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environmental science

Doing Biodiversity

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Biolab Response Sheet Name: Date: 15th Jan 2015 Name of Bio lab: Assessing Water Quality Page: Unit: Biodiversity and Conservation Brief Description of Your Procedure: Summarize what you did for this activity. Describe any modifications of procedure you used. I used the pipette to dispense three drops of carbonic acid into the aquarium. Then I looked at the pH level and the population data and recorded them. Analyze and Conclude Questions Question 1

Chapter 51 American Pagent

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Ecology Study Guide Chapter 51 Animal behavior is anything to do with animals and they way they function and reproduce. Proximate cause is the immediate trigger for a behavior. For example, if a zebra is drinking at a water hole, and all of a sudden it hears another zebra nearby make an alarm call, it may stop drinking immediately and start running away instead. The proximate cause of the zebra running away would be the alarm call. But the ultimate cause, or real reason why the zebra is running is survival. It is running away because it wants to survive. The alarm call is not the source of danger, but the alarm call alerts the zebra that danger, such as a lion, may be nearby and the lion can threaten the zebra's chance to survive.


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practice questions for Spring Midterm 13,14,15,16 &19 Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Which of the following types of agriculture is most characteristic of developing countries? a. plantation agriculture b. traditional intensive agriculture c. traditional subsistence agriculture d. industrialized agriculture ____ 2. The plants of the second green revolution are a. giant varieties. b. slow growing. c. high-yield varieties. d. adapted to drought. ____ 3. All of the following factors contributed to a doubling of U.S. food productivity since 1940 except a. increased use of fossil fuels. b. increased amount of cultivated land. c. increased use of pesticides. d.


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Practice Test APES Spring Midterm 2007 Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Which of the following does not apply to sea otters? a. They have blubber to keep them warm. b. They can eat 25 % of their weight per day in sea urchins and other benthic organisms. c. They use tools. d. They have the thickest fur of any mammal. ____ 2. The most common pattern of population dispersion found in nature is a. random. b. uniform. c. clumped. d. dispersed. ____ 3. Biotic potential is determined by a. reproductive age span. b. the minimum viable population. c. how many offspring die before reproducing. d. irruptive populations.


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Practice Test APES Spring Midterm 2007 Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Which of the following does not apply to sea otters? a. They have blubber to keep them warm. b. They can eat 25 % of their weight per day in sea urchins and other benthic organisms. c. They use tools. d. They have the thickest fur of any mammal. ____ 2. The most common pattern of population dispersion found in nature is a. random. b. uniform. c. clumped. d. dispersed. ____ 3. Biotic potential is determined by a. reproductive age span. b. the minimum viable population. c. how many offspring die before reproducing. d. irruptive populations.

Living In The Environment 16th Edition, Chapter 4 Outline

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Chapter 4: Biodiversity and Evolution 4-1 What is biodiversity and why is it important? Biodiversity is a Crucial Part of the Earth?s Natural Capital Biological Diversity (Biodiversity) is the variety of the earth?s species. The genes they contain, the ecosystem in which they live, and the ecosystem processes such as energy flow nutrient cycling that sustain all life. Genetic Diversity enables life on earth to adapt and survive dramatic environmental changes. Ecosystem diversity are storehouses of genetic and species diversity Functional diversity is the variety of processes such as matter cycling and energy flow taking place within ecosystems. 4-2 Where Do Species Come From? Biological Evolution by Natural Selection Explains How Life Changes Over Time


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http://www.conservation.org/where/priority_areas/hotspots/asia-pacific/Mountains-of-Southwest-China/Pages/biodiversity.aspx Geographic boundaries from mountains and valleys create "mini-hotspots" with distinct populations PLANTS: Arguably the most botanically rich temperate area in the world Roughly 12,000 plant species (40% of all plant species in China) From website: "About 3,500 species (29 percent) and at least 20 genera are endemic, including about 100 endemic ferns and 20 endemic gymnosperms. Two plant families are endemic to the hotspot: the Circaeasteraceae and the monotypic Acanthochlamydaceae." More than a quarter of the world's rhododendron species represented in the forests, about 230 species Some of these rhododendrons can grow to over 20 meters tall

Living in the Environment 16th Edition Chapter Review and Vocabulary

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Living in the Environment : Concepts, Connections and Solutions Miller and Spoolman 16th Edition Practice Questions: Chapters 1-25 2009 - 2010


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