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Political Parties to remember for Apush exam

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First Two-Party System?Federalists v. Republicans, 1780s - 1801 Federalists Republicans Favored strong central government. "Loose" interpretation of the Constitution. Encouragement of commerce and manufacturing. Strongest in Northeast. Favored close ties with Britain. Emphasized order and stability. Emphasized states' rights. "Strict" interpretation of the Constitution. Preference for agriculture and rural life. Strength in South and West. Foreign policy sympathized with France. Stressed civil liberties and trust in the people [In practice, these generalizations were often blurred and sometimes contradicted.] Second Two-Party System?Democrats v. Whigs, 1836 - 1850 Democrats Whigs The party of tradition. Looked backward to the past.

Review for APUSH exam

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AP U.S. History Review Notes ? 1494: Treaty of Tordesillas ? divides world between Portugal and Spain 1497: John Cabot lands in North America. 1513: Ponce de Leon claims Florida for Spain. 1524: Verrazano explores North American Coast. 1539-1542: Hernando de Soto explores the Mississippi River Valley. 1540-1542: Coronado explores what will be the Southwestern United States. 1565: Spanish found the city of St. Augustine in Florida. 1579: Sir Francis Drake explores the coast of California. 1584 ? 1587: Roanoke ? the lost colony 1607: British establish Jamestown Colony ? bad land, malaria, rich men, no gold Headright System ? lad for population ? people spread out 1608: French establish colony at Quebec.

Leadership Essay

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Cody Collins English 2 Honors ALT 1 October 31, 2014 Leadership is a characteristic that this world can?t survive without. Very few people have this special quality. You have to know how to talk, encourage and persuade others into doing the right things that can change or even save lives. Many leaders that we know or have heard of today have impacted many lives. It can be as big as leading soldiers into a vicious battle to the death or as small as leading an elderly woman across the street. Either way, you are making a difference somehow.

Crash Course 15

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CRASH COURSE HISTORY RESPONSE FORM #15 TOPIC/TITLE: The Crusades- Pilgrimage or Holy War? NAME: Casey Murphy PERIOD: 2W LIST TWO NEW FACTS YOU LEARNED: a) In the first 3-4 minutes *The Christian pilgrimage was great for the Islamic economy. *The first crusade was called by Pope Urban II. b) In the middle *Most of the Crusaders were poor people. *Jerusalem and Antioch were taken over to become Latin Christian kingdoms. c) In the last 3-4 minutes *The fourth crusade doomed the Byzantine empire *Constantinople was conquered by the Turks in 1453

Crash Course 7

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CRASH COURSE HISTORY RESPONSE FORM #7 TOPIC/TITLE: The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius NAME: Casey Murphy PERIOD: 2W LIST TWO NEW FACTS YOU LEARNED: a) In the first 3-4 minutes *China had the first centralized government *Lasted in the same form from 150 B.C.E. ? 1911 C.E. b) In the middle *Confucius was a minor official who lived during the Warring States Period *Most important relationship is between father and son c) In the last 3-4 minutes *Junzi is the superior man that all other men try to become *To maintain the mandate of heaven the emperor had to behave properly

Crash Course 8

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CRASH COURSE HISTORY RESPONSE FORM #8 TOPIC/TITLE: Alexander the Great NAME: Casey Murphy PERIOD: 2W LIST TWO NEW FACTS YOU LEARNED: a) In the first 3-4 minutes *Alexander was born in 356 BCE and died in 323 BCE *When he was 13 years old he tamed a horse no one else could, which impressed his father, Phillip II, and he never lost a battle. b) In the middle *He was good at conquering other nations, but not good at building his own empire and after he died his kingdom split into 3 Hellenistic Kingdoms. *Alexander spread the language of Greek throughout his conquered kingdom. c) In the last 3-4 minutes *Pompey of Rome worshiped Alexander after his death *Pompey tried to immolate Alexander?s hair style.

Crash Course 9

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CRASH COURSE HISTORY RESPONSE FORM #9 TOPIC/TITLE: The Silk Road and Ancient Trade NAME: Casey Murphy PERIOD: 2W LIST TWO NEW FACTS YOU LEARNED: a) In the first 3-4 minutes * The Silk Road was an overland route were merchants carried goods for trade. * Silk was original produced in china and it produced much of Ancient China?s wealth. b) In the middle * Nomads were good at carrying and transporting goods which made them good traders. *Nomads, due to their constant traveling were more resistant to diseases. c) In the last 3-4 minutes * The Silk Road caused wider economic impact, traded ideas, and spread of disease. *Many merchants on the Silk Roads became strong believers in monasteries.

Crash Course 4

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CRASH COURSE HISTORY RESPONSE FORM #___W2_______ TOPIC/TITLE: Ancient Egypt NAME: Casey Murphy LIST TWO NEW FACTS YOU LEARNED: a) In the first 3-4 minutes * Lasted from 3000 B.C.E. to 32 B.C.E., which is unusually long. *The Nile River flooded at exactly the right time every year, which made planting seeds in the very easy because it was so soft and the ground was very fertile. b) In the middle * 3 Kingdoms: The Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom, and The New Kingdom * Pyramids were and other monuments were built for kings. c) In the last 3-4 minutes *2 Forms of writing: Hieroglyphics and Demotic Script * King Tut was about 17 when he died and could have died from an infected broken leg and or malaria.

Crash Course 6

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CRASH COURSE HISTORY RESPONSE FORM #__________ TOPIC/TITLE: Buddha and Ashoka NAME: _Casey Murphy_____________PERIOD: _2W_____ LIST TWO NEW FACTS YOU LEARNED: a) In the first 3-4 minutes *The Vedas had the earliest form of Hinduism *India?s social classes were based on the Caste System b) In the middle *The ultimate goal of dharma is to reach Moksha, which is held together by karma *Hinduism?s path to salvation was individual, so it was hard to form a empire around Hinduism c) In the last 3-4 minutes *Ashuka built ?shuppas? all over his kingdom to show his devotion to Buddha *Placed pillars around empire that proclaimed his benevolent rule through dhama

Sui Civ Profile

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Master CIVILIZATION PROFILE NAME: _________________________ CLASS: ________ *Complete the profile for the assigned civilization. Use your textbook or the internet if necessary (reliable sources only) *You do not need to use complete sentences, but address ALL questions for each category, and explain yourself when asked CIVILIZATION LOCATION (Include REGION) DATES in EXISTENCE: CITIES List at least 3, including the capital or center of the civilization GOVERNMENT Include the type & who was in charge RELIGION List the main religion(s) & God(s) Polytheistic/monotheistic? Secular/non-secular? JOB SPECIALIZATION List 3-5 jobs unique or especially important to their civilization SOCIAL CLASSES Describe/include class names What were they based on?


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