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Polygamy Research Paper

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By definition, polygamy is the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time. Continuing from biblical times, polygamy has been commonly associated with the Mormon Church and television shows like Big Love or Sister Wives. Due to diverging beliefs between polygamists and monogamists on the sanctity of marriage and relationships, those who have multiple partners are looked at as pariahs and their beliefs as taboo. An analysis of the structure of polygamy reveals that it provides unity and financial stability; and should not be punishable or illegal.

Five Pillars of Islam

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F I VE P I L L A R S O F I S L A M Muslims must acknowledge Allah as the only god and Muhammad as his prophet. They must pray to Allah daily while facing Mecca. They must observe a fast during the daylight hours of the month of Ramadan They must contribute alms for the relief of the weak and poor. Those who are physically and financially able must undertake the hajj and make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca. J O U R N A L E N T R I E S 1. Dear Journal,

Early colonies of America notes 1

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?PAGE ? ?PAGE ?8? Ch. 3-4 Notes ? Colony Notes Outline #1 The Rise of Colonial America: 1625-1700 Puritans -wanted to bring Protestant Reformation into church of England and into the New World -Calvinism- predestination (God has already chosen who goes to heaven) and conversion (God would speak to you directly) -grew upset with ?deCatholicization? -King James I began to fear/persecute them Three divisions: Separatists ? -?Purest Puritans?- OUR PILGRIMS Congregationalists ? -reform; largest in America Presbyterians ? -get rid of Catholic rituals MAYFLOWER COMPACT -1608 First Separatists fled to Holland -over 12 years they became distressed by the ?Dutchification? of their children -1620 Some Separatists sailed on the Mayflower to Plymouth Bay


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N o t e b o o k H a n d o u t 1 ? Teachers? Curriculum Institute 2, Inc. 3 The Nature of Power, Politics, and Government Quotations About Power Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men. ?Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963 Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. ?Lord Acton, Letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, 1887 It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it. ?Aung San Suu Kyi, ?Freedom from fear? speech, 1990 Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. ?Mao Zedong Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon

AP world

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AP World History Karthik Narayanan PERSIA chart template Unit Date Range: 600 BCE-600 CE Africa Middle East Europe East Asia South Asia Southeast Asia Political Ritually Isolated Kings The Carthaginian people lived in north Africa. Persian Empire ruled; Cyrus? decedents. Ruled with a system of ?provinces?. Satraps governed each province. They reported to the ruler. The Roman republic was in public possession. Augustus ended the republic, made it the empire. Constantine moved capital and split country. Used Mandate of heaven to justify rule. If you pass the civil service exam you are part of Gentry. Great wall to keep xiongnu out. Ashoka was ruler who spread Buddhism. Gupta was a theater state. Maurya was first united India. Funan Empire

Chapter 15 Outline: Traditions and Encounters 5th Ed., Bentley&Ziegler

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Samuel Choi CHAPTER 15 OUTLINE Islamic and Hindu Kingdoms The Quest or Centralized Imperial Rule Harsha After the collapse of the Gupta dynasty, the idea of centralized rule did not completely disappear. King Harsha temporarily unified Northern India, and invaded the other kingdoms of northern India. By 612, he had subdued people who did not recognize his authority, and he started foreign relations with Tibet and China. Harsha was a generous ruler, giving free medical care and gifts to his subjects. He patronized scholars and himself wrote 3 plays. Collapse of Harsha?s Kingdom Harsha was unable to restore centralized rule, because local rulers had entrenched their authority too deply. His empire was held together by his attention and personality

Chapter 14 Outline: Traditions and Encounters 5th Ed., Bentley&Ziegler

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Samuel Choi CHAPTER 14 OUTLINE The Restoration of Centralized Imperial Rule in China The Sui Dynasty Establishment of the Dynasty Yiang Jian was the first Sui ruler Yang Jian appointed Duke of Sui in Northern China by Turkish ruler, who died in 580, left a 7-year old heir Yang Jian installed the boy as leader, but forced his abdication a year later and claimed the mandate of heaven. In the next decade, Yang Jian sent military into South and Central Asia, and by 589, ruled all of China. The Sui emperors had high demands from the people, had big construction projects, military expeditions, high taxes, and compulsory labor. The Grand Canal Most elaborate Sui project was the construction of the Grand Canal, one of world?s largest water projects.

Chapter 12 Outline: Traditions and Encounters 5th Ed., Bentley&Ziegler

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Sam Choi CHAPTER 12 OUTLINE Long-Distance Trade and The Silk Roads Network Trade Networks of the Hellenistic Era The frequency of long-distance trade increased during the Hellenistic era. This was mainly because of colonies established by the Seleucids and Alexander the Great in Persia and Bactria. Such settlements were originally populated by military and administrators, but later attracted Greek merchants, who connected such areas to the Mediterranean. Seleucids promoted trade, controlled trade routes between Bactria and rest of world. Ptolemies also focused on maritime as well as overland trade, defeated pirates and built new ports. The Monsoon System Ptolemaic mariners learned about monsoon winds and the wind cycle in the Indian basin

Chapter 5 Outline: American Government 9th Ed., Wilson&Dilulio

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Samuel Choi CHAPTER 5 OUTLINE: PUBLIC OPINION Introduction Abraham Lincoln described the government as ?of the people, by the people, and for the people?, but is it really true? The government does not always support what the people want. People want balanced budget, but the federal government is in debt People supported the Equal Rights Amendment, but it was not ratified Most people believe in a term limit for Senators and Representatives, but this has not been ratified. Such ?hypocrisy is present in the U.S. democracy. People believe that the government is democratic in name only also, but this is not completely true also. People can express their political rights: Can vote for President, Senate, and House of Representatives.

Chapter 4 Outline: American Government 9th Ed., Wilson&Dilulio

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Samuel Choi CHAPTER 4 OUTLINE: American Political Culture Introduction Complete dependence on a constitution(even the American Constitution) does not guarantee the survival of the government nor protection of liberties. The U.S. Constitution has been copied by many other nations. Examples include Argentina, Philippines, and Brazil. In nearly every instance, the constitution lasted a short time. Democratic rule lasts short time, and then is interrupted by events such as military takeover and corruption. Such a pattern was noticed by Alexis Tocqueville. Tocqueville found several reasons for the sole survival of the American Constitution The U.S. was more suited for such a Constitution.


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