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Patrick Sayers Period 8 2/12/14 Ten Commandments I am the Lord thy God and thou shalt not have any strange gods before me. This commandment applies to me in my life because I am a Catholic and I believe in one God because I am monotheistic. I will actively live out the first commandment because I believe in one God only, and I will always be in the Catholic religion. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. I say bless you to someone that sneezes in the classroom, or when I see the sun go up in the morning I say Jesus Christ has shown us another beautiful day. I am going to actively live out the second commandment in my life by using Gods name for the good of others, like blessing them, or asking God to help them.


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Patrick Sayers Chapter 8 Assessment Period 8 3/1/14 God only spoke to the universe into being-a universe that astronomers estimate contains more than 100 billion galaxies with is quite amazing. All the power contained in this entire universe is a small representation of the unlimited power of God. The combined energy of all earth's storms, winds, ocean waves, and other forces of nature do not equal even a fraction of God's almighty power. God?s power is inherent in his nature. All power has always been his and will continue to be his for all eternity. Any power that we have is given to us by God.


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Patrick Sayers Period 8 11/10/13 Chapter 4 questions Conscience is a judgment of reason whereby the human person recognizes the moral quality of a concrete act that he is going to perform, is in the process of performing, or has already completed. This is like a man is appreciative to follow faithfully what he knows to be just/fair and right. It is by the judgment of his conscience that man notices and recognizes the prescriptions of the divine law.


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Patrick Sayers Period 8 10/17/13 Chapter 2 Jesus is the starting point of Catholic morality. Catholic morality builds on the reflection of Jesus? characteristics. Jesus is a role model and we follow people that can lead us. Jesus is incarnated as God made flesh, he is divine nature and he is human. We follow our own king, like humans. Jesus is relates to us to bring a human God, so humans can relate to God. We can relate to Jesus on the Sermon on the Mount. The Sermon on the Mount is when Jesus preaches important moral teachings, which includes the Beatitudes which we should follow. This is how Jesus is the starting point of Catholic morality. Love is the guiding principle of Catholic morality.


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Patrick Sayers ` Period 8 5/18/14 Assessment The name of the organization I worked at was Holy Cross Holy. Holy Cross church is located in 4492 Lake Avenue in Charlotte. The date I worked at Holy Cross was 4/13/14.The person I worked with during my service was Jeff Lootens. The reason I chose the service is because I like working in a community like Holy Cross, and I wanted to get to know new people, and learn new things. This activity was different from the previous service I did because I was doing the basketball clock for the very first time by myself. After the games I swept the basketball court, and served food at the concession stand.


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Paul Monachino, Patrick Sayers, and Grace Mahoney 2/11/14 Explaining the Sixth Commandment: You shall not commit adultery: You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery. But we say to you that everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." The sixth commandment upholds chastity as a moral virtue, a gift from God, a grace, a fruit of spiritual effort. Chastity is a moral virtue. The Holy Spirit enables one whom the water of baptism has renewed to imitate the purity of Christ.

AP Human Geography The Cultural Landscape Vocab Ch. 6

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Animism Autonomous religion Branch Caste Cosmogony Denomination Ethnic religion Fundamentalism Ghetto Hierarchical religion Missionary Monotheism Pagan Pilgrimage Polytheism Sect Solstice Universalizing religion
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AP Human Geography The Cultural Landscape Vocab Ch. 5

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British received pronunciation Creole or creolized language Denglish Dialect Ebonics Extinct language Franglais Ideograms Isogloss Isolated language Language Language branch Language family Language group Lingua franca Literary tradition Official language Pidgin language Spanglish Standard language Vulgar Latin
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India?s People & Economy Chapter 29.2 Religious Life Majority practice Hinduism (an ancient, polytheistic religion that teaches the unity of all life) Hindus believe that every living thing has a spirit Creator= Brahma Hindus treat animals with respect because they are believed to have a soul Cows are Sacred Ganges river considered holy Believed to purify souls of those who bathe/drink it Banks of Ganges often lined with Hindus Healing powers Final goal= unity with Brahma (a state of bliss w/ out change or pain) To achieve this, soul passes through reincarnation Believe soul does not die, but passes through lives until it becomes pure BRAHMANS KSHATRIYAS VAISYAS SUDRAS UNTOUCHABLESThe Caste System Hindu society organized by caste system

Swahili City

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SWAHILI CITY-STATES By the eleventh and twelfth centuries, trade brought wealth to the Swahili city-states. Local chiefs were able to strengthen and increase the influence of their communities. Eventually, trade moved to more convenient locations, such as Lamu, Malindi, Mombasa, and more, which ended up developing into successful city states. Due to their accumulating wealth, city-states were able to undergo remarkable transformations. Buildings became larger and started to be built with sturdier material, such as stone instead of mud. Overall, city-states in Swahili were quite successful. AFRICAN ISLAM


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