - the blood pressure (as measured by a sphygmomanometer) during the contraction of the left ventricle of the heart.

Chapter 13 Notes Anatomy and Physiology

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Chapter 13 - Cardiovascular SystemPRIVATE ? 13.1 Introduction (p. 329; Fig. 13.1) A. The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, and vessels, arteries, capillaries and veins. B. A functional cardiovascular system is vital for supplying oxygen and nutrients to tissues and removing wastes from them. 13.2 Structure of the Heart (p. 329; Fig. 13.2) A. The heart is a hollow, cone-shaped, muscular pump within the thoracic cavity. B. Size and Location of the Heart (p. 329) 1. The average adult heart is 14 cm long and 9 cm wide. 2. The heart lies in the mediastinum under the sternum; its apex extends to the fifth intercostal space. C. Coverings of the Heart (p. 329; Fig. 13.3) 1. The pericardium encloses the heart.

Muscle and Gland Cheat Sheet

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Additional Info Origin Insertion Point Action Latissimus Dorsi A broad muscle around the sides of the thoracic area Lumbar vert. & last few of thoracic vert. Proximal end if the humerus Moves forelimb dorsally & caudally Trapezius Broad muscle above & covering the cranio-dorsal edge of Latissimus Dorsi From the occipital bone & first 10 Thoracic vert. Spine of scapula Moves scapula medially Deltoids Muscles that cover the should girdle Spine of scapula Anterior ridge of the humerus Flexes the humerus Int. & Ext. Oblique Broad muscles covering entire lateral ab. area Caudal ribs & from the Lumbodorsal Fascia Onto an Apo neurosis ? Linea Alba Constructs abdomen Biceps Femoris Broad muscle covering most of the caudal half of the lat. Upper hind limb


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