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AP Human Geography - Chapter 4 Outline (Key Issues 3 and 4)

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8 Salloum 1 Key Issue 3: Why is Popular Culture Widely Distributed? Popular culture varies more in time than in place. Popular culture begins in one location, like folk culture, but diffuses rapidly across earth to locations with a variety of physical conditions. Rapid diffusion depends on a group of people having high level of economic development. Diffusion of Popular Housing, Clothing, and Food Some regional differences in food, clothing and shelter continue to persist in MDCs. Popular Housing Styles Housing built in the U.S. since the 1940s demonstrates how popular customs vary more in time than in place. Newer housing in the U.S. has been built to reflect changing fashion of houses. After WWII, most U.S. homes were built in modern style.

world history

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The Bronze Age (3000 BC) ? Key Question from Lecture: What aspects of life during the bronze age in Afroeurasia distinguish it from earlier eras? ? technology ? plow, tools & weapons ? plow only useful in areas of harder soil ? sticks used in softer soil areas ? depended on environment ? maritime trade ? star charts---planning ? WRITING ? population grew: 8000 BC ? there was a population boom leading up to the bronze age ? Writing ? The code of Hammurapi (c. 1792 BC) ? only the elite can read --> power ? emerging class differences ? hierarchy ? slavery/ class ? legal system that favors the wealthy (slaveholder) ? gender ? differentiation based on ? class ? gender ? women have fewer rights but they have some ? ex: they can initiate divorce

AP The earth and its people Chapter 2 notes

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Chapter 2 New Civilizations in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, 2200-250 B.C.E. Notes Chapter Thesis: In contrast to the river-valley civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Indus Valley surveyed in the previous chapter, the complex societies examined in this chapter subsequently emerge in ecological conditions quite a bit more diverse, sometimes independently, sometimes under the influence of older centers. Whereas the river-valley civilizations were originally largely self-sufficient, each of the new civilizations discussed in this chapter and the next was shaped by the development of networks of long distance trade. Early China, 2000-221 B.C.E.

Chapter 1 Summary

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Part I The Origins of Civilization Summary. The first human beings appeared over two million years ago, with major stages in physical development ending about 140,000 years ago. They discovered tool using and improving and thus were able to move away from hunting and gathering practices to form larger groups. The key markers for the origins of human societies are the beginnings of agriculture, about 9000 B.C.E., and the achievement of the societies that followed. By 1000 B.C.E. several civilizations were ready for more elaborate political and cultural forms. The Neolithic Revolution. Humans had spread widely long before agriculture was invented. Their hunting and gathering techniques kept them in small bands. Agriculture made larger systems possible, but

Before History- Ch.1

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The evolution of Homo sapiens The hominids Australopithecus Appeared in east Africa about four million to one million years ago Walked upright on two legs; well-developed hands Stone tools; fire later Homo erectus 2.5 million to two hundred thousand years ago, east Africa Large brain; sophisticated tools; definitely knew how to control fire Developed language skills in well-coordinated hunts of large animals Migrated to Asia and Europe; established throughout by two hundred thousand years ago Homo sapiens; evolved as early as two hundred thousand years ago Brain with large frontal regions for conscious and reflective thought Spread throughout Eurasia beginning more than one hundred thousand years ago, Ice age land bridges enabled them to populate other continents

Before History- Ch.1

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The evolution of Homo sapiens The hominids Australopithecus Appeared in east Africa about four million to one million years ago Walked upright on two legs; well-developed hands Stone tools; fire later Homo erectus 2.5 million to two hundred thousand years ago, east Africa Large brain; sophisticated tools; definitely knew how to control fire Developed language skills in well-coordinated hunts of large animals Migrated to Asia and Europe; established throughout by two hundred thousand years ago Homo sapiens; evolved as early as two hundred thousand years ago Brain with large frontal regions for conscious and reflective thought Spread throughout Eurasia beginning more than one hundred thousand years ago, Ice age land bridges enabled them to populate other continents

Chapter 7 Part II Abbasid Decline and the Spread of Islamic Civilization to South and Southeast Asia

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Chapter 7 Part II 
Abbasid Decline and the Spread of Islamic Civilization to South and Southeast Asia

Ways of the world

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Copyright ? 2011 by Bedford/St. Martin?s Robert Strayer Ways of the World A Brief Global History with Sources First Edition CHAPTER 3 First Civilizations: Cities, States, and Unequal Societies 3500 B.C.E.?500 B.C.E. Something New: The Emergence of Civilizations (pgs. 86-93) Introducing the First Civilizations The Question of Origins An Urban Revolution Monday Tuesday The Erosion of Equality (pgs. 94-98) Hierarchies of Class Hierarchies of Gender Patriarchy in Practice Wednesday The Rise of the State (pgs. 99-103) Coercion and Consent Writing and Accounting The Grandeur of Kings Thursday Comparing Mesopotamia and Egypt (pgs. 103-112) Environment and Culture Cities and States Interaction and Exchange Reflections: ?Civilization?: What?s in a Word?

World History Notes

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Pre-History Time before written records Artifacts ? Remains of a Manmade object Culture ? Way of life. Paleolithic (old stone) Age ? 2.5 million-10,000BC Oldest stone tools, evidence of the 1st people, used fire. Neandertals ? 100,000-30,000 BC Buried their dead with objects, suggest belief in an afterlife. Neolithic (new stone) Age ? 8,000-4,000 BC Systematic agriculture Probably by women, raised animals, grew crops This would facilitate the development of all civilization. Characteristics of Civilization 1. Cities ? Internal production, trade 2. Government ? Organized means of order 3. Religion ? Structured system of belief: nature, existence, right to rule. 4. Social Structure ? Division of labor-trade Class orders-upper, lower, slaves


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